The Exalted Orb is DEAD... Divine Orbs are the New Top Currency?!

The Exalted Orb is DEAD... Divine Orbs are the New Top Currency?!

Big Ducks

1 год назад

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@BigDucks - 13.08.2022 02:54

@EkpyroticBounceHouse-DunderDan - 05.07.2023 00:30

I got a mirror leveling on my 3rd ever character at around level 35. When I saw that divines and exalts swapped I was devastated cuz all my shit was in exalts. Now, in retrospect I’m kind of glad because no one should be that rich that early and I had to really learn how to play after that

@Schdt - 17.04.2023 00:59

This all make perfect sense now - I was so confused by this “divine” prices. Didn’t expected ggg to actually make ex’s actual crafting currency.


@Lucid9host - 16.04.2023 08:13

i just got back into poe, didnt realize on league start. i traded a divine for a 5 link normal chest on day 5... literally got a divine in like act 5-6 and it was the highest currency i had aside from 1 chaos orb. if i would had known divines are so much more valuable now i would had tried to wait it out. now im in a tough spot until i get to grinding currency. im more of a casual player and seem to forget a lot about this game

@n3rdworldproblemz877 - 11.04.2023 16:24

So 3 months later how is it?

@christof2122 - 25.12.2022 21:40

I did not know this change happened, i like to play sometimes in standard this year (do not have the time to play more). This mean i just loose all my valuable currency last patch..... 250 exalt is now garbage... nearly 10 times less valuable.
I understand now why i had many buyers for a quantity support gem last time i was connected....

@thsscapi - 17.12.2022 01:44

I love Uniques, and I always aim to use as many Uniques as possible because crafting is too overwhelming for me. Divine Orbs has been my most-used mid-tier currency. This change is gonna massively suck for me. I really hope they make Uniques much better to make this change less extreme.

@epicwarding - 18.10.2022 12:25

The thing what killed POE for me was not this, but support ending for 21:9 and 32:9 aspect ratio gaming

imagine how many people have Ultrawide? and now 32:9 is also getting increasingly popular? dumb move by devs

@chriscrall1363 - 10.10.2022 20:54

I think I'd rather the names stay the same and swap the effects of them.

@justcausee - 14.09.2022 01:58

150c per divine in standard rn

@dairiskuznecovs7233 - 02.09.2022 13:11

imagine my dissapointment when i havent played for 2 leagues get ex drop at level 40 and think fuk yeah EZ MONEH and then i find out they cost 11 chaos......

@piffi9431 - 01.09.2022 04:26

This is Chris BFR Willson taking a steaming hot shit on the game just cus he can.

@midnightmonty - 30.08.2022 04:50

I think they should of kept the 6 link vendor the same. That at least wouldn't have completely thrown the economy into chaos

@georgehuestis3530 - 29.08.2022 06:31

You're right that the bottom won't drop much.

The reason is simple... a trade has to be X worth my time for me to engage in trading.

At league start, that might be 1 chaos, but by the end of a league I'm very unlikely to even attempt to sell anything for less than 10, and if the trade is for less than 20, I'll ask the buyer to wait until my map is done.

@KhakiDonMason - 26.08.2022 07:31

Divine orbs will end the game.

@subtletruth4794 - 24.08.2022 18:35

Yesterday I killed a unique monster in act 6 (twilight strand) and it dropped a divine orb. At the time I was unaware of the changes so I thought to myself "hey that's like 10 chaos or something.. lemme sell it".

Then I proceeded to check Poe trade only to be shocked at how much it was worth. Like I honestly thought there was something wrong lol, even after trading it for 129 chaos I was still thinking to myself.. there must be some mistake?!?!?!? I was able to buy some quality of life items for my build and it's crazy to think that it was even possible this early on.

I'm not complaining but exalts naturally has more weight and value in many ways compared to divine orbs.. it's just not the same

@JaB_ESP - 23.08.2022 16:28

Years and years creating a market around an orb, and now you change it... it won't work (if you understand markets, you will know why it will not work, it takes a long time to stabilize an ecosystem for a value in which it was not built). It's time to take a step back GGG, or you're going to frustrate the experience of many players months before promoting your new PoE2 game. Seriously, do something.

@spompofleks - 23.08.2022 15:56

Wow a whole 20 fussings .. GOLY JEE

@TheSanek1990 - 22.08.2022 13:37

You repeat sxame thing over and over for the first 3 minutes instead of going straight to the point.

@Luzarioth - 22.08.2022 10:52

I still find it wierd that in 2022 PoE still doesn't give you the option to trade out of your stash... i mean... if you are in someone Hideout, both of you have unlimited access to both your stashes so.... where is the point in keeping trade unnecessarily harder for items with high prices ?

@DmanDmax - 21.08.2022 23:43

It's hilarious how every time you think GGG can't get any worse and that they know how to try and fix their game, they pull shit like this. I thought they were actually making the game better, but then of course they had to backstab you with the 20 fusing recipe because you aren't allowed to have good things in this game.

@kondzio7517 - 21.08.2022 16:49

why your flask is still using? :) nice cheats!

@antoniosalinas8178 - 20.08.2022 21:26

this is the bullshiest change that GGG have made in the recent time.

@valdeck553 - 20.08.2022 08:35

When playing the season, it doesn't matter much cause you're starting from zero, but those playing standard got screwed!

Suddenly, the exalted orbs lost about 60% of the purchasing power.
It's not fair!

Looks like inflation, has caught up even with the exalts.

