A History of Gaijin’s Anti Consumer Behavior

A History of Gaijin’s Anti Consumer Behavior

About Thunder

1 год назад

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Nathan Pell
Nathan Pell - 19.09.2023 13:26

I've stopped playing. I ran out of silver eagles and couldn't afford to repair so I just stopped there. Sometimes I log back in to look at my t95 but that's it

Aiden Eberhardt
Aiden Eberhardt - 18.09.2023 23:44

very high quality sources

Snarky Mooses Shack
Snarky Mooses Shack - 07.09.2023 18:42

>bad reviews might get grind thunder taken offline

In the immortal words of the hacker known as 4chan; "Do it, faggot."

Michał W.
Michał W. - 06.09.2023 14:12

WoT, so similar in many ways to WT is waaay more gamers friendly. Gold is cheaper, free xp you can use on vehicle you want for free, grind is much faster, even premium account you can get from events more often than in wt

Warthunder noob
Warthunder noob - 01.09.2023 14:49

Despite their controversial stories i must admit their games are amazing

Ratty RatStuff
Ratty RatStuff - 29.08.2023 23:37

Barely if ever play this trash game any more. Fucking 9 kills, then 3 more from my bomb drop. 4kxp and fucking 55k credits(before boost)

SADiSTIC - 27.08.2023 01:28

snail games used bots to leave positive reviews and counter the tons of negative reviews on steam for ark. its ironic that gaijins logo is a snail since the 2 companies are both so shady

Mr Madobe@YT
Mr Madobe@YT - 26.08.2023 20:26

-Gaijin. (Not a quote) Oh, Review bombing will not make us change anything, even tho it made us revert a change🤣🤣😂😂

Grismor - 26.08.2023 01:47

The gameplay repeats itself

eagleeyedpsycho - 23.08.2023 19:50

I know they have to make money BUT they are really taking the piss, I sure players are more likely to spend money if they are happy with the game, the game is supposed to be fun and that awful grind takes a chunk out of the fun. also damage should be changed because its not possible that a little paper thin side skirt stops a 75mm projectile.

South Nicota
South Nicota - 23.08.2023 12:22

Exactly the reason both wargaming and their games (not World of warplanes) are better than war thunder

Leblebioğulları - 21.08.2023 23:12

Attantion to the map!

Waffer - 13.08.2023 18:37

war thunder players should just switch to dcs

Downtown Dalton
Downtown Dalton - 07.08.2023 01:55

With the “we heard you!” post, it gives me Chinese-saving face vibes.

Grand Tarhee
Grand Tarhee - 22.07.2023 19:40

I played my way into telling you, it's pay to play. Gaijin is mobsters shaking down kids for their chore money. They should sell the rights.

Fancy_snake - 18.07.2023 17:31

I would've continued playing this peice of garbage if not for the repair costs, I like to play like a moron (its fun) and when I noticed repairs costs on vehicles I dropped the game right then and there, if you gonna make me spent Silver Lions on something just to repair it thats a no go for me.
I dont care if they repair costs are cheap or whatever, if you are to force me to spend crap to just repair smth (unless its the main premise of the game [building games for example]) then im dropping it and seeing what else I can find to satisfy the same niche warthunder did

Chaos Deere
Chaos Deere - 11.07.2023 17:13

They made 0 Changes. Still feels unpleasing to play the game and seeing you loose SL and RP

Fones R Phunny
Fones R Phunny - 21.06.2023 16:55

That's an interesting tug of war you have going on. "How far is Gaijin willing to take it" vs. "How much will the community swallow". You may have prevented the worst updates, but you're still accepting lesser evils, so in the end Gaijin is always pulling that little bit harder.

kitty cat  cat
kitty cat cat - 19.06.2023 09:43


Gokan the Husky
Gokan the Husky - 19.06.2023 02:50

The things I think they need to fix as well are vehicles with incorrect modelling and cockpit placeholders. One example of incorrect modelling is the abrams line up. The turrets are asymmetric.

Knochenbrigade - 18.06.2023 23:45

I just started playing again after a 1,5 year hiatus. If we win i earn only pennies in SL, if we lose i'm minus 1k - 1,5k SL. That's so cool.... I can't even assign a pilot to the very first available plane in the Israeli tree. I had like 200k left from when i stopped playing, played some rounds with other planes and bought some upgrades. Then i bought the israeli plane and had 28k SL left. Now i'm down to 23k and the crew costs 48k. I will probably never fly this plane and only play what's already in my setup until the game goes offline for good.

Spookrockcity - 18.06.2023 20:48

Never paid a dime to Eugen and never will. I ain't no cuck.

