How to Create a Field Update Workflow Rule in Salesforce

How to Create a Field Update Workflow Rule in Salesforce

Salesforce Emily

3 года назад

6,108 Просмотров

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@salesforceemily - 28.03.2022 15:59

Not the tutorial you’re looking for? Let know and I would add it to the list!

@IsaacCloud - 16.06.2022 16:05

Thank you for this tutorial! This made the process so easy.

@davemcquain462 - 14.06.2022 00:03

can this be utilized to update back and forth. for example, if I have the field, if I have "estimated ship date" on both an order and opportunity, can the order be updated and auto-update the opportunity, and vice-a-versa?

@kalyaniv2863 - 31.03.2022 04:44

Thank you nice explanation

@saman.akhgar - 03.12.2021 23:26

Thank you Emily.

@zerocool1884 - 23.02.2021 18:09

I have been asked to do the following: for any quote we have sent out that reaches the age of 6 months old or more without activity, to have a task created for the quote (oppo) owner to either follow-up or move to dead. Would getting that done be similar to this and the previous video?

@andreferreira6425 - 21.02.2021 07:22

thank you
