Microsoft Extremely Close to Buying Obsidian - Xbox First Party Continues to Grow

Microsoft Extremely Close to Buying Obsidian - Xbox First Party Continues to Grow

Rand al Thor 19

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Rand al Thor 19
Rand al Thor 19 - 09.10.2018 22:47

Leave a LIKE if you enjoyed the video and are excited about what Obsidian will bring to Xbox gamers in the future!

Xbox buying Obsidian has been a rumor for the past couple months and it seems like it might actually happen... if I had to guess it will be announced at X018 in November.
Are you excited about this and what games would you like to see Obsidian make for Xbox and PC. Let me know in the comments below!

snicker doodle
snicker doodle - 05.01.2019 19:26

It seems like microsoft is bullying everything

MP - 07.11.2018 23:53

Between the initiative, ninja theory, and obsidian, I really think Microsoft is gonna be a force to be reckoned with next gen!

The Fandom
The Fandom - 18.10.2018 01:06

Obsidian and Microsoft? Maybe Stormlands then?

Dia Nuevo
Dia Nuevo - 14.10.2018 10:12

Nah obsidian is not good enough to be a gem for a gauntlet.

NIcky_1790 - 13.10.2018 23:12

I can downplay this... They are spending less than 1% of their cash on hand....

Austin - 13.10.2018 21:55

Honestly next-gen seems like its gonna be epic. I'm already not sure which Console to buy first...

Simtar123 - 13.10.2018 13:16

Really COOL thumbnail!!

Naruto Uzumaki
Naruto Uzumaki - 13.10.2018 06:53

What the heck is obsidian the only obsidian i know is the obsidian in minecraft

dirtyrot10scoundrel - 12.10.2018 18:04


MuayThai forever
MuayThai forever - 12.10.2018 13:53

This is so far fetched but I wish Microsoft would buy platinum games! That would be pretty me anyway

PSXBOX6337 - 12.10.2018 03:34

they better fix their quality control!!! games like sea of shit and state of decay should not be made!!!

James Bauer
James Bauer - 11.10.2018 17:42

Obsidian has made some of the greatest crpg's in recent years, with Pillars of Eternity and Tyranny. I would love to see them continue what they are are good at with the backing/funds of MS.

Sony can keep their hold on jrpg's. Have MS be the place for western/crpg's.

Rededd01 - 11.10.2018 16:56

Good business decision; fits in nicely with their subscription services on Xbox. With the continual increase in backward compatible games and the other studios that they've purchased it appears they are moving in the good direction. More good options for Gamers is always good. Thank you for the content.

Mihai Vasilache
Mihai Vasilache - 11.10.2018 12:40

I would like to see from them a Marvel/DC game, a single player experience like the arkham series or like the new Spider-Man, maybe then I will buy a Xbox

Zarflame99 - 11.10.2018 11:03

I actually think the Windows Store/Microsoft Store is perfectly fine. People just need to stop being whiny B****ES.

king mana
king mana - 11.10.2018 08:46

Microsoft is full of it no games,and all of companys they have acquired,games are 2 to 3 yrs away!

Merlaut - 11.10.2018 08:30

Nooo Obsidian should remain independent. :(

Dankest Bonglord
Dankest Bonglord - 11.10.2018 06:03

Fallout New Vegas is to this day the greatest video game of all time. Big win for MS if this is true.

Nemicon - 11.10.2018 02:20

This has nothing to do with first party. M$ is trying to monopolize gaming instead of competing. Obsidian has not made anything relevant to consoles in years.

Their latest game is a small PC game. The rumor says its to bolster their PC business so it has nothing to do with Xbox. Zbox fans keep being delusional. M$ doesn't give a damn about Xbox. Stop drinking the koolaid.

Ninja Theory doesn't make games that fit M$ vision, Compulsion games makes mediocre games, Undead Labs makes mediocre games, playground makes a Forza spinoff and Obsidian makes small scale PC games.

Tell me, how does this improve Xbox? This makes M$ more money when they put their games on their streaming service. This does not help Xbox. This is not for Xbox fans at all. They might end up making mobile or PC games lol.

