The Internet Played My Game (and it did not go well)

The Internet Played My Game (and it did not go well)


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@Charlotte-ef9th - 23.05.2024 16:49

btw it seems that i cursed or something but... i do really prefer action and jump on the same button. I mean it's crystal clear logic: when you have sign with button - you speak, else - you jump. it's really sems like we don't need extra button, and what is important that we can use it somehow. (oh yeah, only for gamepads, which i consider more comfortable anytime except shooters and etc.)

@lloyd011721 - 21.05.2024 11:27

so what is this? a zelda like? are you a solo dev? it looks interesting. little obcure details like the music responding to the swimming are great. they add a ton of charm, but those are things id put in like right at the end. the art style is cool, but i feel like ive seen it a trillion times. i like vibrant games, but the main character kinda looks plasticy... personally, i find open world games with no combat pretty boring. so if youve decided that there will be combat, please make sure that its fun. not necessarily zelda esque, but definately make sure that it isnt just walking up and whacking things.

@godDIEmanLIVE - 16.05.2024 21:08

Demo runs great on Proton with Linux (Endeavour OS with Kernel 6.8.9-arch1-2 and all AMD hardware).

@bonganizulu9634 - 16.05.2024 08:05

Scott cawthon originally made a game that got heavy criticism and instrad of giving in he made the infamous five nights at freddies game.mistakrs can make you stronger

@lemonplays-gaming - 15.05.2024 13:15

Your game looks cool. 😮

@mason8714 - 13.05.2024 13:00

Absolutely loved the demo!

The gameplay is fantastic and truly engaging for both younger players and older gamers like myself (40!). The quests were well-designed, and the graphics are stunning. It's hard to believe one person created this!

We got a little stuck on one part, but figured it out and enjoyed the challenge. My 7-year-old and I are both hooked!

If you're ever looking for additional beta testers, I'd be happy to help out.

looking forward to playing more.

@iRsemple - 09.05.2024 16:05

Since youre taking ideas:
When i see dozens (if not hundreds) of these mostly generic RPGs, the number one thing that keeps me from trying them out is the expectation that its going to be slow.

I dont have a ton of time to game anymore, so when if i were to open this up and in the first 30 minutes if all ive done is wander around aimlessly, then im going to start feeling like im wasting my time.

So my suggestion is this:
Simply add an item early on (maybe your first reward after the stick?) that lets you move/run quicker.

It might shorten the length of your game when players are running around at x2 speed,
But i guarantee it will help keep the attention span of players like me who cant justify hours of "nothing happening" even if it builds up into a great game.

The extra speed allows my brain to say "hmm, im a bit curious about whats in this direction. ... Okay nice, im already there. Oh it was nothing. Okay well i saw a different place to check out too. Let me head that way ... okay yeah this place is interesting!"

As opposed to:
"hmm, im a bit curious about whats in this direction. ... ... .... Alright lets see what i found. Oh it was nothing. ... sigh. Guess i gotta walk back now..."

@jeffreystephens2658 - 02.05.2024 05:52

"You know you can play the demo for free, right?"
(Windows and Apple logos)
Linux Users: "No the fuck I can't. Steam only lets us use Proton on full releases."

@gsestream - 27.04.2024 04:43

marketing hmh. so did it sell after just now.

@fy8798 - 25.04.2024 10:10

I honestly rather have people make their dream game, not mine. For example, when you don't want to have combat, why add combat rather than make "removable enemies" something else that works better for what you're doing. The Witness didn't need combat added, neither did Puzzles for Clef! People may ask for this, but people ask for what they immediately know, not necessarily what's best.

Game looks really cute either way. Just be careful of making games for what people are asking. It may lead you do something okay for everyone but good for noone.

@LordBaileyDev - 22.04.2024 06:27

13K, I got 30 people in a discord.

@dacwardztv - 15.04.2024 04:52

i want to play this!!

@TheRealDuck - 10.04.2024 04:11

If there is anything I know from my habits... i don't know how great wishlists are. I call mine the graveyard because there is like 400 games but i don't really buy any of them...

