Make Android App Similar to WhatsApp Tutorial 40 Android Studio Requests Fragment

Make Android App Similar to WhatsApp Tutorial 40 Android Studio Requests Fragment

Muhammad Ali's Coding Cafe

5 лет назад

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@frostmourne4598 - 01.06.2021 18:11

I realized that the standard font size is incompatible with specific phones (like mine). To change the font size of the tabs, I have figured that we can use the following:
case 0:
SpannableString Chats = new SpannableString("Chats");
Chats.setSpan(new AbsoluteSizeSpan(11, true), 0, 5, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
return Chats;

case 1:
SpannableString Groups = new SpannableString("Groups");
Groups.setSpan(new AbsoluteSizeSpan(11, true), 0, 6, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
return Groups;

case 2:
SpannableString Contacts = new SpannableString("Contacts");
Contacts.setSpan(new AbsoluteSizeSpan(11, true), 0, 8, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
return Contacts;

case 3:
SpannableString Requests = new SpannableString("Requests");
Requests.setSpan(new AbsoluteSizeSpan(11, true), 0, 8, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
return Requests;
P.S. Sincerely hope that everyone benefits from this.

@intesartaieb8590 - 06.07.2019 10:17

thank you , you make my day everyday

@rupaprajapati6129 - 07.05.2019 11:14

Sir i want documentation.

@reality-of-united-arab-emirate - 11.01.2019 23:37

Whats the point of watching his tutorial when he dosent help when there is error or problem

@alexeytarasov4513 - 20.11.2018 00:25

dear my .RequestsFragment RED! help me please

@HS-oz6jt - 08.11.2018 21:28

Can you accept the follow on Instagram?

@jeffersonayopela6765 - 16.09.2018 19:38

Continue the Group Chat Activity haha as soon as possible thanks Sir :) Your so great

@nouraboulfad3562 - 16.09.2018 10:28

plz can you give us code sours

@kchcreation7720 - 16.09.2018 07:25

Sir please continue social network app..iam waiting.. Sir please..
