The Horrifying Deleted Timeline from Back to the Future

The Horrifying Deleted Timeline from Back to the Future


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@thecowboyofoklahoma5866 - 21.03.2022 09:17

No. No. No. No!
It's a loop. A time loop. Marty has to go back to the past. Marty has to interfere with his parents getting together. Marty has to be sent back to his present. Marty has to give Doc the letter. Doc has to get shot. Doc survives by reading the letter.
If new Marty we see at the end doesn't go back to the 50s, then there will be a universe ending calamity. Such as what Doc explained in the 2nd movie.
Another form of this is shown in star trek tng episode when the enterprise was destroyed.

@bilrogar - 21.03.2022 15:52

What's the purpose of new Marty going back in time if Doc knew to wear a vest and Marty's parents were already changed and the end of movie one?

@dperry19661 - 22.03.2022 04:24

No no no......when doc and Marty are in alternate '85 there is the newspaper about the doc in the nuthouse and biff asks why arent you in Switzerland? That means there are two docs and two Martys. So that means when broke ass Marty returned to the slightly altered 85 the first time rich Marty was there also.

@kittymoon690 - 24.03.2022 01:08

MARTYR I don't get it this is confrssing more than spider man into the multivers

@Nerotique - 24.03.2022 01:46

I just wanna know how a standard kevlar vest stopped AK rounds.

@luiggiphilipi - 24.03.2022 03:04

Everyone losing their head on something this simple.
Despite new Marty be richer, he still lives in the same house, just a better version of it, and goes to the same school, so this leads to minor differences on his new life's opportunities, also now that his dad is a Sci fi writer, Marty would be even more prone into befriending doc.
Also Doc now knows with 100% assurance the time machine is possible and that he will succeed into it, with that he drop out all most random creation, now devoting he's life into studying the time, this can be seen as in the second movie on he is a bit more serious, and have more consistent theories, so he came to a conclusion he is living a circular paradox (your way of time traveling causes it to repeat itself over and over), because the doc that uses the bullet proof vest on lone pine mall is NOT the Doc that "just sent Marty from 1955 to 1985", he is actually the doc that sent Marty From 1955 to 1855!

After sending Marty from 1955 to 1855 he goes to the library and see himself and Marty on the clock tower picture, and he's name no longer in the tombstone, then he realizes that when Marty comes back from 1855 to the final 1985 there would be 2 docs, he that wouldn't time traveled at all and the doc from 1855, so he commit into he's steps again to 1 ensure he'll have the needed parts to create the time traveling train and finally break the cycle without a paradox...

@msmith42001 - 26.03.2022 19:08

When old Biff goes back with the almanac, when he came back to the future, it would be a different timeline. So Marty and doc wouldn’t see him or the delorean.

@iamsemjaza - 28.03.2022 02:45

They merged mid-flux

@jimbyrdiii1503 - 01.04.2022 08:08


@volvofanatic1303 - 01.05.2022 08:40

Also maybe doc picked Marty up, I honestly never thought of why he didn't bring his new truck to the mall!! 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

@scifibri2376 - 06.05.2022 00:33

The time traveler who actively changes the past/present/future timeline is protected from the change by some impenetrable temporal bubble

@hockeytalkwithalek4988 - 05.06.2022 00:22

It's an endless cycle old marty goes to 55,then back to 85,then to 2015,alternate 85 and 1885 then back to regular 85 meanwhile new marty is one step behind him
Example old marty is in 2015 with doc while new marty is in 1985 with doc

@samthewham6671 - 14.06.2022 18:49

How could he have gone billions of years in the past if the minimum is year 0?

@clairekelliest - 06.07.2022 15:07

Donnie Darko with doc brown as the rabbit guy.

@luckyold317 - 19.09.2022 09:11

I just realized, after SO MANY YEARS, I think their fan fox is just Donnie Darko.

