[Binance Futures][Part 1] MACD Automated Trading Program (Python API)

[Binance Futures][Part 1] MACD Automated Trading Program (Python API)

Bitone Great

2 года назад

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@ricardospinoza4063 - 22.02.2023 02:19

Tks for implementation. In code two variables not used "entryprice = float(c1['entryPrice'])" and "order_amount = trade_size_in_dollars / price". are they not used?

@minhdao1622 - 26.11.2022 21:39

I used your code to generate macd index but it's wrong compare to exchange index , please recheck

@arefrrafiee7546 - 11.09.2022 21:11

Thanks. What is the name of the library you are using?

@tradervader9936 - 22.05.2022 06:55

are u use this algo in real market?) profitable or no ?)

@christa8395 - 30.04.2022 01:48


@linas1211 - 16.04.2022 10:52

Hello, bought some of your code just now, keep up the tutorials rolling plz :D. As you are explaining every step as you code it really helps me to learn. Is there a chance that in the future you will make some kind of strategy backtesting tutorial? Also i have 1 quiestion, is it possible to make a trading bot with order execution, and at the same time visualise the python code strategy using animation with live feed from binance or bybit, or it has to be different projects?
