Scream 5 ( Scream 2022) | First Time Watching | Movie Reaction | The Movie Marathon Continues

Scream 5 ( Scream 2022) | First Time Watching | Movie Reaction | The Movie Marathon Continues

Final Girlz

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@kylecuhna1542 - 13.06.2023 06:28

Mark is mark Kincaid ladies , just in case you didn’t know ❤️ McDreamy

@ScribblebytesWorldwide - 22.06.2023 08:25

You guys figured it out early and that's the difference between Wes' filmmaking and the noobs. Wes knew what you were thinking and he used that against you. The kills happen too quickly here. The phone calls used to be so vulgar in a deliciously horrifying way but now it's just small talk. I feel like this was more like a really good fan fiction version of Scream 6/10. The film was enjoyable but kinda lacking until Act 3. The friends were annoying in 5,but better in 6 (which you all have seen already), but the motives in 6 were utterly ridiculous.

@shelbieclawson6973 - 04.07.2023 05:41

Mark was in one of the earlier movies. I believe 3. It’s the actor who plays on greys anatomy as Dr. Shepherd. Aka Mcdreamy.

@satvikmudgal9062 - 14.07.2023 10:27

That is Billy they deaged him

@orlandog.7536 - 14.08.2023 13:24

Tarashawn, your cool as fuck dude

@vidjunkie25 - 19.08.2023 19:26

Jeez Tarashawn is undefeated in her predictions of who the killers are 🏆🔪💦

@donaldnewton3149 - 01.09.2023 19:25

Anne looked like she was on the verge of crying.

@tnadrg1982 - 30.09.2023 10:44

Yes that's skeet Ulrich the guy who played Billy Loomis in the first scream movie

@tnadrg1982 - 30.09.2023 10:58

Mark is the cop from scream 3 that's who Sydney married

@michaelpoore21 - 01.10.2023 03:51

I'm ready for these beautiful ladies reactions❤

@michaelpoore21 - 01.10.2023 04:00

Glad they brought Skeet Ulrich back to play Billy again.

@michaelpoore21 - 01.10.2023 04:15

Everytime I see Jack Quaid in this movie, I see Joshua Jackson from Dawson's Creek 😅

@dunmwarupreachan4567 - 02.10.2023 00:31

I absolutely hate how they did Dewey dirty. His character got screwed hard. He would never abandon Gale over moving to a big city. That's petty. Dewey would've touched it out with that arrangement. Not to mention his unceremonious death. That was garbage. Other than that. It was a fun movie.

@davidcola7237 - 15.10.2023 07:11

Destiny 🤤🤤🤤

@ericambrose7024 - 21.10.2023 12:02

Mark is the detective played by Patrick Dempsey in Scream 3.

@bretalleman9352 - 24.10.2023 04:25

mark is the cop from part 3

@gabrielscruggsjr9492 - 24.10.2023 17:56

Final Girlz is so badass. too

@gabrielscruggsjr9492 - 24.10.2023 18:00

Yaaa scream 5

@gabrielscruggsjr9492 - 24.10.2023 18:02

Sid and Sam are voth badassses

@kevinfitz3721 - 07.11.2023 12:09

One of you looked up info before watching no way you call it all right in these films

@singleplayereddie - 22.11.2023 15:30

RIP Wes Craven. He passed away while working on the Scream TV series.

@corleon09 - 24.11.2023 03:32

Tara & Denise make me lose control 🥵🥵🥵🥵

@mgdonner312 - 29.11.2023 18:17

its sad but its okey if dewey die because he was supposed to die in the first one and he survived until the fifth one

@MovementGraffiti - 11.12.2023 19:41

You guys are so fun! I love your reactions. This is my least fave in the franchise because they killed Dewey, but my guess is that David Arquette got tired of doing these and they were no longer cool for him now that Wes Craven the creator isn't here anymore. Same as Robert Downey Jr in The Avengers when Stan Lee died. Very Gen X of them. Thanks beautiful ladies for your reaction! 
Sidebar: Anne kind of looks like a very young Ann Wilson from the band Heart- which is uncanny

@WOMPSTEIN - 20.12.2023 09:20

They cut out two very important lines from this movie. When ghost face says "It was an honor" to Dewey, and when Sidney said "You're in stew machers house where your dad and stew killed everyone, you need to get the fuck outta there".

