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@domina7909 - 07.06.2023 18:31

He's the guy that works a shit job has no power in his life so he comes to a game where he can act like a bully to feel like a big shot.
Had a GM like that....got kicked after telling him no wonder his wife left him after he verbally abused us in vent after a wipe because our healer dc'd

@gamergaming1012 - 08.06.2023 03:06

did you ever end up joining a healthier guild

@ChiiBomb - 24.06.2023 05:19

Bradin was a tough guy until the gm came back in the call 😂😂 his tune changed up quick

@giuseppechiarelli8675 - 07.07.2023 00:27


@evanwines688 - 11.07.2023 05:23

bro its always 2 boss on mythic guilds that act like this too lmao

@chasehunt4415 - 14.07.2023 04:51

Lol! Top ranked guild leaderships do not act like this guy.

@moggye2261 - 06.08.2023 01:09

I thought that was mythic or something who the hell are these lowlifes?

@xXBadapp1eXx - 08.09.2023 03:21

damn they way he talked to parker at the end was wild seems like everyone in the guild is afraid to say anything to this weirdo should of called him out on his bullshit

@necromentia6791 - 08.09.2023 23:29

i am so sick of guild leaders saying "people complaining to me about you" 99% its bullshit and there also overexagerating

@biggussdickuss6123 - 16.09.2023 06:56

I love being in a guild like this because I'm decent at the game so I never get botched at and I just enjoy the tension
I burped in a mike once and got kicked out of discord so i just left after getting loot they were like o your welcome just said thanks man peace

@georgeford3687 - 19.09.2023 01:42

Everytime I think of getting back into WoW I hear something like this. I also don't need to hear idiots who cant make a sentence without 5 fukns a sentence,.

@evilplatypus665 - 22.09.2023 06:38

How old is this man child lol?? He must have a late night sticky fingers uncle.

@rationalinsanity - 26.09.2023 16:15

This GM wasn't even half-bad when you listened to the whole clip to get his reasoning tbh, try doing some classic GDKPs and you'll find out what aggressive is hah

@killercloud5768 - 28.09.2023 08:04

This was pretty standard idk, I'm not surprised only a few folks left. I personally would have left because the leadership appears to be semi-retarded, but inherently, I don't see as much of an issue with what was said as the comments make it out to be, he just is shit at getting his point across and killing bosses.

I raided 5 days per week during this past tier (Aberrus), one with a guild who got Cutting Edge earlier in the tier, the other with a more casual group that got CE at the end of the tier. The approaches are different for different groups and progression goals, but shitting on people for being toxic because they want to play the way they want and attain better prog isn't a sin.

Mythic raiding is only friendly when everyone belongs there, if people don't belong there and underperform, there's no way to be "Non-toxic" about saying hey you're garbage, better join a different guild.

@seanjohnston1355 - 30.09.2023 18:38

Just want to know puppies name

@Terrafire34 - 16.10.2023 10:20

They only thing I need to know about this guy is when he says I put this guild together to help ME..

@adalbertootero9907 - 23.10.2023 03:52

Pretty he saying this guild isn't about you and me this is "about me and me" 😂

@arithelrosethorne524 - 25.10.2023 18:51

Lmfao "i'm not here to teach people how to play world of warcraft" this dude is a super giga chad. divinity sounds like a guild asmongold runs

@robinw9405 - 01.11.2023 05:50

Guilds are for office geeks, i dont ve a time for guild nor to hear some low lives screaming around, pug it and leave when its boring

@adverteasing - 17.11.2023 10:33

Star/Starfrost should uninstall WoW and cue up Hearthstone—what a douche.

