PyTorch Tutorial 16 - How To Use The TensorBoard

PyTorch Tutorial 16 - How To Use The TensorBoard

Patrick Loeber

4 года назад

78,263 Просмотров

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starblasters8 - 27.08.2023 02:44

Haven't finished the video yet so I apologize if you already fixed this / went over it. But I noticed around the 9 minute mark we're told to use "writer.add_graph(model, example_data.reshape(-1, 28*28))" which works, but only if you're using the CPU. As example_data is currently on the CPU (unless I did something wrong which is very possible). I'm using a GPU and all that was needed for me to fix it was change that to "writer.add_graph(model, example_data.reshape(-1, 28*28).to(device))" and boom problem solved. Anyways, awesome tutorials!!!

M. Kim
M. Kim - 21.06.2023 16:23

This helped me a lot. Thanks for your kind explanation!

Anirudh Gangadhar
Anirudh Gangadhar - 03.04.2023 18:06

Hi Patrick, I followed this tutorial but when I run the code and refresh the url, TensorBoard is not showing any images for me. Nothing happens, it just shows - "No dashboards are active for the current data set."
NOTE: I am running the program in Jupyter Notebook.

Favre Mirko
Favre Mirko - 29.11.2022 19:49


Favre Mirko
Favre Mirko - 29.11.2022 19:48


Favre Mirko
Favre Mirko - 29.11.2022 19:48


Favre Mirko
Favre Mirko - 29.11.2022 19:45


Ashwin Shetgaonkar
Ashwin Shetgaonkar - 19.10.2022 05:33

For running acc computation formula should be correct_count/(100*batch_size)

Farhâd Keyvân
Farhâd Keyvân - 17.10.2022 17:14

German ingenuity again.

Daniel H
Daniel H - 02.08.2022 01:31

For the life of me I could not get this to work. I had 10 problems right out of the gate; fixing one problem caused another to get worse. Tensorboard sometimes worked and then would stop. I've never been this frustrated with computer issues before. I'm giving up

Henning Schöpper
Henning Schöpper - 03.07.2022 15:10

Maybe a little late to the party. Nice Tutorial. The code for deriving a pr curve is particularly helpful. However, there is something wrong with the results. A "perfect" pr-curve (step function at "1") makes no sense. The curve should "fall off" as it approaches "1". Secondly: If you had built in a global step over several evaluation runs, then you could also have glided over the different PR curves in the tensor board, which is nice to see how the model learns.

Fatemeh Behrad
Fatemeh Behrad - 02.07.2022 05:23

Thank you so much for this helpful tutorial. 🍀🙏

Nougat Schnitte
Nougat Schnitte - 17.04.2022 15:42

Hello, why do you append the predicted data, when the documentation says that it needs to be ground truth? I find that a bit confusing :(

KRISHNA CHAUHAN - 22.11.2021 10:51

This tensorboard --logdir run is giving syntax error. What to do

Dina Moses
Dina Moses - 08.10.2021 15:31

Another great tutorial, thanks a lot! I have a small question: how can I clear TensorBoard?

sumit mishra
sumit mishra - 27.08.2021 11:53

at 10.22 if running_loss should be running_loss += loss.item() * inputs.size(0) as in transfer learning tutorial?

mudroc - 24.07.2021 14:41

very helpful! thanks. please keep uploading more tutorial for pytorch

Garrett Fullerton
Garrett Fullerton - 06.07.2021 19:35

This was really helpful, thank you!

Saleem jamali
Saleem jamali - 05.06.2021 08:31

sir could you upload videos on audio dataset by using pytorch?

