Red Dead Online: 5 Tips and Tricks you MUST Know to Win more Gunfights!

Red Dead Online: 5 Tips and Tricks you MUST Know to Win more Gunfights!


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@ashmyblunt - 22.06.2023 01:05

Gay ass tips.

@Jd55hi - 03.06.2023 08:01

"and to avoid that op autoaim" immediately gives a tip on how to auto aim better

@-Marlin911- - 01.04.2023 12:39

Basically dead eye

@redrobotmonkey - 04.11.2022 05:07

Is the trick also to turn auto aim to the max? LOL what is the point of playing if you have aim assist on? How about you turn that off and actually aim?

@hushlo7575 - 14.10.2022 10:41

Lol.. wide aim is not aim.

You're not even playing the game, it's playing for you

@emery8097 - 09.10.2022 22:54

the thing is we need normal for more xp it gives 20xp per kill

@thelegendgeddry6081 - 12.08.2022 03:54

if u r watching this this video is out dated alot of people r much quicker at aiming to the head and keep ur wepon redical on dot and all was use dead eye to get a head shoot easy

@BlankFireMorph - 12.07.2022 23:16

In story mode, when you lasso a npc then keep the lasso equipped then press the punch button either circle on ps4 or etc, you will knock out the npc but after awhile he/she wakes up. So basically you extended the time for subduing a npc. Now you have plenty of time to tie people and putting them in train tracks for trolling.

@WhattheFoXPlay - 15.06.2022 05:17

Played yesterday RDR2 for the first time and daamn that was embarrassment.
Joined some kind of random team vs random team, and the matchmaking was awful, all noobs rank 1-7 vs rank 40+
Every time when somebody noticed me he insta killed me with headshot, and I couldn't made a single good shot.
I'll try these tips next time, but of course, a good amount of practice is also required.

@dragonzeyemagazine1930 - 14.06.2022 11:41

Wide got it tysm. I am trying to figure out how to stop jailbreak players. Cheaters suck!!!

@beepuffs5871 - 13.04.2022 11:16

I've learned the reticle size trick on story mode I found out why it happens on my gameplay during guarma and I started shooting every time the circle closes in

@cring1216 - 09.04.2022 01:54

Talking about aim and using roller lol

@MassiveMiniGaming - 06.04.2022 22:02

I love how the thumbnail is basically just "aim at the guy"

@TheBlindBDragon - 12.03.2022 10:34

Well this video is old but I'm about to get out of my bed log into my Xbox and fix my controller right now just so when I play later it's already set up.

@Aces4Aces - 09.03.2022 16:26

Thanks for the tips

@tarheelpro87 - 08.02.2022 18:29

Somehow I must be secretly good at this game cause I suck at call to arms and always die, but I already knew about the reticle system and diving along with switching views. I guess apparently all that holds me back is me not having or being able to afford much equipment, and my reaction time is fast but sometimes it gets the best of me cause I panic and end up shooting everywhere ignoring my bloom. I guess all cowboys have their flaws.

@zac735 - 07.02.2022 02:16

Honestly that first “tip” you would only use it if you’re shit at the game there is literally no need to use that

@ASASIN69 - 20.01.2022 07:35

Hi you explain everything in clear way thank you wish you the best always

@glacian4886 - 11.01.2022 09:56

Another tip would be to use free aim and snipe, that's why people who snipe always beat the people with aim assist. Plain and simple, free aim is better than aim assist.

@user-op1co - 01.01.2022 11:39

how do i do all of this on pc

@cringeswift6076 - 31.12.2021 09:26

Hold down the menu button to automatically open your map. Then to quickly get out of it press and hold b(xbox) O(Ps4 i think) and probably esc on computer.

@Dutch9604 - 30.12.2021 07:04

Wide aim is for close quarters combat, normal is mid to long range combat, and narrow is for long range perfect for hunting especially when need clean kills.

@laxusmcfury - 30.12.2021 01:24

that's no longer aim assist that's the game playing on your behalf. i hope that option isn't available on pc

@Pessimists - 21.12.2021 19:52

Any tips for free aimers?

@chefmarcg - 16.12.2021 22:25

people who play this game with a controller on PC are bad at gaming, and they cant hit shots without aim assist....thats why they use the controller. and then they act like theyre a god...even tho they have aim assist...LULZ

@rezaaskari1422 - 13.12.2021 13:53

Really helpful

@phant0mdummy - 11.12.2021 18:21

Try to imagine a game having such bad controls that it fundamentally fails as a shooter, unless you use a built in aimbot.

Then imagine that game being hailed as the greatest thing ever to hit a console.