D World
D World - 11.10.2018 01:01

Obsidian just launched Pillars of Eternity 2, and it is an excellent RPG. We don't know how far they got on Stormlands before it was cancelled, but that might be a game that could be potentially launching in early 2020 (I'd assume they wouldn't launch a new IP in the holiday season). They had to already have started working on something since they wrapped up POE2 earlier this year.

SolarWavesXFinity - 10.10.2018 23:49

Obsidian, Xbox, and Sony lose with this rumored aquisition. The best genre of games made by Obsidian are CRPG's. Majority of Xbox gamers remember Obsidian for Kotor 2 (OG xb1 title), Fallout New Vegas (xbox360), and South Park Stick of Truth. Since the only "rpgs" supported by Xbox gamers are Witcher3 and Skyrim, Obsidian will fail in establishing a foothold as a stand alone exclusive studio for MS.

Pete HrapStick
Pete HrapStick - 10.10.2018 22:33

What game has obsidian made lately that has got us outta our seats to get it?

MartellThaCool - 10.10.2018 21:52

Xbox still got no good games lol

Shannon Thomasson
Shannon Thomasson - 10.10.2018 21:41

he got Satya Narayana Nadella to pony up the money, i think they werent previously

KILLAWATTS 804 - 10.10.2018 20:32

They dont care about placing in this console war? They would if they were winning Shit, by the time Xbox dish out these games Sony would have bulldoze through the next generation bruh....ain't no competition from Sony's standpoint

KNorth2 - 10.10.2018 20:14

Playground, Ninja Theory, & Obsidian are all great acquisitions imo. I hope there's even more coming.

Pavlo Tverdokhlib
Pavlo Tverdokhlib - 10.10.2018 19:19

Maybe Microsoft will actually fix the Windows store, to make it useful?

I am a PC user. Only game this gen that was enticing me to upgrade to Win 10, was Scalebound, and well.....

If Obsidian, Ninja Theory, Compulsion and Initiative will pump out new single-player IPs, I may reconsider.

THATBEAST IZM - 10.10.2018 17:01

And there moving to streaming service so still no reason to buy a xbox

THATBEAST IZM - 10.10.2018 16:59

Ummm! I don't believe that their new studios will make everything for xbox I believe that it will all be on p.c.

tacobritish1983 - 10.10.2018 16:20

These are the same dummies that said sony exclusive don't matter in here hyping this up let me see the games first before you get your pantys in a bunch

Thomas The Choo Choo Train
Thomas The Choo Choo Train - 10.10.2018 15:42

What studio are they gonna buy next...

Yorosero - 10.10.2018 15:13

Obsidian is a great pick, unlike Compulsion Games.

Zekaphobia - 10.10.2018 15:09

So with their streaming plan, that would mean a xbox is not required anymore. You could buy a phone, download the xbox app, stream the game on your phone and then mirror it to your 4k tv.

I am not saying the Xbox will be useless, cause traditional gamers like me will probably get it, but you will save a HELL of a lot more money doing it that way, especially if most of you have a phone.

Mclloydeeee - 10.10.2018 12:38

No I don't laugh at u saying " They are deadly serious with nxt gen ", but what I do say is what about this generation? What about the gamer's who have bought a 3rd console in the same gen for no other reason than Xbox fukin up on a constant and gamer's not being happy with the product. U say they had to do this to secure nxt gen? Now to me that is hilarious! They haven't secured anything! Infact they are losing fans of their platform each and every day of the yr! Backing a corporation that tells u what we want? Streaming? I think it is us, the consumer that tells these corporations what we want, not the other way rd! U said in another video that Microsoft's mission is to tap into 2 billion gamers😂😂😂😂😂 Do u, and I guarantee Xbox understand that those 2 billion gamer's, well, not all of them are playing what we would think of as a quality game, alot of those 2 billion gamer's play shit like candy crush once in a while when passing a little time. So basically are u going to see a load of shit dropping onto that plat? Anything that makes a little money then it will drop. I dread to see what types of game's u will be seeing on the Xbox in the coming yrs. Have u seen PRocks vid on this? This streaming service sounds suspiciously like their music streaming service and u and other gamer's think that because Phil and his team have bought these studio's they are
" serious ". I would agree, but with this streaming service and it will be an app that " MAY " go to all plats including Playstation, and If this gen doesn't work I would be willing to bet money that gamer's will be seeing Xbox drop the hardware and just focus on the software for other plats!!!!! Xbox, in my eye's and plenty of other gamer's out there, they really wouldn't care if Xbox disappeared in to history of how not to sell a product. Streaming 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I look at this corporation as a danger to the hobby I have had for ova 30 yrs. Games as a
" service " filled with Micro-transactions and any other trick in the book to try and take any bit of money possible off their fan-base! Nxt Gen nothing will change. U can see that the Xbox isn't and has neva been a console as popular as Sony! Even when Sony tried to sell us a playstation 3 for a ridiculous price, well once they sorted that shit out they caught up and slightly took ova the Xbox 360, basically Xbox' best selling gen is Playstation's worst! Still the fanboys think what Xbox and their team say is what will be happening in the future? When in the history of mankind have we listened to the loser, when did we start listening to the failures? I really cannot think of a time to be honest!!!!! Trying to dictate to us when they haven't a foookin clue when it comes to gaming! 1p game's don't matter in this day and age😂😂😂😂😂 well that is what Phil would want u to believe 🤪

