AI Stealing Jobs, TikTok Ban & SICK Reality TV | Gag Of The Millennial Ep.39 | Roly & Luxeria

AI Stealing Jobs, TikTok Ban & SICK Reality TV | Gag Of The Millennial Ep.39 | Roly & Luxeria


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@briannaobrien4419 - 13.06.2024 18:26

The only gender-neutral bathrooms I have beef with are the multiple person bathrooms and the freakin' urinal isn't in a stall. Honestly it might just be in the US but I hate it. And not cuz I can see a urinal its cuz dudes will use it and its a multi person bathroom and I'm just walking in and bam! Penis. Just put them in stalls! Why aren't they in stalls to begin with!? Everytime I see one I imagine the plumber just maliciously complying to "those damn woke bathrooms take this stall-less urinal! Hah!".

@lewis_hoopkins - 10.06.2024 05:59

oh my god I worked in the Lower Red Lion on my gap year in St Albans lol.

I had to very politely and apologetically ask families with children to leave many a time which was funny because I was freshly 18 at the time and still looked like a babeyyyy.

Loved working at that place though, was chill and quiet, never had to deal with crying children ✨🙅‍♂️

@SikanderG - 08.06.2024 20:30

Palestinians depend on TikTok for their lives to be saved. There are Palestinians whose main source of funds for evacuation or survival is from TikTok. This ban is therefore part of the genocide against Palestinians.

@SikanderG - 08.06.2024 18:45

Roly, please say something about Palestine. Do a gag of the millennial acknowledging that there's a genocide happening right now, being perpetrated by Israel as well as the US, the UK, etc.

@xXendless_shrimp_tourXx - 05.06.2024 15:13

Plz girls update the Apple Podcasts 😭😭😭😭

@kelsea6591 - 04.06.2024 10:11

I’m so happy that Lux and Roly will still continue the podcast after she moves. Can’t do without gag of the millennial!! Need my prescription of the scaldy waldy Darjeeling! 🖤

@thomascarpenter8750 - 02.06.2024 00:31

I think the men dressing up as women and it being found funny stems from Shakespeare times where men dressed up as women and were humiliated but at that time it was normal. Now it is not.

@Porcelaingoblin - 01.06.2024 22:38

‘If I’m woke that must mean you’re dead asleep, wake up my love you live in a world of variety’

@mackenzieosner7375 - 29.05.2024 15:44

As an American both my options for a president are trash 🗑️. Biden is senile and trump is a walking meme. There's allegedly a good independent candidate running but third party candidates have like a 0.1% chance to win. If I had zero family ties I'd find a new country too.

@VampiraVonGhoulscout - 29.05.2024 08:16

I've been trying to move back to the EU to Finland for quite a while, and it's actually made me unwell because Brexit has made it nearly impossible. You can't get a residence permit without a job, but they will not hire you without a residence permit. It's an absolute nightmare. The reason why I'm moving is quite serious as well, which adds even more pressure. So I absolutely understand your struggles, Luxeria. It's absolutely awful at the moment.

@Anubis_House1880 - 29.05.2024 02:40

in America detransition is a very big issue right now because you can walk into a planned parent hood and walk out with a hormone prescription on your first appointment without any therapy or mental health evaluation before hand. the system is very abused here.

@karenmilhoan4874 - 29.05.2024 02:15

As someone who had precious puberty and was on hormone blockers for a long time. I don't really see the downside of kids being like " I want to put this shit on pause because I'm not sure."

@ashmh9228 - 28.05.2024 21:13

I hope you're not moving to Ireland, the trans healthcare here is shocking

@Gingerllamalove - 27.05.2024 20:12

As a kid brought up in the pub environment , personally I think that pubs should be child free in general as its not a place for children. And often the pub staff or customers end up babysitting the children while the parents drink. It also means that other customers cant relax etc because children are around. Being brought up around that shit put me off alcohol for sure. And watching my parents get drunk often isnt fun and you end up having to parent your own parents so you can actually get home safe.

@Dizzaton - 27.05.2024 10:53

"No, people move to MY place to die" - Oh, so she's moved to Chichester

@VideoRich - 27.05.2024 01:34

Why isnt this on spotify??

@nataliehilton9334 - 26.05.2024 23:52


@PhantomOfTheHummus - 24.05.2024 19:21

I work in HR. I only use AI to rephrase things when I have writer's block or to help with templates for things like policies (which I then review and tweak). I refuse to use it in hiring, it does not seem worth the risk.

