Launch Camera with OpenCV in Android Studio & Process Frames | Android Deep Learning with OpenCV #3

Launch Camera with OpenCV in Android Studio & Process Frames | Android Deep Learning with OpenCV #3

Ivan Goncharov

5 лет назад

26,844 Просмотров

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PAN1K - 25.09.2019 00:55

I copied your code and when I run the app it always pop the message "There's a problem, yo!", what's going wrong? Is it possible that some changes from dependencies migrating to AndroidX affecting the whole thing?

meriem mari
meriem mari - 22.03.2023 00:12

I did every thing step by step why it does not work🥲

Dimas Prayitna
Dimas Prayitna - 31.08.2022 15:29

So much efforts you give to make the whole tutorials. Salute !! 👍👍

R G - 08.08.2021 04:22

Camera is black :(

ant m
ant m - 30.07.2021 16:37

starting from this point. Do you know some functions to convert each frame to YUV mat format and only keep the Y?
and some function to decode a stripes message?
like black and white stripes and convert to bits: black stripe bit 0 and white stripe bit 1.

Paul Kozlowski
Paul Kozlowski - 07.07.2021 18:15

Thanks for the video, was helpful for me!

Anshumaan Mishra (RA1811028010076)
Anshumaan Mishra (RA1811028010076) - 22.04.2021 06:51

Can you tell me how to add a code to process an image(face) using open CV?

Dima Da
Dima Da - 01.04.2021 19:13

Great Job, thank you!
However for this line
cameraBridgeViewBase = (JavaCameraView)findViewById(;
gettting error:
"Inconvertible types; cannot cast 'android.view.View' to ''"
Any ideas please?

Momen - 19.02.2021 00:26

When I want to add the (org.opencv..Java.. Etc)
In the xml activity, there is a error, what is the problem?

Don't think Just Do It
Don't think Just Do It - 03.01.2021 13:54

Hey hii
I have issue in app
Like it's say camera is not able to support or locked
But as u told I have gave permission in mobile.
Please tell the solution for this

Brenna Lopes
Brenna Lopes - 01.12.2020 04:33

Hi Ivan! How are you ? I am studying OpenCV and Android Studio,because I need to use the emulador of Android Studio to view the end of the app without using my cellphone. What should I change in this code to accomplish this ? Thanks. Brenna

Zahera Abu Hantash
Zahera Abu Hantash - 27.11.2020 20:30

Thanks for this video, I want to ask how could I change the size of the frame (cause I need to reduce the frame resolution) on the onCameraFrame() method?

Anurag Tiwari
Anurag Tiwari - 27.11.2020 08:14

Sir my Android studio version is 4.1.1 and I also download 4.1.1 version of OpenCV but I am not able to import module in my project... that's why I downloaded the version of OpenCV 3.4.2 in this version I successfully configured my Android studio with OpenCV but my camera is not opening : Please help me

Zahera Abu Hantash
Zahera Abu Hantash - 12.11.2020 21:06

Thanks for this tutorial! but where can I find the code? could you please provide me with the link?

Mital Modhavadiya
Mital Modhavadiya - 03.11.2020 17:19

I am getting an error in the colors.xml file.
error: Can't determine type for tag '<component name="ChangeListManager">
<list comment="" default="true" id="eb6cf1d8-81af-45be-bd94-7516748c1b6f" name="Default Changelist"/>

Shivam Anand
Shivam Anand - 18.10.2020 11:26

Thank you very much for uploading the code in Github. It really helped me a lot

Elmohandes Alaa Ezz
Elmohandes Alaa Ezz - 04.10.2020 04:36

nice tutorial i need tutorial for face unlock login using opencv or any liberary

KOTHAMASU SAI RAHUL - 12.08.2020 16:13

The minSdk version should not be declared in the android manifest file. You can move the version from the manifest to the defaultConfig in the build.gradle file.
Remove minSdkVersion and sync project
Affected Modules: openCVLibrary345
I got this error how can I solve this

Caleb McKinney
Caleb McKinney - 19.07.2020 22:39

This tutorial was great, thank you so much! I'm a high school student and I was able to follow along perfectly. I love your energy!

sulman yousaf
sulman yousaf - 13.07.2020 23:43

how can we record that output video in real time please i really need it

paul joseph
paul joseph - 13.07.2020 12:51

Good job bro.. Very good videos

Joshua Liu
Joshua Liu - 10.07.2020 08:25

Hi, how do I change back camera to front camera? and will code still work? Sincere

Leon Chitondwe
Leon Chitondwe - 07.07.2020 06:57

thanks Ivan, its working great!!!

