Eve Online : 50 Minutes of Ganking Tips

Eve Online : 50 Minutes of Ganking Tips


3 года назад

23,166 Просмотров

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David Gresham
David Gresham - 26.10.2023 21:27

I’ve been doing hauling but …the dark side is calling

Chris J
Chris J - 16.10.2023 08:57

50 mintes of how to be a trash being.

Markus Maximus
Markus Maximus - 28.04.2023 23:50

How many monitors do you use?

Tim Queree
Tim Queree - 09.04.2023 10:04

Grand Master MacGybo! Love ya work! How many SP you sitting on man?

ZeeHero - 23.03.2023 18:55

By ganking are you referring specifically to suicide ganking aka hisec? I'm really not interested much in doing that, unless the Festival of the Burning of Jita comes around again so maybe I can participate lol.

I am interested in low, null and wormhole pvp of all kinds.

Battlecruiser Plays
Battlecruiser Plays - 25.02.2023 13:02

you might be a ganker in video game but you make up for it by saving billions of lives by wearing a mask indoors in your own home, and alone by yourself

Brian Wilson
Brian Wilson - 21.01.2023 19:00

have not played this game in a long time, i swear i remeber beingsafe in high sec, if attacked security would insta kill attackers and there'd be no insurance payout for it (something like that)

Angel Feliciano
Angel Feliciano - 20.01.2023 08:07

Rat 🐀

Mori - 15.01.2023 19:09

Uninformative and really boring, take a pencil and write a script before uploading your shitposting on YT

Valentin Otto
Valentin Otto - 04.01.2023 02:23

How did you not get shot down instantly by the turrets of the gate??? You were in a sec 1 zone so I thought you needed at least a battleship hull to tank a few shots??

Kim Asher
Kim Asher - 15.09.2022 14:02

Kind of liked the gentle flow of this. It reminded me of being a gate camping pirate years ago. :-)

Xeno - 21.08.2022 21:22

Could I someday join you on a ganking trip?

Sterling Archer
Sterling Archer - 04.08.2022 07:01

Pure uncut sociopathic douchebaggery.

Imagine spending this much time doing literally nothing, being bored out of your fucking mind, just for the chance to ruin some other person's experience. How many people do you think you've personally forced to quit the game?

Bluecollarguy - 27.05.2022 01:40

did the smurf guy quit?? he was pretty prolific in the amarr area!

sumerbc - 19.05.2022 23:15

I was console gaming everyday on Jan 1st 1980. They were nowhere near looking as good as eve on low settings.. maybe 88-89 maybe

justin jones
justin jones - 05.05.2022 02:19

Idk if this is ganking this is kinda game design... imo ganking is going to the starting area for each race and killing newbros... hijacking cargo is like uhh "what u think all the guns are for?"

evohunz - 20.04.2022 04:17

Can you do ganking with a single account?

You scanned my ibis earlier today, I feel like I got an achievement in eve. o7

Tinbum - 09.04.2022 19:10

Lmfao calling out people who kill gankers sad while ganking…..🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

TWEED speculum
TWEED speculum - 19.03.2022 06:03

are you still monitoring this? I would love to ask questions. so is the griffin just buffing the fleet? your sitting in the getaway right?

Bike Guy
Bike Guy - 19.02.2022 07:42

Just put all your expensive modules in a small audit container with locked items via password. Then even if you do get ganked you still lose loot, but they don't get anything - lol.

Marwin Steiner
Marwin Steiner - 18.02.2022 12:47

It just blows my mind that there are people that actually transport skill injectors and plex around...

Lars Holdgaard
Lars Holdgaard - 18.02.2022 12:25

I just love the romantic sweet music to murder and robbery.. wonderful..lol

YouGetOnThatHorseYouGottaRideIt - 06.02.2022 12:22

Fookin nerds

YouGetOnThatHorseYouGottaRideIt - 06.02.2022 12:22


Tony Th
Tony Th - 23.01.2022 04:57

Besides how boring, eventless, tedious, and sometimes frustrating (loot thieves, loot killers, ppl who try to kill your loot truck etc.), my biggest problem when doing this would be to resist the urge to kill everyone. There are so many people autopiloting, and to know I could kill every single one of them with just 1 shot, 1 click, and resisting that urge... That would annoy me.
That's why I use 2mil isk thrashers with a bit of tank, to hunt autopiloting shuttles, corvettes and pods regardless of their cargo :)

gerbilkill - 19.01.2022 21:04

I wish there was a group that just hunted gankers. And gave people back what they could retrieve. Make a chat room urgent help. And all u good hearted people warp in like concord

Batavium - 12.01.2022 21:21

I'm glad I found your video. I was in ABA few years ago. I remember your kills at the time, expensive cargos, loot ...
Good job dude, there's a lot of patience needed for that kind of hunt/activity. I couldn't do that on my own.