@user-bm9oy4gx2l - 08.04.2024 07:45

Not everyone can create the best action, the best story, or the best puzzles. Your game is made up of that level of action, that level of story, and that level of puzzles, and there are definitely buyers out there who want this. Considering how to modify this to make a game that earns more money is a necessary process as a developer, but trying to accommodate all user feedback might not always be the right answer. I hope you get what you're looking for 😊

@MiniatureGiantsGameDev - 06.04.2024 17:22

Subbed as a father of 2 with limited coding experience I can identify a lot with your journey! Looking forward to following it and watching it unfold.

@gamesthatiplay9083 - 04.04.2024 05:04

13k wishlists? I remember when the trashiest games on Greenlight would have 13k wishlists.

@killjoygamez6457 - 31.03.2024 15:38

i love that we're using the same trees! lmao

@Skeffles - 31.03.2024 14:29

Brilliant to see how you've taken on player feedback. Do you think being part of next fest was worth it?

@Awesomer5696 - 30.03.2024 21:27

Have a bit more backbone! The part where you said "I'm not trying to make my dream game, I'm trying to make yours" really annoyed me. If youre making games solely for the reason of selling them (at all costs), you don't deserve success. Make what you want to play or don't bother.

@celder012 - 30.03.2024 15:28

This game looks dope!

@Cleshar1_ - 29.03.2024 02:53

Played demo, love everything about this game but camera rotation sucks extremely unessesery when traveling long distances on glider always hard to see where to go every time when i lend i fall in ocean, Buttons: THEY SUCK why have same button interact and attack? Have 3 separate buttons for: Attack, Jump, Interact. Other ways game sooo goood😘 Exited to play full version

@jacksonavino1524 - 29.03.2024 01:54

so you made a Zelda clone which hey, I want to make a zelda like game but wow i didn't know they did not like it and I bet those Nintendo fans are trying to ruin other Zelda-like games, books which i do want to see another Zelda like game that can rival nintendo but it's got to be those nintendo fans

@hwkeyser - 28.03.2024 18:08

I know it may not be your intention, but I've been desperate to find games that I feel like my toddler can hold the controller for and start getting a feel for games -- even if it's just the first couple of minutes. Your game looks like a fun play for me and something I can actually hand over to him as well. Wishlisted! Good luck.

@NachoMancebo - 28.03.2024 11:12


@Christian_Luczejko - 28.03.2024 01:34

It’s a shame people were getting motion sickness. The old camera movements are a beautiful touch. They really do show off the world and make it feel cinematic. I don’t ever get motion sickness so I cant relate.

@shawns4354 - 27.03.2024 16:44

While this game may get knocked around by the platformer/adventure fan bases i believe the cozy community will gobble this up. Look at Palia, even for me it was a bit lacking in challenge but has a huge cozy following. And after all i believe you referenced A Short Hike as inspiration? And thats exactly the expectations i have for this game. Others may be expecting the next ToK. And thats not Night Stones.

@thatsmesothere - 27.03.2024 10:57

I played the demo for support, but it is so ridiculously buggy man. Cant seem to get the glider to work when i need it, which makes the demo almost unplayable. when I'm at an edge of a cliff, and try to jump forward and off the cliff there seems to be an invisible wall that stops me, and then he will just fall off the cliff. I tried gliding off the watchtower about 20 times and couldn't get the glider to work once. very frustrating.

@nazubikeart - 27.03.2024 10:29

This is awesome.. i would play and record this on my gaming channel..
Keep going

@silentlamb42 - 27.03.2024 02:41

This game looks super fun, it also looks like type of game my wife and kid would play it too. I'm not big fan of demos tho so gonna wait for the release. Nevertheless, Keep it up, good work! I wish you all the best in your journey.

@dbp_pc3500 - 26.03.2024 18:31

Your a great game dev!
Keep up the great work !