@sallyrogers3726 - 26.09.2022 05:57

Over analyze much

@PoofOfLogic - 01.10.2022 20:53

I find it hard to believe that Libyans would even exist given what happened at the dance...😜

@joeytaylor1021 - 26.10.2022 00:23

It’s funny to think there’s a possibility that if this is true, Doc could’ve trained the Libyans to do what was seen on the tape. Doc does have a bulletproof vest so he could tell the Libyans to shoot his stomach and “jam” the gun so Marty can get away

@RoddThunderheart - 13.11.2022 01:37

Hey I always wondered what's up with Alfred E. Neumann's picture behind Cody... that's MAD magazine not Cracked. 🤔🤔🤔

@bobcinematics - 07.01.2023 01:45

No he probably just put him in 1886 or something like that

@chien-itu284 - 11.01.2023 22:16

So... why not just send the new Marty far to the future when the original Marty is no longer around? No one has to die then?

@sklorkgd - 09.04.2023 20:09

That Marty didn’t want to die, so before he was sent back in time, he changed the time circuits, and is now jumping around the timeline.

@danny1229c - 25.04.2023 18:36

One of the clocks in the intro to the film causes all the problems weather you go for single timeline or multiple timelines because it shows a model of the clock tower with a minature model of doc hanging off it so this is not the first time this has happened and doc is already aware of what happens with the libyans (he has the letter and is wearing the vest the first time we see him get shot) the marty who went through all that is watching our marty from a distance as we go to the past. Now at this point our marty hits the pine, pushed his dad out if the way and causes other changes to this new timeline resulting in this marty's life being different and so not being the same character as our marty, when our marty then returns 10mins before the libyan incident in this timeline he watches this timelines marty be sent to the end of time by doc and our marty stays in this timeline with a better life and doc finally closes the loop with the best result for our marty however the very first time this happened doc died and marty disappeared forever from the original timeline. PS on a singular timeline the events of this movie would not be possible as the changes made would cancel out the need to go back in the first place.

@Marcus-nn6js - 24.07.2023 13:29

What if New Marty (Marty B) did everything that Old Marty (Marty A) did and thus didn't change the timeline?

@CaptainKirkDiggler - 30.08.2023 07:20

Naw... new Marty did the same thing old Marty did because what happened, always happens, and always will happen. That's why there was no paradox from the film's events.

@MichaelCarter-xo2qs - 26.09.2023 20:36

No one understands that it's a causality loop😂

@thesbleeder2162 - 03.10.2023 23:22

His parents bought the same house... but they got a new living room set.

@GorillaGrodd420 - 02.11.2023 00:31

Question that nobody seems to be asking is why did George buy that same house? Presumably he could afford a better house or least a different house. What are the offs that he would choose to buy that same house?

@l3layze - 02.11.2023 17:13

Here's my thought. NEW Marty is hired by doc as his assistant in the altered time line, doc of course knowing that he has to send Marty to a different time. So during this altered Lone Pine Mall scene, doc doesn't send this Marty to November 5th, 1955. Instead,he sends Marty to November 20th or some date after he sends Marty back to 1885. This new Marty is basically stuck in 1955 to live out the rest of his days, playing the stock market or just living out his life. Maybe doc and new Marty didn't get along quite as well, and doc never told original Marty about this version of himself.

@turnerjer0000 - 03.11.2023 23:48

I love Michael and Cody together. Two different kinds of nihilism going head to head.

@DAWOL2025-fs1ve - 29.11.2023 00:13

Marty seeing the past, seeing himself leaving from the twin pines mall, but he saw himself leaving the lone pine mall, which is not what happened. The future could be altered to make it lone pine mall, but he never could have seen himself leave any lone pine mall.
What this mistake in back to the future inadvertently did, is VERIFY Einsteins conservation of energy law, where energy cannot be created or destroyed. The universe has the same amount of matter and energy all the time. There can't be another Marty because that would be extra energy in the universe.
For the movies sake, Marty would have seen himself leaving the twin pines mall, but the instant he disappeared, that instant is when the sign would change to lone pines mall
In the 2001 hg wells remake movie the time machine, they didn't make this mistake. The head Morlocks explained that because his girlfriend died he built his time machine to go back and prevent it, which means if he succeeded in saving her, he would never build his time machine to go back to save her. This paradox opens up an interesting thread in the time space continuum. If a time traveler goes back, everyone's life timeline only includes time up to that present, but the time traveler has extra past history in their lives that include living further into the future and then going back to the past present.
There is a reason the thermodynamic arrow of time only goes forward. Even wormholes cannot go back in time. Space can be compressed around you slowing time with respect to the rest of the world, which is suspended animation, but unlike cryogenic freezing or something like that which is similar suspended animation, to do it by space compression is officially time travel. If an astronaut standing on the moon will officially be time traveling with respect to people on Earth because space isn t stretched as thin as around Earth.
The past is unalterable, but human memory can be wrong about what happened. Not remember it right, mental problem that makes them think something happened that didn't. The proof of what the past is is verified completely and undeniably by the present. For example, if the twin towers were still standing in their original state, it would prove the belief 9/11 happened was false. What is in lower Manhattan now, right down to the location of every particle of dust, is the product of the exponential affect everything has on everything, proving the events of 9/11 did happen. If the present doesn't fit the belief that something happened in the past, then it didn't happen, and is a false belief.
Project D.A.W.O.L. 2025 will prove this in 2025 with the big demonstration of matter acceleration stationed in Enfield, Connecticut.

