ManyChat Template: Amazon Seller Review ChatBot

ManyChat Template: Amazon Seller Review ChatBot

Evolve Media Agency

5 лет назад

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@bijatheater5410 - 24.11.2020 05:10

After 7 days? Against 24 hour policy

@bensdb - 10.06.2019 20:09

Can you setup multiple versions of this, each matching just one Advert, so that each template can be specified to an individual product? So that we can have custom messaging which is product specific?

@CoffeeAdventureTraveler - 25.03.2019 16:38

Ian thank you for sharing, nice ManyChat FLOW< I am asking about SMART DELAY you used vs SEQUENCES to re-target the customer? What is the difference and advantage of Smart Delay over Sequence, thanks, I will get your template.

@ahStarwok - 17.03.2019 21:56

I just started this ad campaign on FB and I noticed that it's costing me ~$2 per message.... That's awfully high and doesn't seem right. Is this normal for a campaign like this?

@MichaelHarbone - 15.03.2019 17:35

How do you get people into this flow?

Any videos?

@understars8094 - 08.03.2019 03:29

Hey Ian! For some reason my "welcome message" through the json code isn't displaying the emojis your thoughts?

@nikolagovorko7196 - 06.03.2019 22:22

Do we need PRO acc with ManyChat or does it work on free accs as well? Great video btw, thanks for posting this.

@ahStarwok - 04.03.2019 00:19

This is amazing! you are freaking awesome for sharing these. Absolute Gem!

@cloudretailers6271 - 29.11.2018 00:17

Do we need any kind of subscription? Also is there any way to target past customers from Amazon seller support?