Comfy Cherry
Comfy Cherry - 18.06.2023 12:59

I started playing War Thunder a few days ago put a couple hours in each day and uninstalled today, I love tanks (thanks girls und panzer) I used to play world of tanks but the rng and increasing greed of wargaming drove me away (not before spending waaaay too much) and I'd heard WT wasn't really any better so never touched it until recently the itch to play a tank game lured me in.

The first day was werid and mildly annoying being forced to play many arcade battles before being able to play realistic but once I got into realistic it was kinda fun, then I started unlocking new tanks and between the rng of shrapnel and lacking knowledge of crew/ammo locations of each tank I had to go against, as well as no knowledge of the maps themselves and often losing the one tank I actually enjoyed using to an angle I didn't know existed or just being blind and not seeing a tank (which would eventually go away with time and experience but it is a bump that has to be worth going over)

Today after getting a couple BR1.7 tanks (the first stug and the tank prior) the games were awful, there was almost always 4+ enemy planes flying about after a minute or 2 and between not having any AA (seriously if planes are gonna be such a formidable foe you should have an AA unlocked by default for every nation) and early tank turret traverse with unskilled crew being ungodly slow it just sucked (though I did manage to shoot down a couple with machine gun fire when my gun happened to already be close to their approach angle and even "hit" like twice with my main cannon, though that didn't kill them guess I hit their wing or tail or some shit but realistically a tank shell hitting anywhere on a plane would make it unable to fly).
I literally couldn't get anything done (kills or caps) for like 4 games in a row because planes just destroyed all the tanks on both sides and as far as I could find they're only as powerful as they are to force more spending and refuse to implement a tank only mode for the same reason "economy".

I'm only really interested in tanks from in and around ww2 as they're the most interesting to me and from what I've read planes are a major annoyance up til like BR8 or we whereas ww2 tanks go up til like BR6 at most.

I would gladly pay $60+ for a single player tank game with good variety in playable tanks, even if some of them are dlc 3d modeling and whatnot aren't cheap I'm aware, and a decent selection of maps/missions but most either go full arcade or full sim.
I've only seen a couple that seem to have a good balance of the two one being Panzer Kinghts an Anime styled game that I've completed and leans on the arcadey side more like WoT and somewhat lacks in content and there's not really much enjoyment in replaying the missions, tho it does have a kinda free play thing where you set up a friendly team and an AI team but only has 3 maps and they're not very interesting.
The other being Sprocket though I've yet to try it it looks interesting and seems to be more sim like but still somewhat arcadey like WT, tho you do have to make the tanks yourself using a basic 3D modelling system for the main body and turret and then dress them up with premade parts and tune the engine and gun stats (or possibly download other peoples tanks from somewhere) I'm not against making them (I have a little interest and very rudementary experience, I made a shipping container in blender years ago tho I never textured it so I'm not sure I 100% completed it) but it is a bit of extra work if you just wanna sit down and blow up some tanks.

Anyone know of a tank game that lies somewhere at or between WoT and WT in "realism" with proper armour layouts and angling with a decent selection of real (or "paper"/prototype) tanks and maps/locations that includes a somewhat competent AI or a multiplayer mode that I can just buy or is this kind of variety exclusive to F2P garbagio that is designed to make you fork out thousands of dollars or just fucking hate yourself?

Jake Peat
Jake Peat - 18.06.2023 12:15

I stopped playing this game 1-2 years ago. The economy is just one of a whole laundry list of issues, and even getting that fixed seems unlikely

Idiom - 18.06.2023 08:20

Quitting this game was the best decision I ever made as a gamer.

Want Gaijin to get better?
S H I T!

*._.* - 17.06.2023 17:06

wot player watching the shitshow from afar : first time?

Doktor K
Doktor K - 17.06.2023 00:37

You people need to know. The game doesn't have an economy.
An economy means trades. Someone loses, the other one wins. Money is supposed to flow in an economy.
I lose/spend 1000$, you make 1000$.
I get 1000SL from killing you, you lose 8000SL???? See how 7000SL is vaporized?

If someone were to buy something from you for 1000 Units and it would cost you 8000 Units, would you still live there???
SL is a worthless, completely artificial, arbitrary setup that does not resemble any economy whatsoever.

Why is your SL suffering? Because they want it to. Create the problem, sell the solution.

