This Necromancer Build Order is OP | Evil Dead The Game Demon Gameplay

This Necromancer Build Order is OP | Evil Dead The Game Demon Gameplay


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Your Microwave
Your Microwave - 01.03.2023 21:44

When you win so much you want to give the survivors a chance

Your Microwave
Your Microwave - 01.03.2023 21:26

Proximity traps are better than portals, a proximity trap can damage the survivor(s) upon triggering it

Omegasutoraiki _
Omegasutoraiki _ - 25.11.2022 03:24

the ai in this game loves to run into the sunset for some reason when there is no players around.
I really wish they just walked around in an area where they were summoned until they see a player instead.

Remember Freedom
Remember Freedom - 22.11.2022 08:19

Gang the flute guy :)

The Grand Inquisitor
The Grand Inquisitor - 29.07.2022 08:07

Loved the "mtg mono white weenies" ref. Azorius all the way

JJ Games
JJ Games - 30.06.2022 03:57

I'm a NOOB I learned a lot in the first 10 minutes lol

Wegarax - 28.06.2022 03:04

But u don't want to let them collect Stuff... so if u see them on the map or u find them early... just RUSH them and hurt them as much as u can... it gives u tons of Points/Level and decreases the ammount of Heals they have, can be a pain in the butt if ignore them the first 10 Min of the Game.

d4ny - 19.06.2022 21:33

lol i don't understand why teams of survivors spread out across the map like they're playing dbd

bobby sidway
bobby sidway - 16.06.2022 15:12

All the demons are so overpowered don't be surprised if they get a Nerf. You can literally spawn possessed demons throughout the whole game which is ridiculous

Xagnarok - 13.06.2022 09:19

as always... those kind of game is unbalanced....

Balla_Lemon - 12.06.2022 22:43

I see ''OP'' in the title so i dislike.

danielj1992ozzy - 11.06.2022 15:52

It bothers me he has 57,000 xp he can put on the necromancer but doesn’t 😂

John Capewell
John Capewell - 11.06.2022 14:19

I cannot stop playing as this demon. The build I have done has me winning 95% of my games. Had a session yesterday and must have had around 10 games with not a single loss. Never in my life have I played a multiplayer game where I get such a high win rate. Rarely any frustration so maybe they do need to nerf a few things. Ive managed to max out basic, elite and boss units. My elite unit is the most powerful and has dropped 3 survivors in 1 swift combo.

Massive hint: unlock both basic and elite units as soon as you can. Then whilst you collect energy and lay traps also spawn both units when you can as doing all this together boosts your demon level so quickly. Once both units are unlocked pool your points into energy so its always the highest rank it can be. I also have it where the delay time between spawning units is the lowest time it can be which makes this strategy plausible. Might not level up as quick with this. You an also only have 1 prox portal per unit active at any time. Trying to spawn a 2nd of the same unit gets rid of the 1st one. So when your spawning to just increase level early game spawn portal where the units instantly jump out the portal.

Literally the only time I struggle is when a team fully works together but even then I still manage to destroy the book. Every other time the survivors don't even manage to collect both the pages and dagger before they are dead 🤣

Mythical Twinkie
Mythical Twinkie - 09.06.2022 12:50

I'm pretty sure that the actually explanation for Up and Cars 2 having the same jungle set is simply they were too lazy to make a new set lmao.

Angry Cheetos
Angry Cheetos - 09.06.2022 00:28

This build is really strong when it's 1 or 2 people you're going against but if the group is smart and stays together this build really struggles.

ScrewedTape SSS
ScrewedTape SSS - 08.06.2022 23:30

Hex: thrill of the flute

Walrus Man
Walrus Man - 08.06.2022 22:14

I am 1000% loving the evil dead content.

Aglaeca - 08.06.2022 06:31

In the same breath: “woah woah woah chill chill chill…. Yeah bitch EAT THIS SHIELD BITCH!!”

Love tofu 🤣

Jah - 06.06.2022 21:54

While lotta talking but not much explaining..

Eric James
Eric James - 05.06.2022 22:13

I wish the teams I fought played this badly lol. I'm always against seal team 6

Jorge Carrera
Jorge Carrera - 05.06.2022 21:52

Yea I've never seen your DBD videos I don't think, but I love the way you played and described things in this game. Would definitely watch more

Its_Smoggy - 04.06.2022 14:59

when you didnt just go to terminal station and drop a basic portal and a flute boy nearby and just possess and wipe the team... that hurt.