@339LloydStreet - 08.12.2023 04:38

If new Marty went to the 50s, there wouldn't be anything to change. There wouldn't be any change from his timeline to the ''changed timeline'' because his timeline is the changed timeline. Old Marty is from timeline A which no longer exists, because Calvin Klein saved Lorraine from being raped by Biff.

@mikero6225 - 11.02.2024 23:48

Sorry, but none on what Marty experienced was real. Marty never left Rekall. At the end the the trilogy, he ended up lobotomized.

@flawlescowboy - 24.02.2024 03:31

Why were they screaming at martyr?

@Brandonyoungblood50 - 16.03.2024 02:03

Marty created a new timeline. Marty 2 goes back in time but to another 1955. The Marty who left 1985 to 1955 in the beginning created another timeline where doc dies and Marty goes missing, his family searches for him for years but then gives up hope. Mom dies of liver failure, Dave becomes manager at Burger King, Marty's sister suffers from diabetes, and George commits suicide in Biff's office. Marty returns to the new timeline with doc knowing about the shooting. When Doc, Marty and Jennifer go to the future, they create a new timeline.

You're welome!

@heartlights - 29.03.2024 21:06

How come Marty's girlfriend looks like his mom though

@themaxster7798 - 16.04.2024 19:01

So I'm trying to reconcile one issue with this mostly entertaining skit. Why would killing Marty make Doc Brown a person on the right-wing of the political spectrum? Didn't Stalin far exceed Hitler's body count to a figure around 22 million? Also, Hitler was the head of the German National SOCIALISTS Party. He was a Socialists, albeit a National one versus Communists, who were International Socialists.
Get the facts straight, not your own feelings based on your political biases.

@whunt5533 - 05.05.2024 00:31

That's not how the time travel works in back to the future. Marty came back to witness himself leave it doesn't even cause a loop because everything works out. The changes are small.

@Insomniaphxxxxx - 03.06.2024 07:41

no the new marty went back to the moment when the actual marty left in the past and he created a new new timeline.

@acecalderon8376 - 28.06.2024 03:59

Both Marty's were in that parking lot where doc got shot that night. Only one of those Martys were from that time so the other went back to the time they were from. No issues there.

@boondockstallyns1479 - 17.07.2024 05:38

this is the stupidest theory ever,

@MiklosKoncsek - 19.07.2024 10:04

Honestly do we really think that Bob Gale was thinking all this depressing stuff up?

@grantmctaggart9942 - 22.07.2024 23:22

Wym we see new Marty in back to the future 2 in 1955

@maxcardun - 26.07.2024 04:48

Well that was a real load of...

@TheCarTeen - 29.07.2024 22:16

This is why i dont think about the Back to the Future trilogy that much

@MichaelScott-ov5ct - 05.09.2024 08:42

How did doc get the DeLorean back to take Marty home and go to the future at the end.

@EdSmith-bq1ox - 06.09.2024 23:59

Hello why don't you go look up 9/11 predictions and see what you think of that

@BranBal - 02.10.2024 13:27

There is no new Marty

@henrylangford6950 - 12.10.2024 08:41

Wait a minute so if he so if Doc Tricked morty the new 1The rich Marty Into His demise how would the newmar how would the original Marty still be living cause he would alter the timeline so like if like a if you alter the timeline And you end up having like a passive version of yourself get killed With the future version of yourself exist