@COREcasual - 22.11.2023 09:56

The obviously toxic player saying he's going to kick people who complain about him... and i guarantee he has all the excuses when he isn't at the top of the logs

@COREcasual - 22.11.2023 09:59

Toxic leaders like this are so delusional

@theoriginaldonutdude4950 - 01.12.2023 10:12

It’s a fucking video game

@Cydreeze - 03.12.2023 15:40

Im with the raid leader, people shouldnt be bad. Bradin and Ethan are bitches

@2game4me - 03.12.2023 17:59

they way he handel it as a guild leader was so bad it is inanse in the end of the day it is just a video game, the biggest thing in a guild is to have fun and give 0 fucks if stuff gose rong just have fun and when you have fun you will progres faster becuse then every one will listen to one and a nother to get better but no one is willing to put down time whit this toxic thinking. bro needs to look on him self and understand we are all just humans and IRL is alredy hard as it is and we play games to get away from the world but people him just want to be a dictator

@0121d1 - 04.12.2023 22:10

6/10 normal guild comms hahaha

@AppleSauce123 - 11.12.2023 01:54

Unfortunate that we didn't get more of an update, but the problem is 100% the toxic dipshit GM thinking he has some sort of power over people who can simply /gquit and find a better guild anyway. When multiple people are complaining about YOU, you're the problem.

@jaimeh8943 - 12.12.2023 03:16

I already work one stressful job where I have to meet deadlines and sit through meetings all day. I damn sure am not going to let of little people who want some power treat me like I’m
In at a second job. I’ve been playing wow for nearly 20 years and things have changed for the worse. It’s not fun to play if this is the kind of bs you have to deal with.

@jaimeh8943 - 12.12.2023 03:33

Dude said 10 hours a day for 7 weeks.. I heard he’s a loser in real life and the game is his life. That’s the problem, he’s a loser.

@s3rj81 - 29.12.2023 06:58

I made this guild, I chose the people to help ME! How narcissistic this moron! 😂

@maceface - 07.01.2024 08:14

Guild drama because that dude is a piece of shit and nobody plays a game to get yelled at by some neckbeard.

@thormighty76 - 10.01.2024 16:10

This guy is full of himself

@bustedsaint9442 - 12.01.2024 07:33

Hahaha imagine being an adult and having someone talk to you like this on a video game

@m.j.e.5245 - 19.01.2024 08:01

This dude is such a weeny, hope you got out of that shit guild, low skill people are the ones who talk like that

@powerplay074 - 25.01.2024 16:55

What the hell even pugs zerg normal while carrying 1/3 of the raid with no problems then theres this guild lmao

@rinleez - 26.01.2024 02:45

"I have anger issues to I'll continue to be angry and all of you should take it" lmao

@godsaccomplice638 - 28.01.2024 17:05

This is SO cringe. It's so cringe that I find it hard to imagine it's not a little bit of acting xD

@icresp4263 - 06.02.2024 13:59

This dude can not be a raid leader with that attitude. I know this is ancient and idek how I ended up here but god damn dude needs to chill. Talking like that doesn't make anyone play better.

@nope31567 - 06.02.2024 19:37

my guild has fun when we play its nice

@user-eb6gr1ux6w - 05.03.2024 19:48

Dude a sad GM in surprised ppl even in his guild must be down bad on them servers if there isn't no better guild

@itsnay7382 - 31.03.2024 15:46

when a gm is causing this much shit at the start of a expansion that's a fucking awful guild to be in

@toxicity791 - 26.04.2024 11:43

The fucking man-let complexes dude, holy shit

@AR15andGOD - 16.05.2024 03:57

If your god has more than one raid team, just leave. Mine has one single group that plays together and builds chemistry and is all on the same page, and we usually get aotc on the first night a raid comes out. As well as getting like60% through mythic with ease. Multi team guilds are a relic of the past that do more harm than good and hurt cohesiveness

@ryanedwards7298 - 26.05.2024 08:22

I can see why he spent ten hours a day building this guild lmfao

@FlyingWalnut - 28.05.2024 05:07

This dude has been working at Wal-Mart for 12+ years and it shows.

@Nesquick1121 - 11.06.2024 01:12

ethan earned alot of partipation trophies

@lucasboyd8139 - 13.06.2024 08:35

How can you be a man and let another guy talk down to you like that and just put up with it. These guys need to man up and G quit. Are pixel swords worth your dignity?! Geez.

@clyd1206 - 13.06.2024 09:56

From the outside, you guys sound like a bunch of bitches. OMG Toxic blahh blahh. If you cant handle being corrected, good luck ever being competetive.