BrandonR6 - 03.06.2022 08:48

The flutist sucks balls, as soon as you put it down the survivors just run and look for it..

Christopher Jabat
Christopher Jabat - 02.06.2022 08:50

this game is boring and so survivor sided

scgamerd - 02.06.2022 05:38

Only takes 1 coward to figure out a glitch/exploit to ruin a game for everyone on lobby

antoine labbe
antoine labbe - 31.05.2022 19:05

Thanks mate I watched your video on my lunch break and when i got home I started a game as demon and I got my first win :)

Harvington - 31.05.2022 19:03

i been enjoying this game so much. its so much more balanced then dbd and the demons actually have power and arent easily bullied and harrassed.

OmnipotentPunch - 31.05.2022 01:53

I haven't played the game yet but one thing I absolutely love so far just by looking at this is how when your the killer you have that iconic camera where your like zooming through the forest and it really looks just like in the movies when the camera did it in them lol.

Evil Alucard 13 Gaming
Evil Alucard 13 Gaming - 30.05.2022 02:16

The flute range is 150 ft. Level 45 Evil Ash is a boss. Put your build into basic, elite and evil ash summons. That way you can constantly overwhelme with skeletons. 3 basics per summon, 2 elites per spawn every 35 seconds. Basically, get to threat 15 asap, and you can win only using summons before they get all 3 map pieces

Christopher CDeBaca
Christopher CDeBaca - 30.05.2022 00:53

How far can you put your flute skeleton to buff?

BANANA MAN - 28.05.2022 20:49

question oh tofu if you have more than one flute dude do they stack buff damage

FaceFallen - 28.05.2022 09:41

Nah bc everytime I spawn a dooter he gets hunted within miliseconds lmao

dkres82 - 27.05.2022 06:19

Love the MTG comparison for the strat.

Gungorim - 27.05.2022 02:10

I wonder how Tofu feels about this build now that he made that hunter class video lol

Evolved Dinosaur
Evolved Dinosaur - 26.05.2022 21:09

Dang, didn’t know you play Magic: The Gathering. Wouldn’t mind seeing some Arena on the channel, especially if you’re now experimenting with other games!

suburbanassasin - 26.05.2022 09:29

So ash hand traps do a small amount of damage and raise fear mini ash's steal ammo ;) additionally chest traps boost your level significantly higher than mob traps

Andrés Inglés
Andrés Inglés - 26.05.2022 01:51

I never knew Tofu was a Magic: The Gathering player ?! That’s awesome !!

Spazghetti - 25.05.2022 05:37

This game looks like Friday the 13th mixed with Evolve

KingsOfKings - 25.05.2022 04:43

Healers are strong asf in this game

Mack server
Mack server - 24.05.2022 21:22

Big nerf coming for all demons. I've been playing all three and I lose one out of ten games 😂

Blueberry Pancakes
Blueberry Pancakes - 24.05.2022 17:51

This game is obviously DBD but it also gives me like evolve vibes, looks really fun

Forhan - 24.05.2022 16:53

Been waiting for people to make videos like these, every game I’ve played as demon the game just seems one sided as hell

Player None
Player None - 24.05.2022 08:54

Dowsey has a good vid on finding survivors quickly. Basically open the map when you first spawn, look at your position vs the dagger and book objectives, and see which corners of the map are farthest from those. Its been working for me and I consistently find survivors within a couple minutes.

harrieth shilling
harrieth shilling - 24.05.2022 07:47

I love all the all the Demons but Necro is my fav I love the medieval look and the skeleton. I feel like the game is pretty balanced. A good Demon can win and good survivor can beat the hell out Demons. I can't wait for more

Vulkan He'stan
Vulkan He'stan - 24.05.2022 07:30

Game looks great. You think it'll ever come to a reputable vendor on PC?

T H - 24.05.2022 05:30

How many times did you say basically?

Brat Boy
Brat Boy - 24.05.2022 01:53

I love the idea of branching out like this!

Shawn Gilbert
Shawn Gilbert - 23.05.2022 19:31

I just started playing. Im going to try that build. It looks really fun.

Jacquie - 23.05.2022 19:30

"his weapon swings super fast" nah he's abusing a bug which allows him to animation cancel. hope that gets fixed soon