@maciejturek7325 - 24.05.2024 18:53

I love how the Wonka experience guy has been left behind with the mess he made but both the unknown and oompa loompa lady have turned these gigs into some positive attention and are thriving

@stargazrsk8r - 24.05.2024 07:09

omg LUX did you lose weight?? you look healthy! and SNATCHED hello! suits you very well ☺️ ur makeup is beautiful too ur eyes are PIERCING MY SOUL! love you both! ta ta ☺️

@ItsClarkbar - 24.05.2024 02:36

Unfortunately, breaking up total control of a government to give power back to smaller factions, doesn’t always work. Take Roe v Wade for example. The Supreme Court ruled abortion is no longer a federal right and the power is in each states hands for them to decide. Problem is, the laws vastly change from one state to another. One could allow it up to 24 weeks, another could only up to 6 weeks which is before many people even know they’re pregnant and even in some it’s almost completely banned even in cases of r*pe and inc*st. They’re even trying to criminally charge people who go out of state to have abortions once they return to their state or even have people get the death penalty for having one. It’s completely ludicrous and anarchy. I too, see my country stripping the rights of people like me and I’m not liking where it’s headed so I’m really considering moving out of country as well. It’s genuinely upsetting and frustrating to see things in such a state as it is:/

@thisbetheverses - 23.05.2024 12:56

Regarding de-transitioners.
We spent 3 or 4 years on HRT and then stopped, so I think we count as having "detransitioned".

There's a lot we could say about it but to be really brief:

It was absolutely necessary and life-saving at the time to get this intervention for us. We needed it. We don't regret it, we still appreciate some of the effects that have lasted.

It was literally 3 years of waiting on a waiting list for the GIC and there were so many checks and conversations and assessments to make absolutely sure we wanted this. (Actually it was agonisingly difficult and the practitioners who assessed us really were not educated in the nuance of anything like gender identity, I remember being interrogated because we wore eyeliner by one practitioner and having to defend our gender because 'it was so suspicious that a guy wanted to wear makeup').

We fully support HRT and access to it should be improved for those who need it in our opinion, education of practitioners would really help I feel.

The reason we decided to stop HRT was that we found out we're a system (assumed, undiagnosed DID rather than OSDD) and I as a girl in the system started taking over more as a host, before it had been guys solely in charge for years, so we talked about it and agreed it was in our best interests now to stop it. It didn't harm us, it did help us, the entire process of getting it was disenfranchising, depressing and exhausting as a fight.

@thecosywitch - 23.05.2024 12:37

I have one son and one on the way and I adore them with my whole being but I will damn shout it from the rooftops that it’s completely ok to not want children!! They’re hard work, they completely change your life and your priorities, the process of just having them is exhaustive to the body (I’m currently in hospital… again!). It baffles me that people are so angry when people don’t want children, surely you want children to be born to people who really want them? And how does it affect your life if someone else is child free?
If I want a pub lunch with my son, I will go somewhere that is child friendly, there’s plenty! Let there be some spaces that are child free without it being an issue, there is always somewhere else! X

@jenniferkovalick2959 - 22.05.2024 22:14

Im a woman who doesnt want children, and neither does my husband. We are both so tired of hearing "you should have kids, it makes life great!". These are the same people complaining about their kids 5 minutes later. Im dreading the familyvacation coming up since its us, his parents, aunt and uncle, and 3 couples wiyh small children. Needless to say we'll be doing our own thing for the majority of the trip.

@personplaceorthing - 22.05.2024 20:53

Really happy to hear that you will both continue making videos together, but also heartbroken that you won't be able to see each other and hang out in the same way.

I'm glad Luxeria has the ability to move and (hopefully) land somewhere safer...while also feeling a lot of pain for all the people that can't move to safer locations.

I don't understand why people think [gender, sexuality, race, access to healthcare, bodily autonomy, and education] are somehow the 'biggest threats' to the world....but guns, monopolies, destroying the environment, multi-billionaires, monarchies/oligarchies/dictators and governments overflowing with out of touch and corrupt menaces are tooootalllyyy fine.

@casper9104 - 22.05.2024 09:50

Omg you guys have to react to the show Ugly Betty, it's from like the 2000s? I used to watch it every morning before school and tried to watch it again recently and oh my god, there's this trans women character in it that's treated so horribly and there's so much misinformation in it, plus she's played by a cis woman, it's so weird how it was allowed

@orania8033 - 22.05.2024 09:39

Aahhhhh I'm so late to this video! Much love you beautiful humans!🖤

@Liamtyler43 - 22.05.2024 04:01

If Starr is in their mouths (looks around for safety) maybe he's paying them to talk about him for relevance 👀 lol

@ilanarhian - 21.05.2024 11:02

It’s ridiculous how much harder it is with Brexit to move to Europe! When I moved to Germany in 2012 all I had to do as a UK citizen in the EU was rock up to the town hall and register as a resident. THAT WAS IT. I was allowed to live there and allowed to work.
I used to work check in at the airport in Frankfurt and whenever I had British passengers who obviously lived in Germany like me we would have a major RANT about Brexit. Especially as a lot of them hadn’t been able to vote (at least I could)

@amandatucker1712 - 21.05.2024 05:50

Wait wait young people are getting information off of a social media app. I miss the days of grab a phone and google it and fact checking what you’re looking up and learning. I am sad that the ban for TikTok got passed. I’m wondering what’s next at this point. This is so scary.