Yi-Yun Hsieh
Yi-Yun Hsieh - 15.05.2021 14:31

May I ask ur VScode theme? Thank u

Aditya Agarwal
Aditya Agarwal - 30.04.2021 20:38

Nice tutorial, I just have one concern. Suppose that your batch_size is 64, in that case, you would have a total of 938 batches, with the first 937 batches having 64 examples, and the last batch having 32 examples. If we specify, (i+1)%100 == 0, then we are computing the average loss and accuracy for the 100 steps. But when the value of i exceeds 900, you would accumulate the loss and correct predictions for the remaining 38 batches, and then add them in the next epoch when the number of steps becomes a factor of 100 again (in this case 100). So, essentially, you would be computing the loss as [loss (38 steps from the last epoch) + loss (100 steps from the current epoch)] / (100) which would increase your loss and also increase the accuracy. Just wanted to highlight this. A good idea would be to add another variable called steps_seen, which is incremented every time a batch/step is processed and set that to 0 similar to running loss and correct predictions. In this way, even when you compute the loss when the current step is not an absolute factor of 100, you would still compute the loss and accuracy as -> [loss (38 steps from the previous epoch) + loss (100 steps from the current epoch)] / (38 + 100).

Awesome Science
Awesome Science - 04.03.2021 10:11

Are you from Germany? :)

Sumit Vaise
Sumit Vaise - 29.12.2020 22:46

Very clear. Thanks

Ramin Essalat
Ramin Essalat - 19.12.2020 00:28

Great Vid! I think you shouln't have appended predicted to your labels because that not the ground truth (correct label) and it is the estimated/predicted label, thats why you get a perfect PR curve

Pakhomov Viktor
Pakhomov Viktor - 04.11.2020 14:59

line 82 of your github code. You probably should .to(device) reshaped data?

Rizwan Shaukat
Rizwan Shaukat - 21.10.2020 06:54

hello python engineer! i am facing an issue, I have successfully installed tensorboard and it is running fine as well, whenever I try to run my code file and then refresh the tensorboard browser but it doesn't show any thing like images and graphs etc, one thing is very strange it is not showing any error too. but why I am not getting all images and graphs on the tensorboard browser..
please give me any solution,
I am using your given code to practice

Miscelanea - 19.10.2020 07:02

Excelent explanation! extremely useful, thanks

sey eeet
sey eeet - 07.09.2020 05:11

Hmmm shouldnot the last line of the code in line 157 the writer.close() be out of the for loop? what does the writer.close() do basically?

Cindi Nishimoto
Cindi Nishimoto - 20.08.2020 19:01

Hey, Patrick, thanks for the great Pytorch series. I hope you can keep making it and please send my special hugs to your single (and handsome) German friends... haha <3<3 ;)
Greetings from a funny Brazilian woman... :D

Abderrahmane Bououden
Abderrahmane Bououden - 19.08.2020 14:59

Hi sir, I have a problem in tensorboard with pytorch. the writer object can't be detected by tensorboard . "No dashboards are active for the current data set."

Hazem Ahmed
Hazem Ahmed - 06.08.2020 19:29

thank you so much!! this really amazing

Sara Al-Rawi
Sara Al-Rawi - 30.07.2020 21:32

Very well done!
I am watching your videos to revise my info. :D

sumit - 07.06.2020 21:11

Please make more videos on Pytorch concepts

EAS - 02.05.2020 15:27

Hello Python Engineer, thank you for this video, I relly found it helpful. I am having one challenge though, how can I run the visualisation on a gpu server (nvidia gou) that I want to use for my training?

Suraj Subbarao
Suraj Subbarao - 08.04.2020 08:46

Just finished the pytorch playlist. Loved your content. Will you making tutorials on RNN and LSTM with pytorch?

Xinqiao Zhao
Xinqiao Zhao - 31.03.2020 11:50

Hello, there is one issue in the line writer.add_graph, example_data should add a .to(device) function. And I have a question about the use of torch.stack, is the aim of this operation is transforming the data type of per batch from list to tensor? I'm a little confused

Abhilash Shankarampeta
Abhilash Shankarampeta - 31.03.2020 08:12

Can please make a tutorial on "How to use Weights and Biases"
