Hi, I played some time ago, was so hyped, but stopped after some time. The biggest issue for me were peons. Everything else I could live with, but paywall for using market is too much in mmo.
ОтветитьNew players have to chill the fuck out.
We started this game, we didn't even have Argos. All we did was dailies and horizontal content. Now everybody is complaining about not being able to do Hard Brel ib their first month playing.
Maybe that's just how the game works. It takes time to get all runes, reach 60 and get 5x3.
If you want a game that you can just catch up immediately, go play WoW, every patch there's a reset and everybody is back to sqaure zero.
All new mokoko or fresh account or new player should have 6 power passes “1445” for free
Ответитьi joined this game like 10 days ago and i'm considering quitting ngl
ОтветитьMan you just so many good points on this video. ❤ agree agree agree
Ответитьhopefully the new knowledge transfer rework they are working on will give new players more alts to funnel 1 char to enjoy more content with. in the mean time they need a gold source 800g to fund north vern transfer into manual yorn (yorn can be skipped but it gate keeps gems from being worn in t3) into manual punika into manual south vern later.
ОтветитьI really enjoy your commentary. Watched the whole thing and I dont even play lost ark . But followed yah when I used to play e7 years back.
ОтветитьTwo big things that are at issue which results in gatekeeping/progression:
1.) Power stacking: 5x3, gems, quality of gear, proper stats, cards (not only LOS, but all the extra stats as you collect sets), skill points, roster level. All of these impact a player's power which impacts a player's performance and as a result anything in the above list can be used for gatekeeping purposes. This gets amplified by title requirements and class chosen, which are different issues.
2.) Vertical progression set-up. In addition to the above, new players are required to do Valtan/Vykas for relic gear, then Brel normal to get that upgraded, then then now Brel Hard/Clown to get access to future lvl3 gear set. Each are time gated and have some level of gatekeeping per point #1.
So new players have those two mountains to overcome to reach end game or they are basically stuck at 1490 legendary gear cap at the moment until they start #2's climb, and once that vertical progression climb is over, there will be new requirements (do you have full lvl3 for Akkan, do you have Akkan title for 10 clears, etc, etc.).
Conversely, in WoW almost every patch gives a reset in gear to allow new players to participate in end game content fast and have multiple routes to gain the required power level to do end game content at that time.
I'm a new player so I might be understanding this wrong but as I can tell, you have this gold you can earn with each character (Capped at 6 characters) and that gold come from certain actvities (like Legion Raids), so there is a Gold Cap you can make weekly, so if they changed this "cap" to be a roster cap, and you reach that cap doing the hardest content (maybe the 2 newest legion raid and that is it) for the whole account and you're done. So if you're a new player, you would need to farm more easier content to reach the same cap and them you're done too, doesn't matter if you have 6 characters or 1.
in other words, doing the pinnacle content once and you're done or you do X amount of the easier content to reach that same gold to be able to progress.
For what I saw from the game so far at some point stop being a game and start becoming a JOB, that what was bad about WoW for a long time, I'm playing Lost Ark on my own pace, reading the story and once I'm done with the main story I will go do some horizontal content and slow progress and I have the intention to quit once I get to the "Job" part of the game.
will see, pretty good video tho, I like listen to veteran point of view in the new player experience and what could be better, so far I didn't hit the wall yet xD
Everyone deserves better. What AGS doesnt seem to understand is that most players dont need faster new content. But we care more for improvements on the daily/weekly experience of playing the game. The forced weekly/daily activity model is very outdated at this point and needs to go, and it can take pheons with it.