@riley.k9906 - 21.05.2024 05:50

I was in Arizona in the US and they had a park bathroom that was just an open hallway with individual stalls all the way down with sinks outside. Both sides were open on either side (remarkably clean for being outside). Non gendered and the most convenient solution😅

@amandatucker1712 - 21.05.2024 05:43

So America has more then 2 parties It’s just there are 2 well known parties. I also am scared for the election. There is congress that things have to go through and most of the time nobody agrees. In my opinion it’s due to the party they are In not if it’s a good bill or bad bill. I really do miss the “for the good of the people” it was like that at one point and it’s not like that anymore. I’m sorry that the UK is struggling as well. I really hope things get better honestly.

@wildsoulyogi - 21.05.2024 00:45

My favourite duo on the internet!

I hate how awful this country is and how difficult it is for certain communities to exist here. I, myself, am leaving and moving to Cambodia next week. I wish you both all the joy and peace in the world✌️❤

@bunnieslikecherries8143 - 20.05.2024 22:26

what will happen with this series when Luxeria leaves the UK?? ☹️💗

@naughtypumpkin4966 - 20.05.2024 11:42

On the subject of bars like the Eagle etc, I've actually looked at the websites for those kinda bars, and while I do think those bars might be for me because they attract the kinda men I'm attracted too, I've always kinda felt apprehensive about trying to go in, due to how high pitched my voice is and how effeminate I am, even though I'm a cisgender gay man?

Maybe thats my internal bias and assumption, but I feel like there's a undercurrent of "no fems" or "masc for masc only" mentality that might be prevalent in those bars...

@pennywisethedancingclown2702 - 20.05.2024 03:40

Will the Spotify be updated with new episodes soon?

@shoug359 - 20.05.2024 00:51

so basically, they are banning tiktok to cover up what is ACTUALLY happening in Pale$tine... I'm seriously not surprised at all but sooo disappointed

Pale$tine will be free.

@paedreau1 - 19.05.2024 21:58

It's not as if liberals in the United States think Biden is progressive, not at all. But there's no way most of us would ever vote for trump and fascism. I appreciate the protests in our country telling power that we DO NOT want to support the massacre in Gaza. But it's troubling that it could tip some votes in favor of trump. It's all so terrifying! I feel so awful hearing you say that you want to leave your country just to feel safe.

@CATcatCATwoof - 19.05.2024 17:19

I think some of your opinions regarding children are so ignorant. It has been socially acceptable to disregard children as 'other' forever. It has only been up until recently with the rise of gentle parenting (specially in younger millennial parents who want to change that 'children need to shut up and do as they're told' mindset) that children have been seen as people that have body autonomy? When you are out in public, children are allowed to exist. Shock horror, they can go to pubs with their parents to have something to eat too! If the pub doesn't want them in there, that's fine. I'm 100% okay with that. But to ban children from all pubs? What a load of nonsense met with hyperbolic anecdotes from you both. I have heard it so many times in queer spaces, the absolute disgust people have towards kids. You know that mindset exists. Children are othered, hated, held under disregard. It's just another extension of shitty individualism which states that if it's not mine then it's not my problem. You are the adult. If a child (whos brain hasn't fully developed yet) is annoying you, move away? They cannot comprehend their affect on other people. Parents shouldn't have to stay inside all day just to keep non parents who don't know how to share spaces happy. Kids crying on a bus/train/plane? Wear headphones. If you don't like children and you want to share public spaces, then you have to account for the fact that children will be there. You have to make amends to your needs, not the other way around. It makes me laugh because queer children exist and we're all about 'what about the lgbtq+ kids' until it means being around them. You both are funny af but sometimes, specially around this subject, you are both so ignorant and contemptuous.

@slvr323 - 19.05.2024 16:17


@user-ck4pg3np4r - 19.05.2024 15:07

I don’t care WHAT the videos are about…
Having my 2 fave you tubers back together are making my day!! Love you both and I’m so very happy you both are doing well! Xoxox

@AngelDRose - 19.05.2024 06:18

Another cringe was when production kept making her say “I was born as a man”. Like literally every interview she said some version of that. As if production were like “come on. Say it. Say you’re a man” disgusting. So heartbreaking what happened to her.

@emmaw944 - 18.05.2024 19:13

I have children, if I got a child free afternoon I'd love to spend it in a child free pub, I don't drink alcohol but I'd enjoy a lime and soda.

@user-rj2sy9nu2j - 18.05.2024 15:27

Have you guys noticed that the younger generation continues to destroy our childhood like why they aren’t making their own memories in their own ideas and doing their own things is beyond me, but your episodes are the reason why I have a certain OG elder millennial attitude

@buniosh - 18.05.2024 12:10

Love the vibe 🎉 quality content! 💙

@mittimort - 18.05.2024 03:27

roly & lux: the idea of one person running an entire country is so outdated
me: crying in russian