Mason Jack
Mason Jack - 03.06.2020 18:51

Hi I'm watching the video you uploaded so well
I want to use real-time smartphone screen recording as an input for YOLO to detect objects in the smartphone screen. Can you give some advice?

thewilfar777 - 02.06.2020 05:16

Super cool Android series! take your like, good sir!

Rishiraj Sawant
Rishiraj Sawant - 13.05.2020 17:04

Hi Ivan, you have done a great job by uploading this series of OpenCV. I am doing my Master thesis project in OpenCV Android and I have to implement those algorithms which are not yet implemented for android so all these videos will help me, thanks a lot!!! I am currently executing this code, all is working fine, just I am getting inverse orientation. Android Studio and OpenCV versions are latest and thus in the latest Android Studio build, android:screenOrientation="fullSensor" is used instead of android:screenOrientation="landscape", any help will be appreciated!!

Aradya Mahesh
Aradya Mahesh - 21.04.2020 19:09

Brother my android studio doesnot display hints for methods , example when i type implements CameraBrid .. it doesnot pop up remaining text :)

Nelson Gabriel Gonzalez
Nelson Gabriel Gonzalez - 20.03.2020 03:15

Hi Ivan I've followed every step of your tutorial and the App is working fine so far, thanks a lot. This is when a 51 years old guy learns from a 3 times younger guy. Big hug from Argentina!!!

Nelson Gabriel Gonzalez
Nelson Gabriel Gonzalez - 19.03.2020 23:04

OpenCV mad scientist style...

Tanay Patankar
Tanay Patankar - 31.01.2020 21:27

I tried my code(97% similar) and your code. Both give the result of a blank screen. No idea why this is happening. Any help for troubleshooting or solving this problem?

Belzebub Santos
Belzebub Santos - 20.01.2020 04:53

Thank you what a great help!
anywayss can you do a tutorial about Android Studio w/ OpenCV and TensorFlow?

adarsh dubey
adarsh dubey - 13.01.2020 12:52

getting blank screen now. gave permissions and all

sneha rao
sneha rao - 27.12.2019 17:39

How can I build a happiness detector app using opencv??

yubing yan
yubing yan - 19.12.2019 10:00


Vasanth Ragu
Vasanth Ragu - 19.12.2019 09:10

Hi.. I got an error.. Could not identify launch activity: Default Activity not found
Error while Launching activity. I dont know how to solve this... Could you please help me

Magnus Felinto
Magnus Felinto - 13.12.2019 06:01

Ivan meu amigo você é um rapaz que eu admiro, parabéns pelo trabalho.

jesuscc9 - 11.12.2019 05:09

Hi, mi camera is like rotated, what can i do?

Fadhil Azmi
Fadhil Azmi - 06.12.2019 12:46

Can you give me your android studio program that is done with all the codes and stuff so i can just run it on my android studio. Thank you :)

krish doshi
krish doshi - 06.12.2019 11:19

hey i need your help in the project m trying to build a android app with object detection giving a voice feedback for blind people. Can u help me in the project

Harsh Handoo
Harsh Handoo - 04.12.2019 21:26


MaoYi Fan
MaoYi Fan - 17.11.2019 17:16

Thank you Ivan, you're doing a great job!

Siska Armalivia
Siska Armalivia - 13.11.2019 18:38

thanks for this tutorial

Yehonatan Peleg
Yehonatan Peleg - 12.11.2019 03:33

thx due, helped a lot

dashanjot singh
dashanjot singh - 10.11.2019 12:27

I'm getting error "opencv not initialized correctly application will be shut down" ?

Manicka Raja
Manicka Raja - 17.10.2019 14:04

hey dude, when build the app and run on my device, it keeps saying that the app "KEEPS STOPPING". I really don't have any idea about why it is always stopping, and I run it on Android 10, I've also compiled the code without any error(have set min sdk & target sdk correctly)..... do you have any idea, please do let me know, Thanks a lot for tut dude/>

Gerard Barbosa
Gerard Barbosa - 15.10.2019 00:22

Gracias, funcionó muy bn. ESpero lograr hacer algunas otras cosas con OpenCv, No habia podido instalarla, trate con opencv4.1.1 pero no la reconoce, en cambio con la 3.4.6 funciono correctamente.
