I had to rebuild my hard drive At the start of the month so I starting over. My first build is a gun mag trapper, Cabal Hermit, Mercenary, and Rogue Engineer. Pressure Plate Expertise is insanely powerful, but so are guns with Sigil of Wind. One handed weapons Living Wood Axe, Gep's Blade, Skycrown Mace, Radiant Wolf Sword, or Brand maybe. Haunting Beat and Welkin Ring should give me a nice boost if I also have a one handed that does Ethereal.
ОтветитьGood Video,
But question tho. Since DE is comming out, how does that affect my game since i started outward with co-op and we are on berg now.
Thanks for this again mate ~
ОтветитьWow! I learned some things I certainly never knew about. Great video man. I hadn't heard of skooma before now but just, wow!
ОтветитьIm from México, your content really help me.
Chido carnal te aprecio
ty, 4 days for DE
ОтветитьDoes lantern toss set them on fire automatically or is it a build up ?
I used these right away
Can't wait for DE to come out.
ОтветитьI also noticed, in the tip about Lantern Toss, you have multiple lanterns hotkeyed. This is unnecessary, as once you throw a lantern it will automatically register the next lantern in your inventory. What this means is that you only need 2 quick slots to toss as many lanterns as you can carry 👍🏼
ОтветитьTrying to get ahead of the Definitive edition huh? My man.
ОтветитьHaving access to a second controller is fantastic. Let's you split-screen trade anywhere and continue adventuring. Back in town just trade items back. If we don't get a storage chest in every city in the upcoming Definitive edition, this may ease the storage problem.
Also, nice tips, some I did not know about!
Very cool video :D, its time to use some tramps xD
ОтветитьNice tips & tricks
ОтветитьPush kick with rage on is underrated. Same with shield charge. Also the bash attack from 2 handed hammers. Does a ton of impact. I also like using ice sigil with kick and rage on a character with low mana.
My tip would be to craft the linen fists at the starting area and get rage early on when leaving cierzo. Super useful, though puncture from single sword is also good since you have a lot to travel in order to get it in levant. Depends on what you want/like.
So i just bought this Game 2-3 days ago.. would u recommend to wait for the DE ?
ОтветитьLegit thank you for providing such great outward content your great for the community!
ОтветитьI did not know about Jinx or the Grenades. Awesome tips I will definitely add to the tool kit. Great video as always.
ОтветитьThis is amazing, although it makes me wonder if that Bow trick with Jinx also works for other spells, let you lock of farther away to sling fireballs, ethereal bolts, lightning runes (with internalized lexicon), and ice spells!
ОтветитьHave you done a video on the 100gold bars yet? Can't wait to see you do a let's play with your brother again starting tomorrow 17th right?
ОтветитьThe fact that these are not new to me just shows how much I love this game XD
Great vid again! IDK if this will be useful but my cousin and i use the pocket trick to carry a second gear just for travelling. So I have one set for travelling and one set for fighting. Saves a lot of time.
My god I can’t believe it’s been 3 years.
ОтветитьESO started making outward videos again
ОтветитьWanted to update since the first tip of the video didn’t age well with DE lol
Dropping the backpack no longer prevents food from spoiling, HOWEVER if you drop the actual individual food/consumable on the ground, it will stay fresh forever and you can just pick it back up and put in bag when ready to go 👍🏼
C4G Shoutout!!
ОтветитьCan ps4 and ps5 play together?
ОтветитьThe immaculate just gave me a 35 slot travelers backpack.... wtf
ОтветитьIs this Jinx trick still viable in 2022?
ОтветитьBut traps are boring
ОтветитьI just got this game and Ive been watching all these starting player videos like crazy. Its insane how deep this game is. I was getting frustrated with enemies up until I started using some strategies you spoke off and now the game got less frustrating and just became fun. Thank you for making these vids!
