Do you have any recommendations for high school aged kids who are at a very young reading level?
Thank you so very much for all of this information! It’s a wonderful resource for us homeschool parents!!
Yes having them read with their eyes what they know from their ears is an awesome tip
ОтветитьWe love mercy Watson
ОтветитьI'm an adult who hates to read. When I was in 3rd grade my doctor asked my mom how I was doing with reading. She said not good. The doctor give me a book to read and I couldn't read it. The doctor sent me to be tested, turns out that I am dyslexic. I was going to a private school at the time. Their answer to me with behind was to have extra reading classes. So I had reading in class with my classmates, then I was pulled out of regular class to go do reading and then every Saturday I went to a reading class. Of course everytime I got pulled out of class for reading the kids made fun of me and laughed at me. Talk about still feeling the hurt from that. That was back in the earlier 80s.
ОтветитьThis was so helpful, Amy!!