Stop imagining. It is a reality. This game has the worst gameplay and yet people give it a pass. Who TF cares about an MP mode where nobody needs aim or skill to win? No wonder RDO failed and is done for. This games a clunky joke.

@thatguyonyoutubemk2746 - 10.12.2021 01:09

Came here after losing a gunfight with some high level greifers that thought they were hot sh*t since they can apparently go 2 on 1 with a level 36 when they are both 200+.

I've come out the other side thinking they're hacking tbh.

I'm sorry, one does not take 2 sticks of dynamite and 4 headshots from the bolt action without something fishy going on as far as I can tell.

If there's something my noob *ss is missing about how someone can survive that much punishment, please tell me.

Edit: I checked the guys abilities after, he didn't have "never without one" to defend against the first headshot, let alone the subsequent 3.

@giannhs322 - 10.12.2021 00:59

How can i turn off my dead eye auto tag in rdo im new and idk

@mattcarter1336 - 09.12.2021 02:14

I can give you a tip if you turn on free aim and you can actually get better XP better upgrades and basically I'll start upgrading faster.

@shantofistie4281 - 28.11.2021 20:45


@Behold_The_Future - 27.11.2021 18:45

it's time for my try hard tactics to leave. 167 times I died with people

@ziarejordan452 - 25.11.2021 05:56

I remember when the varmint rifle was good

@LightCrasher - 24.11.2021 16:09

Jesus, consoles are cancer of gaming. You just can't see this ant talk about "slkill" whith a straight face.

@amelliamendel2227 - 30.10.2021 02:54

Who doesn't use free aim?

@Limon_69 - 10.10.2021 10:39

u noob ps4 player

@djogm5586 - 08.10.2021 07:00

I legit shot someone in the head multiple times and they didn’t die, is this hacks?

@tr4111 - 05.10.2021 12:15

“Yet he cannot see me nor can he shoot at me either”

locks onto you

@mr.dome.gaming7103 - 02.10.2021 07:53

What gun are you using

@MrPsyfresh - 30.09.2021 08:59

This video tittle must needs to be:

5 Tips for mentally challenge individuals who can't play without aim bot. LOL!

@vincentmartinez222 - 27.09.2021 19:56

If you use wide aim your bad it’s easier to shoot it makes no challenge for the game

@riverds4925 - 19.09.2021 10:53

defiantly gonna use these especially for posse vs posse situations anyways any guns recommend to use for posse v posses (i own every gun btw)

@frxmxxuttheknxwherenxbxdy9443 - 17.09.2021 06:41

rdr aim assist over powerd

@gwoody4003 - 11.09.2021 15:49

Great vid.
I feel like one of those old retired gunfighters... cus let me dust off an old chestnut here... I used to be invincible in Perfect Dark, Quake and Counterstrike. But I took a break from daily gaming for a few years and missed several console generations before coming back. My last owned system before my PS4 was Nintendo Game Cube lol.
So I have a trouble keeping up with new fangled games and these young whipper snappers who just destroy me to the point its not even fun lol.
Watching people play COD, RDR, Battlefield and ect... it doesn't even look like they are aiming. Seems they just look at you and you die. I swear these try-hard guys in COD have their back to me eating a sandwhich and still smoke me before I can raise my weapon. And with RDR this deadeye with a peek around a corner no look headshot stuff... preposterous lol.
And most of my more recent FPS experience has been on PC... so much faster to aim w a mouse. And to switch weapons. I hate using a contoller for aiming. Its like trying to thread a needle after drinking a bottle of vodka in 2 swigs. The autoaim is great if you wanna use twice as many bullets shooting guys in the torso and putting holes in the cover they are peekeing out from insteadof their face.
These tips are helpful, cus I come from the strafe-in-a-circle-to-own era thats just obsolete these days. Games dont even come w a manual anymore so there were some things here I did not even know about... and explains why I never see the guy that gets me.
And it should be known, I have only been playing RDR for a month so I am super noobcakes.
I would like to see a guide for sniping and hitting a moving target. The old ways of shooting like its a real gun are dead, they do not work anymore.

P.S..... is there bullet drop in RDR? Should I aim high at long distance or lead a moving target or does the game do the math for me?

@jksmarter5079 - 01.09.2021 22:20

Please can you tell me which gun do you use ?

@bigmemer3006 - 31.08.2021 22:12

I got to take a fat shit

@unitedclpz3308 - 28.08.2021 00:00

This is so sad that you auto aimers need more of an advantage. No joke auto aim is basically just aim bot. Can’t believe they let auto aim in online

@hannahnekelly9236 - 27.08.2021 22:08

I use free aim. Its more emerging. When the shooting start. I run

@captainfyita2682 - 21.08.2021 08:39

Any kind of aim that is not free aim, is pussy mode.