Hawqer - 16.06.2023 21:44

take the worst CEO from wall street and put him in charge of gaijin, and he'd manage war thunder far better than whatever anton is doing.

s e d e c i m
s e d e c i m - 16.06.2023 16:18

I quit the game around early 2017 because I was sick of Gaijin back then. This will be interesting lol

john sun
john sun - 16.06.2023 07:03

imagine thinking that russain company will listen to its customers...LOL

The Death
The Death - 16.06.2023 00:23

So sad to see that the Challenger of WoT, and once one of the best alternative to World of Tanks... as become as hellish as World of Tanks. Well, R.I.P guys, welcome to the deception zone of the ex- F2P players.

Codename: ZenNeko
Codename: ZenNeko - 15.06.2023 18:23

What if this is actually part of a CIA/FBI/KGB/MI6 operation to make War Thunder go under so people will stop posting classified documents in the forums?

Strider 2 | Count
Strider 2 | Count - 15.06.2023 12:43

You guys should move on to Ace Combat instead

Vince P
Vince P - 15.06.2023 10:35

I played this game for like a week about 6 years ago, from what I’ve seen here, this game is awful and exists just so suck as much money out of players as it can, rather than provide them something fun in return. Just don’t play it.

Vince P
Vince P - 15.06.2023 10:26

I would never play a game where I have to buy individual things in the game, just to play the game. Fuck that

ProSpect - 15.06.2023 09:31

Meh, no longer play the horrible p2w game anyways

leeuniverse - 15.06.2023 06:02

I wish I could "like" War Thunder, it's a good looking game, but it has always had SERIOUS PROBLEMS for me to play it...
1. The Red & Blue UI is absolutely UNREADABLE, complete lazy UI design.
2. The "Quick Death", likely the WORST in ANY of the Armored games... I get it's "realistic", but most people in my view don't like their time being wasted. You should be able to take SEVERAL Hits before dying.
3. Can't actually SEE anything, i.e. Tanks etc. It's like you're playing completely blind. Again, I get it's more "realistic" but just not reasonable for a game.

So, I'm still stuck playing World of Tanks which has many of its OWN crap issues, which I've been trying to get them to fix for YEARS, creating detailed posts on HOW to fix the problems and complaints, without "hurting" anyone or by nerfing or removing tanks etc., so EVERYONE can enjoy playing instead of just the Unicorns.
I mean, WOT has HALF of its playerbase it used to have because they just make the game worse in many ways, and refuse to fix the common complaints many of which have existed since the beginning of the game, and that includes the Quick Death, whatever it's cause.

Lil_Schlonky - 14.06.2023 23:34

Idk why but i love gaijins games but gaijin sucks so much😢

Andy C
Andy C - 14.06.2023 22:54

Awesome video, but people need to stop bitching about the words "You cant give everyone everything all at once" Because the argument that "BuT THEReS a StORe! WiTH 70 doLAR IteMs At ToP TieR!!!!!' is literally NOT the same thing in anyway. Buying even every single available top tier vehicle doesn't magically "Give everyone everything all at once" It's literally just an option for people who ONLY want to play that tier. "Oh man I don't give a single fuck about tanks from 1930-1970. I JUSt wanna play the Abrams. TOo bad I'm gonna have to spend 5 months playing a bunch of shit I dont want. OR I could spend the cost of a triple A title, get the vehicle I wanna play and have fun." I don't know why the concept is so hard for War Thunder players to understand. Gotta be the whineist player base I've ever seen.

garyisfat - 14.06.2023 19:54

was that ur footage of slapping that bird out of the air at 6 minutes? sick. thanks for the vid.

Walter Palmer
Walter Palmer - 14.06.2023 17:53

No way, a free to play game offering some form of pay to win? That's so unheard of.

𝔚𝔦𝔩𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔚𝔞𝔶𝔫𝔢
𝔚𝔦𝔩𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔚𝔞𝔶𝔫𝔢 - 14.06.2023 17:09

I hate gaijen used to enjoy war thunder but it's just not worth it anymore.

Svin Kuk
Svin Kuk - 14.06.2023 16:39

If they actually went so far as to shut the whole game down out of spite because of review bombing, i will laugh about it for the rest of my entire life.

John Roscoe
John Roscoe - 14.06.2023 15:06

Is that your gameplay? Because that was a BEAUTIFUL shot on that Ka-52!

John Roscoe
John Roscoe - 14.06.2023 14:58

As I predicted, the outrage fizzled out almost as soon as it began, the "boycot" didn't even happen, and the simps are still simping.

Alpha Tango
Alpha Tango - 14.06.2023 13:37

Straight up I'd love to get into this game, believe me I'm a hardcore tanker in bf3 but the price has turned me off immediately and forever, id pay a monthly subscription but fuck you greedy POS plain and simple always has been completely clear, so is every other ORPG based around the military lol who are we kidding? The inventors now just want a bigger yacht bitch pay up :)