@SitKid721 - 19.08.2022 22:42

it kinda feels bad i used over 1.3k divines rolling Ventor's Gamble last league

@347LUKAS - 19.08.2022 10:48

what I think is going to happen is chaos is gonna be less than ex and divine with high chaos cost will be measured in exalts

@hindurashtra63 - 19.08.2022 10:20

GGG : You need to spend 2000 Fusings to 6L an Item
GGG : Selling a 6L Item gives you 20 Fusings..

@fireinpoe9317 - 19.08.2022 07:57

"10 divines per hour" u gonna get used to in literally 2 weeks bro :) its gonna sound the same

@jeskay - 19.08.2022 03:42

Well, it's like bulk trading maps, beasts, jewels, etc... full inventory for couple ex. Don't see any problem, unless price for 1 divine goes 600c+
If you are not flip bot, you don't need more than 1-2 ex (divine orbs) most of thetime

@hitlord - 19.08.2022 02:16

Yeah, I was just talking to other people earlier about how this will affect the market.

Let's say a certain unique 6 linked used to cost 5 ex, which would translate to around 750c. We had those beautiful numbers going already because we knew the rarity of exalts, how many uses it had, etc. Now, we know exalts are supposed to be same rarity as divines, but we have almost no way of acquiring divines other than the orb just plain dropping. We also no longer have a true value for exalted orbs, since the most important crafts with them have been changed to the far rarer divine orb. This means an exalt will at most go for 50, and this is mostly already being generous.

What do you think is more likely, that market will compensate those 500c they just lost on the 5ex item by bumping it to 15 (which is just wishful thinking, since this same item is now rarer as well), or the much worse "simpler" solution of changing to selling for Divines which would be horrendous overall because divines will be just as rare as mirror (honestly, a mirror is now less rare than a divine, considering how many mirror divination cards are in the game)? (Both solutions are atrocious for non-all day players.)

Because honestly, I'm not expecting the entire PoE market to operate out of the goodness of their hearts, specially now that those uniques will become rarer, and say "nah, let's price like it's last league still."

Honestly, this change was the worst thing they could have done. If they wanted to bump the value of unique rolls, they should have just increased the rarity of divines, and changed the 6link recipe to give 5 divine shards (and also add those shards to the game). This will ruin the game for casual people. Even more.

@Dizzinator2114 - 19.08.2022 01:49

I would like to see exalts cheap but I’m not sure because basically what people are suggesting is the only reason exalts were the go to currency was due to metacrafts and I find that hard to believe.

@naruka777 - 18.08.2022 23:11

They're realistically never gonna fix trade unless the peak playercount of a league drops below a significant threshold. It's like their pocket ace that they've been waiting to use for years.

People complain about trade being the MAIN driving factor of people quitting the game every single league, it's ALWAYS the most upvoted post every single league, content creators talk about how awful trade feels and they've done jackshit about it.

The best they've done is copy-past a forum thread they made years ago saying ''well, trading is made tedious so that players who are ahead of the curve are forced to have a more tedious trading experience, slowing them down (which is an horrible argument considering all the top teams have dedicated traders that are paid just to trade for 1-2weeks straight).

Having a tedious trading system literally incentivizes people into getting trade bots, which, I don't blame them.


Trade bots, as it currently stands, are probably the best QOL in the game


But hey, since ziz is making a tradeleague playthrough for this league and Chris watches him religiously, maybe he'll finally see what people mean when they say that trade is horribly outdated in POE.

@behemoth123 - 18.08.2022 19:37

I have a dumb qestion: this changes is only lasts 3 months? Standard league wont be affected ?

@Noartisthere - 18.08.2022 15:56

So farm palace for sepherot, vendor all six links before next league if you care about standard, vendor timeless jewels and poorly rolled uniques. Don't play builds that require divine hungry items. I wonder how much exalted orbs will cost next league. 20c?

@TheHomeless99 - 18.08.2022 15:41

Cool video.
What mic do u use?

@bastih.6081 - 18.08.2022 15:36

i guess they gonna change the devinition cards to devine, leaving it like this would make no sense for me...

@bytoadynolastname6149 - 18.08.2022 15:22

Well, at least the irritating archnem mods will have their effects back, let us all pray for currency explosions.

@cur1ousbanana - 17.08.2022 14:23

exalted divine orbs

@langtonmwanza6689 - 17.08.2022 14:02

2 divines at a time.....yikes

@gordonbman2911 - 17.08.2022 14:01

All these speculations, im pretty sure the market will make "kinda" fair prices for Divines and Exalts after 1-2 weeks

@lucascauduro6865 - 17.08.2022 13:54

10 divines per hour just doesnt hit the same, i'm laughing way harder then i should with this kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

@taiwanisacountry - 17.08.2022 10:17

I have played enough POE to know that divine and ex have the same drop rate. You never find a divine dropping, and you never find an ex dropping.

@Karim-nm8fm - 17.08.2022 03:04

On what you mentioned last. We can all agree that an auction house system would greatly improve trading QoL.

@tuomas3505 - 16.08.2022 23:08

Lol and how about Blessed Orbs? They have been worthless for years now.

@camcrowe4374 - 16.08.2022 23:06

waiting for the ingame bazaar patch since 2013

@gieweldeguzman9691 - 16.08.2022 22:31

At first I thought it was a virus, but after checking the comments

@stefansabadis5469 - 16.08.2022 21:56

fucking shit changes. will miss Exalts, wont miss the game.

@Despond - 16.08.2022 18:39

If I cared about standard I'd vendor all my tabulas there.

@philippkramer3001 - 16.08.2022 17:39

10 D/hour doesn't sound too bad

@Bauermayers - 16.08.2022 16:58

I hated this. Was thinking about coming back from the break I toook after 3.17, but no. I'll stick with FF XIV and wait and see what players think of 3.19. I don't have the time nor the patience to relearn stuff now.
