Bernie Explains Fox News Town Hall | HuffPost Politics

Bernie Explains Fox News Town Hall | HuffPost Politics


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@Clovistoolsdotcom - 11.08.2019 07:02

HuffPost is really all negative on any republican and all positive on democrats. Kinda weird no balance at all

@missionman4539 - 24.07.2019 18:20

Poor Bernie he didn’t stand a chance in the last Democratic nomination because Hillary had that all fixed. I feel sorry for the guy. He’s also sorely misguided! They’re accusing fox of biased reporting? No the huff post doesn’t do that LOL

@gunnarg58 - 28.05.2019 16:06

Huffpost why are you smearing tulsi gabbord?

@MsJeffreyF - 27.04.2019 17:27

What about CNN? Seemed like a worse town hall from the clips I've seen

@AnimeBeefRandoms - 26.04.2019 10:50

Most of the mainstream media in left wing propaganda, just like what huffpost is!

@ecdctech - 26.04.2019 01:27


@sladdypatty4535 - 25.04.2019 03:05

Rather be lied to than have my money stolen

@zerosparky9510 - 25.04.2019 02:53

i will give Bernie credit for doing this. but he still is an idiot fool and will never get my vote of me or my wife or daughter. idiot

@sereanaduwai8313 - 24.04.2019 09:31

Bernie has more guts than people seem to think. He is not scared to go into the lions den to prove a point.

@DrDanDungus - 24.04.2019 02:28

"Are you worried that you're giving the network legitimacy?"

Are you fucking kidding me? What a ridiculous question.

@ProblematicBitch - 23.04.2019 23:22

If bernie isn't elected president in 2020 america is officially cancelled

@carnivorepolice5-0 - 23.04.2019 21:30

Huffpost calling other networks propaganda? Lol oh man laugh for the day.

@cattigereyes1 - 23.04.2019 19:12

Bernie Sanders is the best choice for president watch as the DNC and Republicans shut him out of the race like last time! The one percent can not stand for a system that does not give them everything!

@bobbyharper8710 - 23.04.2019 19:01

Bernie would give the far left a wish list of activist far left judges.

@Warrenmitchum - 23.04.2019 18:18

Socialism isn’t a fix for what problems your seeing and calling capitalism.

@dadsonworldwide3238 - 23.04.2019 16:44

We learned mr socialism isnt heros with his wealth as hes never donated more to charity than the max tax break so he dont live as he preaches that's for sure.

@BlvkColossus - 23.04.2019 16:04


@davidram9511 - 23.04.2019 14:41

Stay true Bernie ,keep fighting , don't die till you do

@frankpeter6851 - 23.04.2019 10:15

I don't like trump supporters.
One of the few things I agreed with hilary on. They are deplorable.
Sorry! But is fascism a choice.

@andredingstertsao - 23.04.2019 05:14

Bernie is great. But you can’t just run on going against trump. It is easy to go against something. But it doesn’t give you the win though.

@cobraracer46 - 23.04.2019 03:44

Bernie for President and Tulsi for Vice President!🇺🇸😀

@bigfan1041 - 23.04.2019 01:59

''most of that station is right wing propaganda''

@superfreiheit1 - 22.04.2019 23:13

Populists voters would vote for him, but only if he would get hard right on immigration.

@davidmaione2742 - 22.04.2019 22:42

Bernie is going to lose in glorious fashion in 2020. Trump will absolutely annihilate this old hunchback.

@gnova7 - 22.04.2019 22:06

bernie 2020

@dasaggropop1244 - 22.04.2019 21:40

bernie did well. i was actually surprised how well. also how fair it was. i expected much more flak and bias.

@4malulz104 - 22.04.2019 21:00

How can you expect this man to defend the country when he couldn't defend a stage microphone from two irate black women?

@Soupie23 - 22.04.2019 20:56


@JoJoModding - 22.04.2019 20:19

To everyone shitting on the interviewer here, this was recorded before the town hall. She didn't know how it would turn out.