Happy New Year by the way.
My greetings to Rixx ;)

Erik Hirschfelt
Erik Hirschfelt - 05.12.2021 14:45

are you so edgy that you need a face mask you snot? also ign Erik Hirshfeld

Armuotas - 02.12.2021 23:20

I quite enjoyed the video. The calm soothing delivery of short stories and tips was a perfect background filler for my routine ratting run.

Clash Cornholio
Clash Cornholio - 02.12.2021 12:49

Mentions suiciding pilot for killrights
"If the only way you can get kills, is to do that, thats pretty sad.... but then the way i play it is pretty sad as well."

Self-awareness is the first step to.... i dunno .... but it supposed to lead somewhere...
-From a Tornado Pilot shooting flashies at the Jita 4-4 undock

Louckeable - 27.11.2021 02:36

Satan cannot be everywhere at once, he thanks you for your service. :)

Nathan Joseph
Nathan Joseph - 10.11.2021 00:48

What are you using T2 guns for if you're not using T2 ammo?

Isaac Jones
Isaac Jones - 09.11.2021 05:47

Are you hiding your face on purpose? I'm getting this old American western highway robber vibe off you.

EricT43 - 04.11.2021 20:22

Hope you do more videos like this, it was very interesting. I do a lot of hauling and it's interesting to see how the other side operates. Without gankers, people would haul their own stuff and I'd be out of business. I have a lot of respect for the pros like yourself.

Viking and Butterfly
Viking and Butterfly - 31.10.2021 17:38

Very interesting video. Eve is a sandbox. You can be who you want. Even if for the majority, you’re nasty and on the wrong side.
I lost a Golem in Lanngisi : I learned the hard way 😉
You’re the salt. That’s it 😉

Jernej x
Jernej x - 22.10.2021 12:51

Sad thing to here a ganker crying about geting ganked Nice video

Francisco Milos
Francisco Milos - 12.10.2021 19:34

Can I do that without alts?

Don Draper
Don Draper - 12.10.2021 14:06

Gankers = Winners in EVE, loser in RL.

Peter Stanbury
Peter Stanbury - 11.10.2021 23:36

Fascinating to watch. I must say that until I saw this, I'd just been piling up loot and stuff in my cargo hold and letting it collect there until returning to home base every few days.....but now I've seen this I know to not travel about too much with loads in cargo.

Stay Feral
Stay Feral - 10.10.2021 06:31

What is your get away driver fit?

William Thompson
William Thompson - 02.09.2021 23:18

Auto-pilot, shooting wrecks, kill rights, and so on are not odd or people lacking displine......it's people playing another game......it's a sandbox

CMDR SpongeDoc
CMDR SpongeDoc - 28.08.2021 02:03

Thanks for the video. Being a ganker is exactly like I imagined. Sitting there with multi accounts, clicking buttons, and basically spending your time to wait for the big fish. You know you could make more ISK in 50 mins if you play the game as intended, not stealing from others. But if you enjoy being brain dead instead of playing the game up to you mate :) But thanks the hint, I'll start shooting wrecks, just for fun :)

Ben aaron87
Ben aaron87 - 17.08.2021 11:26

this was an interesting watch , have more respect and understand the art . its keep stupid at bay and those too silly ofr their own good bahahahaha

Black Dragon Dragonis
Black Dragon Dragonis - 12.08.2021 13:15

Bro I see you in game I am the black dragon dragon is toon and u do yanking

PewPewPew1981 - 11.08.2021 03:07

Subscribed the moment I saw you posted this on 420

Sabru - 03.08.2021 12:31

Agree with some of the comments here. Just today, as I exited my little T1 Abyss in Jita, some dude was waiting for me and went for a gank. I managed to escape. No hard feelings and I'm thankful for the adrenaline rush. I did camp out in the station for an hour after that though.