Ответитьi think a huge problem in the game is that we no longer get account progression you are farming for armor + engravings + quality + gems + honnig + tripods in all alts and they do a small reset so now all alts under 1490 are useless easy fix is making armor and quality account wide, engraving helper system so you just can do a research that helps make 5x3 engravings, adding vendor to buy weekly tripods but i think they are moving away form the alt friendly into a more 1 character game and if they do that then just give the gold on the first clear
ОтветитьThe issue is "make a couple classes" most people know what class they want to play because we got to test the classes at the beginning new people don't want alts
ОтветитьWhat's the point of dumming down the older raids if even less people would want to play with them because they have never been truly tested? New players would struggle massively from a sharp difficulty spike as they would transition from over-nerfed to true endgame raids like Brel and Kayangel. It's not a solution. Raid difficulty increases gradually from Valtan to Vykas to Clown and most people are capable for beating them, but there are 4 major issues that prevent them from succeeding.
These 4 major issues are as follows:
1. Veterans have zero incentive to teach new players, thanks to the insane amount of homework that the game drops on their shoulders every week.
2. A lot of new players are quite antisocial and I dare to say straight-up lazy and don't want to do anything themselves i.e. finding other new players, being a raid leader, learn sidereals, etc. and would rather bang their heads against the wall by continuously applying to reclear lobbies and getting denied over and over and over again.
3. Setting up a new account takes too much time. Runes, skills points, roster level, alts, tripods, etc. - all those take MONTHS whereas the events like hyper express straight up gives 1460 ilvl and throws them into the wild, completely unprepared for anything. It's both overwhelming and simultaneously frustrating knowing that you can technically start raiding now but your account is very behind in terms of horizontal progression. People want high roster level, and they can also see that you have no collectables, so they will gatekeep you on the things that cannot accelerate in a meaningful way.
4. Buses ruin learning groups as some new players prefer to just buy carries to get the gear instead of spending a lot of time and nerves proging through the legion raids.
I also have thought about potential solutions to those issues, and here they are. For (1) : add mentorship system similar to FF14 where mentors are rewarded from teaching new players. For (2): the game should have more built-in systems such as global chats only for mokokos where they can find each other without 3rd parties like discord or reddit and adding ALL difficult raid mechanics to practice mode in Trixion (e.g. G2 maze/pizza, G3 maiden, etc.) where people could get special titles after completing them 10 times without dying once, showing that they practiced have mastered the most important mechanics prior to doing the actual raid. For (3): add essential collectables such as runes and skill points to the story rewards. Horizontal andies who spent hundreds of hours grinding those out would be mad, but that's the only way to have new players caught up. You cannot expect someone to spend as much time as we did back in the days because we had a lot less homework that today. For (4): simply what you said: ban public advertisement. Arrangements outside of the game are fine but not in PF.
I thought people quit because there's just too much repetitive stuff they have to do, it feels like a job almost. I hate that you have to play alts and farm same raids to get more gold to progress your main, that is a bad design. I think they should make all the mats roster wide and you can only clear each raid once per character. So playing an alt should be completely optional. If you're done Brel on one character, you should be done for week with that raid. Nobody wants to do same raid twice a week much less 6 times a week, that's way too repetitive. It makes people burn out and it also creates more gatekeeping, because if you have to clear certain raid 5 times you don't want to do with newbs.
ОтветитьYep, i have 1 main and 3 low levels. Its tool hard to get past 1500, I Used gold to hone from 1460. Im not good at the required raids and dungeons. The screen is to busy and flashy and too complicated to learn. I shouldnt have to study and watch videos to learn how to beat the dungeons. It should be much more simple or at least provide an alternative way to get required materials for honing or materials for next level gear sets, id be happy even if was a slower method, but could be done solo. Perhaps doing some grinding or NPC quest that rewards a fraction of the materials and you have a limit on how many missiins or how much mats you can obtain in a single day or week. This would have me logging back in regularly. As of now I haven't played since November. I gave up. Because I dont have the money to pay for all the busses it would take, and Im a busy family man that has no time to memeorize these over complicated mechanics so I wind up dragging down party's in the rare chance I do get accepted into one. Most of the time I get kicked after the first gate.
ОтветитьYou aight? havent seen your e7 videos in a while
ОтветитьHope you're still playing man! The game has gotten alot better in this past year, and alot of your issues were fixed by the developers.