Raiden National Team Rotation Guide | Genshin Impact

Raiden National Team Rotation Guide | Genshin Impact

Jyo's Spiral Abyss Guides

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@alexkaplan5157 - 18.10.2023 19:16

About how much ER does Raiden need to always get her burst back? I'm following this rotation as close as I can, but after Bennett/XL burst, I've got like 3-4 Normal Attacks before Raiden's burst is ready

@framedthunder6436 - 31.08.2023 18:25

If U use Yelan instead of xinqiu
the rotation changes?

@infinitereviver - 26.07.2023 04:47

Thank you!! Very useful guide!

@zarfies23 - 23.04.2023 15:09

Does the rotation change if you have C0-C3 XL?

@NothingMeansNothingButNothing - 13.03.2023 17:04

I finally got my very first Bennett! Now I just need to get rid of 1154 def on Raiden and build eveyone else💀

@smexxxxy - 05.02.2023 00:00

Raiden's burst dmg% from her E works on off-field characters not just on-field. Also it is fully dynamic, meaning it does not snapshot and can apply even if it's casted after Xiangling's burst.

@tinocabral4201 - 24.01.2023 19:38

Shouldn’t you do Bennett skill after his burst to funnel energy particles to xiangling?

@rotokunX - 08.01.2023 09:34

i think its very important to mention not ult swapping on bennetts ult, it doesnt apply the buff instantly so for snapshotting abilities like xianglings ult and gouba its important to wait a bit, this might even be extended by pc or phone lag, my pc is quite good and it still takes at least .2 seconds to apply at least

@aemiaiko1826 - 22.12.2022 16:43

really useful guide! its hard to find good videos about rotations, nobody says how many normal attacks they use or what skill is better use first. thank you!

@amusementinc - 20.07.2022 18:13

You need more recognition for the work you are doing. Great job really helps

@lolivix9161 - 14.06.2022 06:35

i think i should use the xiangling elemental skill before her burst

@chrisheap9271 - 30.04.2022 03:50

This still works if I’ve “ruined” my Bennet with c6, right? What constellation level is your Raiden? Does it matter much?

@hopeleona - 27.04.2022 05:01

Thank you so much for this

@jojolaivas3532 - 25.04.2022 11:21

This is a really good rotation! I personally like to go Raiden skill, Benny burst then skill, Xiangling burst then skill, Xingqiu burst then skill once (lions roar), and then go Raiden burst and skill during her attack combos to animation cancel, but this seems like it might save time.

Good job!