@Ghostface-1996 - 11.01.2024 00:25

Sidney’s Husband is McDreamy

@AllisonM90 - 18.02.2024 11:30

Honestly, I WEPT when Dewey died. Even now, after rewatching this movie LITERALLY probably easily 100 times, I STILL dissociate a lil when THAT scene comes on...
Going into Scream 6 in theaters, I was watching Gale LIKE A HAWK, so since I won't spoil anything, I'll let that be that for now (I know you've already watched them all and I'm like almost a year late but still, I won't ruin it for someone else who hasn't seen the movie yet and doesn't want spoilers.) Seeing Scream 6 in theaters was my FIRST Scream in theaters, I NEED a local theater near me to have a marathon of all 7 movies in a row when the next installment comes out... no joke, I'd sit through it as long as we had an intermission after each movie. I autism and maybe adhd, so my brain needs breaks even of things I adore lol. Just let me order a pizza, buy some pretzels and a fuck ton of cheese, at LEAST a 12 pk of Squirt, and some other candy and snacks like PBJs and some cans of chili or homemade chili, enchilada soup, tortilla soup, or baked potato soup, and some garlic knots, and I'm SO DOWN to watch that marathon. Oh and if I can bring my weighted blanket and my cat, perfection.

@AllisonM90 - 18.02.2024 11:44

ALSO, Sidney's husband Mark, is none other than DETECTIVE MARK KINCAID FROM SCREAM 3!!
Edit: This has been confirmed by Neve Campbell (she plays SIDNEY, for any newbies who haven't seen ALL of the previous ones, AND IF THAT'S YOU, TURN THIS DAMN VIDEO OFF AND GO WATCH THE MOVIES AND THEN WATCH THESE REACTIONS SO YOU DON'T MISS ANYTHING VITAL YOU REALLY NEED TO KNOW TO UNDERSTAND), as well as Scream 5 directors Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett.

@AllisonM90 - 18.02.2024 11:57

ALSO, the scene "For Wes" with the partygoers all shouting "For Wes", those are the voices of the cast and crew who have starred in all the Scream films, who came back to give their voice cameos to pay tribute to LEGENDARY horror director, Wes Craven, who directed the first four Scream films along with A Nightmare on Elm Street and The Last House on the Left, who died in 2015. Jamie Kennedy, who plays Randy Meeks in Scream 1 and 2, is the voice who tells Francis it's time to go and says "Somebody's goofy ass Dad is kicking us out", when talking about Richie shutting down the party lol. One of the very next scenes we see Mindy, she is in the same position as Randy in Scream 1 in the "look behind you, Jamie" scene.

@chauser400 - 16.04.2024 18:22

When Dewey died I cheered. As Dewey had survived so much it was inevitable. He died as he lived, a hero.

@kwynnluayeNL - 22.04.2024 20:38

Fun fact: Ghostface used a gun in every single movie! Not a lot of people seem to remember the gun scenes haha

@corychristenson2558 - 20.05.2024 00:25

Omg Tarashawn😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍so beautiful

@DonnieMajestic - 29.05.2024 03:33

Sidneys now husband Mark is the detective from Scream 3.

@pasteye1671 - 03.06.2024 21:40

75% Foot Fest.

@anthonydavis3177 - 04.06.2024 05:16

Sydney’s husband is detective mark kincaid how did you not realize that lol

@im.a.f00l2 - 18.06.2024 20:05


@KingJayOfficialRaps - 23.07.2024 03:56

Mark is the detective from scream 3 yall thought was the killer lol

@ckhorrordict5851 - 01.09.2024 05:12

Don't know if someone else has said this, but the character Wes was a tribute to Wes Craven as was the banner at the party since he had passed between the 4 and 5th films.

@TheGundamsword - 10.09.2024 15:52

I love how Dewy is somehow overpowered by a 5'1" 90lbs girl. 😂

@s.o.c.c.5027 - 16.09.2024 22:43

❤. I swear it always seems like Tarashawn has seen these movies. She keeps getting all the guesses right. About Dewey dying. (I picked up on when she said he was not done and was going to help them and that she had a bad feeling about it. ) she guessed Tara would be the first to live from the beginning kill. She guessed correctly about not one but BOTH killers being Richard and Amber.😅 to many correct guesses.

@Reyban_x - 16.11.2024 05:57

nice reaction the scream franchise are my favorites ! nice to see it again with you, (nice pretty feet) 👻

@cg_dashie4439 - 07.12.2024 17:19


@jefferyjr.939 - 12.03.2025 00:00

I’m the only one that’s mad that Dewey died