ОтветитьThe only thing i hate about this game is the limited customizations on the faces. I hope they come out with an update. Lol
ОтветитьEnemies fight each other... that's how i cheesed the First cannibal hahaha i got agro from all flame enemies that were still remaining, including the 2 elementals, and ran towards him. He killed everything, but was so low that a few arrows were enough to finish him off x)
ОтветитьWhat this game needs:
- pvp
- swimming
- 2-handing a weapon button
- jumping/sitting/crawling
- climbing monsters/houses
- better character customization
- better and faster enemy AI who can climb houses or trees and can attack from afar
- building your own house
- more interresting npc's/beeing able to fight with them and have a bounty on your head
- 3d models of every npc/monsters in your questbook
- faster and more fluid running/jumping like a ninja
- 2 slots for a range (bow/spellbook) and a meele (dagger/sword/axe) weapon at the same time so u can switch and it shuld be seen on the characters back if unequiped!! and have leather straps buckles around shoulder/waist for weapon sheathing not just floaty weapon on back.
Tried to like this game but I just can't with this janky-ass combat system. I'm not going to grind mats for and then lay 2 dozen traps to take down one mob.
ОтветитьGood video.
ОтветитьI can confirm that items rotting isn't stopped but slowed when in a house chest/dropped bag because at the start of the game I had put some cooked Gaberries in my lighthouse and some stew meat in a dropped bag I leave at the village gate, after about 40-50 days I had realized they were all about to expire.
ОтветитьInteresting, never knew about the backpack trick while sleeping, or the grenade with a shield either! Thanks a bunch!
Edit: So figured out something else that's pretty nifty! I use it if I go to harmattan early in a playthrough. So you can use a plant tent for easy time passing if you're trying to acquire recipes or materials from vendors, it covers your food and water. Better still if you drop a plant tent in town, then drop a spare backpack nearby it can work as a mobile base of sorts, you can just use the backpack on the ground like a chest so you can drop off stuff you want to keep for later but not carry around. I hope someone finds this useful!
oh wow, grenade shield is awesome, gonna try it idea
ОтветитьPros BR, Pesquisa no google, o mapa total de Quersoneso, e onde tá os Baus Ornados(Ornate Chest), e se mata pra abrir todos, enquanto mata tudo que se move e minera tudo que for possível. Evita jogar de arco. Ideal jogar de Machado duas mãos, e uma pistola. Coloca a pistola e o machado nos atalhos. Assim voce consegue trocar entre eles, e dar mt dano, sem precisar ta sempre corpo-a-corpo.
ОтветитьI started playing this a few weeks ago. I lowered all the background music and used Spotify to listen to Morrowind in game music as a background. Awesome 😎
ОтветитьGreat tips!
ОтветитьI love watching tips and tricks for this game because it's just so ultimately unfun to play
ОтветитьHow we do or craft this granades??
ОтветитьHi master, first I will state that I like a lot your guides and tips and Outward stuff, since I am playing it for the second time around your content has been very helpful. I would like to ask you if you would consider to make an enchantments top 5? Or maybe more than one since enchantments are so complex and apply to many items so... besides also wanted to ask for hidden arena guides and last but not least about hidden craftable objects like that sword that comprises the sword the bottle and something else. Well thanks for the game effort again and best gaming👍👍👍👍
ОтветитьI have never used the doge roll. I bait an enemy into swinging before manuvering, but simply running is enough to juke the shit out of most enemies. I actually hate the doge roll haha.
ОтветитьCheesed a wendigo just outside cierzo with two lantern tosses , a fang sword with it's starter skill when talking to burac the gusrd captain and a lightning rag
ОтветитьWow, these are game-changing and quality of life game tips, thank you.
ОтветитьI’ll add to the Jinx tip:
You do not need a direct line of sight to add further hexes once the first hex has been applied, and the range is pretty ridiculous. Jinx has a memory of its first TWO targets, so with this knowledge, you can target enemy A with Jinx, then switch over to enemy B. Once you have applied a hex to both enemies, disengage your target lock and go hide behind a wall somewhere and just spam until you’re content, hexes will be applied back and forth between the last 2 enemies. A single rupture is usually enough to clear an entire room, or large enemy.