@Timbrock1000 - 22.04.2019 20:12

SANDERS IS NO STRANGER TO APPEALING TO CONSERVATIVES! As a Senator in 2000, it wasn't uncommon in rural Vermont, (which is very conservative) to see yards in front of homes sporting BOTH Bush AND Sanders signs! Many folks there voted Bush for President, but also liked and voted for Sanders for Senate.
In 2016, Bernie was an honored speaker at ( ready for this?) LIBERTY UNIVERSITY! (Yes, that Liberty University!!), one of the most conservative Universities in America. Despite he making it clear that there was a lot he and they disagreed on, he was welcomed, cheered, and applauded many many times during his speech.
Mr. Falwell later spoke of how much he respects Sanders.

@edwardhill9620 - 22.04.2019 20:01

At this point, I like Buttigieg better than Bernie. But I think Bernie's view of going on Fox Town Halls is absolutely right and he did a great job last week. Kudos to him. And I hear Klobachar and Buttigieg are following his lead. Thank you Bernie!

@the-potato-warrior - 22.04.2019 19:58

Bern got wrecked getting out of a tub

@JOEL6780 - 22.04.2019 19:52

Best human for the job! 👍

@Mkalx18 - 22.04.2019 19:44

You know I find it very interesting that Bernie had to explain why he was going on fox, defend his decision, and kill his performance, but NONE of those who are following his example have to do anything remotely similar. Hey Huffpost, where are the questions for Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Inslee, and the rest who are agreeing to go on Fox????

@johnsolo1439 - 22.04.2019 19:43

Trendsetter Bernie next Kamala is doing the same!

@trippingtonproductionsco.7641 - 22.04.2019 19:40

Bernie please free the sheep! It saddens me to see half my country a slave

@mikeydevine137 - 22.04.2019 18:41

And the huff post isn’t left wing propaganda? Or cnn

@randomthoughtstoday - 22.04.2019 18:31

Smart move by Bernie

@devinanderson9520 - 22.04.2019 18:19

At the point we need to separate the DNC left and the real progressive left. The DNC is becoming as dangerous for America as republicans. They would rather fight conservatives then win them over with progressive policies

@devinanderson9520 - 22.04.2019 18:16

The father of American social democrats and socialist democrats!

@cancerino666 - 22.04.2019 18:03

Props to Bret Baier for being one of the few people with some integrity at Fox News

@joanneebruno2033 - 22.04.2019 18:01

He should not have to explain himself I call BS

@CMontgomeryBurns09 - 22.04.2019 18:01

Did Donald Trump "betray" them or did he give them exactly what he told them he would, which was celebutard jeering, divisive rhetoric, terrorizing immigrants, and "trolling the libs?" People keep focusing on Donald's offhand "promise" to protect social security as if it was a main feature of his 2016 campaign; it wasn't.

@preachermike - 22.04.2019 17:56

Sad that Bernie still doesn't get it. We voted for Trump because he was better than Hillary Clinton. That's the same Hillary Clinton who cheated him out of the nomination. That's the same Hillary Clinton who lied numerous times on everything from her emails to Benghazi. That's the same Hillary Clinton who was a member of the most corrupt administration in the last 30 years.

@khnopff71 - 22.04.2019 17:34

I hate to break it to Bernie, but Donald Trump could actually throw 30 million people off of health insurance and many of those voters would STILL find a way to believe him when he said it was Obamacare that doomed them. "Facts.....we don't need no stinkin' facts."

@cashbonanza963 - 22.04.2019 16:45

Vote Yang

@Chalky. - 22.04.2019 16:24

Shep Smith and Chris Wallace are the only two on there with any real level of journalistic integrity.

@firstnamelastname7113 - 22.04.2019 15:58

Did Bernie Sanders voice every evil character in Star Wars?

@siddharthbachkaniwala7963 - 22.04.2019 15:13

What a disgusting person.. a channel gives u a platform to connect with the audience and later u insult them by saying all this things. At least fox had the guts to invite an Democrat candidate after the mob DNC banned them from Democrats debates. N the by looking at the comments here.. u ppl talk abt growing divide in America. Mark my words this sort of behavior would get Trump re-elected again. This right wing propagandists network was the only who kept saying there is no collusion and every other left wing propagandists network told u other wise.. get out of bubble and understand others point of view. Really bad behavior by Bernie.