halofreak1990 - 10.10.2018 11:03

Let's hope we'll be getting a 4th Dungeon Siege game now. The 3rd one was kinda open-ended.

Gaming since the 80´s
Gaming since the 80´s - 10.10.2018 10:48

Obsidian would be good, so the next Fallout will be exklusive.

jzero3g - 10.10.2018 10:09

Obsidian, ninja theory and playground games i think are going to be ms best studios in about 10 years. I cant wait to see their games. Obsidian is a favorite of mine

geejr - 10.10.2018 09:50

It’s hilarious that people think Microsoft will give 100% creative freedom. I will believe it when I see it. If Ninja Theory comes back to Phil and says 50% of their project needs to scraped, is Phil going to authorize another 50 million in the budget?

Zak The Ghost
Zak The Ghost - 10.10.2018 09:11

I hope obsidian makes a game similar to Fallout New Vegas

darkosdreamers - 10.10.2018 08:37

I believe after Obsidian joins Microsoft family there is one more studio acquisition that could be made by the end of the year. If this does happen that will force Sony out first with their next gen console. This could also cause them to stumble a bit by rushing titles out. I hope for their sake they do not do this cause it only hurts the gamer. I think of Microsoft's Xbox is like AMD. Intel was mighty for a while then when true competition hit them they were not able to cope with AMD's pacing and the same can happen here. I think Xbox's roadmap is going well and when their titles start hitting it will be like Sony from 2017-now.Before any fanboys for Intel start yelling at this time they still have 82% of the market so they are still top dog. They just can not make 10nm lol....

RXdash78 - 10.10.2018 08:33

Can we get a still of that thumbnail?

Nick G
Nick G - 10.10.2018 08:19

Here's my issue. These acquisitions are great. If we can play these games basically anywhere via Xcloud or other devices, have they not degraded the value of Xbox as a console? I get some people will want the box (including me) but I actually think this will automatically gimp them for the marathon of next generation. Why bother investing long term in Xbox hardware if I could sign up for a service for 30 days, play your game wherever and then pull the plug? There is a reason PlayStation and Nintendo are moving units, it's not just's EXCLUSIVE must have games. I honestly would not be surprised if the next Xbox hardware sells worse than this generation. I like my One X, but I'm just not sure honestly about their direction overall.

Iori Sengoku
Iori Sengoku - 10.10.2018 08:17

Watch next few years are going to be big for Xbox and I’m a primary pc guy but I see them coming strong

shin oh
shin oh - 10.10.2018 07:10

MS/Xbox is not a threat to sony because all the people who surrounded Xbox is stupid and bullshit people. If you know what i mean.

H. E. M.
H. E. M. - 10.10.2018 07:09

State of unplayable
And us happy few are made by shit developers
That’s not a win

J Pierre
J Pierre - 10.10.2018 07:04

Mark my words the next console generation is going to be more competitive than Sega and Nintendo were back in the day. It's going to be amazing for consumers.

micah Kiker
micah Kiker - 10.10.2018 06:48

Microsoft should have been on top of this years ago. Why create a powerful system with out having the games to put on it.

antmoney151 - 10.10.2018 06:47

If you can't make'em, buy'em.

ArticWereBear - 10.10.2018 06:32

This is good if Obsidian is bought it will be a great move.