@Brxdz588 - 26.03.2024 15:04

this game looks absolutely amazing i had looked at some videos a while ago and i thought the game looked sick i have come back to your page and theres alot of new stuff i hadn't seen in my opinion this game is so good and i think it could become really big

@nathanknepper1431 - 25.03.2024 19:26

world art style looks a bit like torchlight2, nice 👍

@craigwhite1202 - 24.03.2024 23:06

Have you stoped with I am marble

@jakebeneski1977 - 24.03.2024 22:07

I like this guys attitude. Success is sure to follow for you!

@Sizzyl - 23.03.2024 06:53

this is a cool devlog, will be interested in seeing this game progress

@paluxyl.8682 - 23.03.2024 02:03

I got so many great ideas for games, but I can't program and don't have millions to pay people to make they.
I hope that AI will be in few years so advanced that it will be possible for a single person to develop a whole goodlooking game that looks like a AAA title in 1 - 2 years.

@Antho6222 - 22.03.2024 23:57

The cartoon graphics looks very nice and clean. good luck with you game.

@diegofloor - 22.03.2024 05:58

I get that you are trying to make this a business, but careful when taking player's feedback! Don't compromise your ideas too much to appease questionable requests. You know that saying 'the customer is always right, on matters of taste'? what it means here is if the player tells you he is bored, that is the an unquestionable truth. They are bored. When they try explaining why they are bored and come up with something like "I would not be bored if I could hit enemies on the head with a stick" that is not necessarily true.

@nowherebrain - 20.03.2024 21:27

I really wish the best for you...tbh honest my first thought is the target audience..I see this and I think it looks fun and whimsical, but easy...not really for me, but for a lot of females and younger audiences this is amazing...I know it's clichet, but maybe try and figure out a way to get those audiences awareness....roblox streamers or young streamers...and any kid friendly source. I really do wish you luck..I am a working father myself and everytime I get close to finishing a game...something "magically" comes up...and then I lose motivation and start over. Good Luck!

@stateflower3213 - 20.03.2024 19:15


@Dondingo4 - 20.03.2024 18:59

Just a thought, but I definitely think you should consider remodeling Flynn in CC's style. I know you've already remodeled him at least once, but that would give him sooooo much more character.

@nicksohacki7114 - 20.03.2024 09:00

just finished the demo - i loved it!

@Soulessblur - 19.03.2024 17:29

Be careful when using the alpha testers findings and patching away those unintended paths. Sequence breaking and speedrunning are niches, but they can help add more depth and appeal to a game. Obviously, you don't want the game to easily be broken on accident by all players - just consider how damaging an exploitive path actually is before you axe it.

@mambomasterK - 19.03.2024 01:34

Nice video! Pls stop showing your children though...

@Jed_Herne - 18.03.2024 00:51

Love these devlogs!

@KyuubiNoKami - 16.03.2024 11:14

If i had to summarize your game it would be : "go somewhere - > Press A -> go somewhere else"

The main problem of the game is lacking a "why". There are tons of puzzles,gliding,platforming etc. but this is just the world, the playground. What is needed arent more puzzles, enemies, QoL updates or rewards. What is needed is a reason so the player WANTS to endure your playground, to reach their own goal that satisfies them.

Players want learn, not only mechanics but about the world, characters, their role in this world. They want to be needed. The demo so far gives none of that feeling.

I can see this game be a succes in a more farm sim environment, but that would require way more characters and story development aswell as a town and house to build up.
But as a classic platformer, it cannot compete with any of the other platformers out there, and there is no easy improvement that can be done on the game to catapult it to the front.
Either steal from the succesful platformers the best mechanics or create a bestselling, gutwrenching story to attach it to.

Or... just create the game that you would like to play. Usually that leads to way more success than listening to trends or feedback.

@KittyKatty999 - 16.03.2024 02:44

Here's an idea: Give the Player the ability to unlock different "Skins" for the Player Character. Lots of people love the ability to customize their character, especially if the skins make them look like other characters or monsters.

Zombies for example. Or any kind of cute anthro creature. That could help attract animal lover crowd to the game.

@Jeddles - 16.03.2024 01:45

do you know what date your game will come out?
