Intro To QoL MK1 Upgrade! Oxygen Not Included

Intro To QoL MK1 Upgrade! Oxygen Not Included


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Villain Vibe
Villain Vibe - 22.04.2019 16:10

great that you bought a widescreen monitor
Realy enjoying the videos in widescreen view XD
Keep on the Awesome Work Brothgar !

Sun Djinn Kari
Sun Djinn Kari - 10.01.2019 04:02

CHALLENGE: Natural Automation Challenge
1) Automation (with a end product) must Start or End with a Ranched Animal / Cultivated Plant
1a) Its understood that not all materials can be automated in this way, so do your best.
1b) Bonus Kudos if you manage to automate Start to End with Ranched Animal / Cultivated Plants
2) Dupes after 50/100/150 Cycles can only eat +1/+2/+3 Food
3) After each 50 Cycles you must upgrade the food Dupes eat by +1
4) Have fun (isnt worth it if you dont enjoy it.)

Hope you enjoy this interesting twist to your Automation Challenge

boes shawn
boes shawn - 29.12.2018 06:45

A question for the experts, Since it is possible to massively compress gas into a small area with a Wheezewort, could that be used an effective and cheaper gas storage tank? The idea i'm currently trying to figure out how to setup splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen and sorting each into separate storage spots just large enough for a small gas pump, and then pumping the gas out at need.

nem tudom
nem tudom - 24.12.2018 13:31

Without a wide monitor, this change is bad, me no like

Hale Hortler
Hale Hortler - 19.12.2018 22:32

I can survive hundreds of days on this game but can't manage to get anyones morale above 8. I cant do a damn thing stuck at t2 jobs and nothing I do will raise it. I feel like even ranching is some end game thing ill never see.

P rismo
P rismo - 18.12.2018 10:55

Русскии есть?

Little Nyan Cat
Little Nyan Cat - 16.12.2018 16:51

Pls fix the aspect ratio

TheBooker66 - 15.12.2018 19:36

Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!! For the WIN!

David Martin
David Martin - 14.12.2018 16:39

Watching on a TV with this aspect ratio pretty much sucks

Simon - 14.12.2018 08:14

This update broke my Chef, he now does anything but Cook even though it is my highest priority. I really hope they fix this bug before my colony starve to death.

Govlog - 10.12.2018 04:08

I notice the new contents are not something major like new biome or anything like that, so is it safe to say that the new contents will be available for an old save (space industry version)?

or do I have to create new game to enjoy new contents?

shurhaian - 08.12.2018 09:38

My guess re: the carpeted tile is that they still give their full value when used as walls, rather than sending decor THROUGH floors above them. As opposed to only carpeted tiles with their tops exposed giving full value.

Wicca Robin
Wicca Robin - 08.12.2018 07:31

what i'd like to see is you start over from scratch and see how the game performs.. no cheating in things no nothing just a normal everyday game.... and see how you think of the game after a month.. I'm finding the game much slower and nearly impossible to get stuff done in a timely manor!

RGiga - 07.12.2018 12:10

Also my native ratio

ooXChrissieXoo - 07.12.2018 07:58

I went back to visit my base to find out that it still labels early access. To think how far this game has come, it's impressive. lol remember when the pipes and the purifier used to eat water, but went searching for the reason water went disappearing.

lerquake - 07.12.2018 01:18

you know i never understood why you cant drop seeds anymore and grow plants, i get the whole it can break the need to farm and use resources to farm. still tho seeds not being able to grow in some non metal spots is odd to me

Иван Круглов
Иван Круглов - 06.12.2018 20:55

I personally placed couple of grills to cook different things automatically.

Ash141 - 06.12.2018 09:35

You ever gonna come back to adventure capitalist? ;-;

Eylem Ödül
Eylem Ödül - 05.12.2018 18:33

look like good not bad update (I think more good we wait 9 week)

Rimha Magic
Rimha Magic - 05.12.2018 17:52

@Brothgar you need to make a discord so people can converse with you better and new friends could be made.

Lucas Heringer
Lucas Heringer - 05.12.2018 14:03

wtf, something in the beginning of the video makes my tv turns off and keep doing consistently.

hyou zan ren
hyou zan ren - 05.12.2018 13:20

new cooking recipe ? hell yeah!

crides - 05.12.2018 07:35

It's practically useless to show the numbers for the tiles because how the placement works. For pipes, the whole blueprint is not issued until you lift the left mouse button. For cancel and deconstruct, the same thing happens except the functionalities are different. But for tiles, it sort of acts like a paint brush, and the order is placed as soon as you clicked the button, so there's no difference between dragging the tiles along or clicking them one by one. Also, because it's free-drawing, there's no shape or connectivity to it (like the pipes), it wouldn't make any sense to display any numbers.

Roxanne Cote
Roxanne Cote - 05.12.2018 00:22

I sure hope they fix the bug where I suddenly loose All my metals except for copper

Bryce Drew
Bryce Drew - 04.12.2018 23:52


baseballjustin5 - 04.12.2018 19:17

So you could maybe do the mine the map with rockets at a livable framerate

Adam David Pinilla
Adam David Pinilla - 04.12.2018 19:16

"Yes, I tried to put a dead duplicant on the pedstal."

Worth my Patreon right there.

Ricardo - 04.12.2018 18:32

Hi, Brothgar. I'm from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro! I watch your videos and I think they are very good. Can you teach me here, or do a video teaching everyone, how can I launch a rocket? I made my rocket, but I CAN NOT, IN NO EVENT, put steam in the fuel tank, every time I try the pipes break and do not take the gas to the fuel tank, I've tried everything and every material available to make pipes , however I can not take the gas to the rocket, can you help me?

Mohammad Rifqi Satriamas
Mohammad Rifqi Satriamas - 04.12.2018 17:02

Are you use 18:9 ratio? It's too wide for my phone

Zsolt Pap
Zsolt Pap - 04.12.2018 15:04

Thanks for the video Brothgar! :)
For your core experiment: if the dupe can't see the carpet tile, it won't get decor bonus.
Try to make a hole at the middle of the 3 tiles and it should work in my opinion ;)

ciberdark - 04.12.2018 09:35

New clothes, critters, machines, tiles are coming with mods, maybe new jobs like "doctors"

Kenneth Welever
Kenneth Welever - 04.12.2018 08:41

Am I the only one who noticed that the jet suit dissapeared or is that just a glitch in my bases? Also the critter automation piece makes kill rooms completely automated for hatches.

Nick Nevco
Nick Nevco - 04.12.2018 08:26

Making mods is great but with the math behind ONI, everything is float making it hard to make complex mods.

Tem - 04.12.2018 08:17

important turn off your time sensors on the grills, the missing foundation is why they bug out and delete the work order.

Tim G
Tim G - 04.12.2018 04:44

I want a Map mod that expands it, though it would likely stress even my system. Or a mod that adds randomly more starting biomes onto the map.

Foreststrike - 04.12.2018 04:23

Wow, they opted for a RimWorld-esque crafting system, huh?
I want there to be progressive (No, not THAT kind of progressive) music that becomes more and more ... Surreal? Advanced? As you travel your way up the technology tree.
Kind of like DMC's progression of interesting builds with different music to suit that playstyle... only with base building.
My thought on the carpeted tile is that you could, like a Temp Shift Plate, put a regular tile down then a carpeted tile down, or vice-versa.

Caleb K
Caleb K - 04.12.2018 04:17

I don't have an ultra wide OR a 4k monitor, so the videos are a little more pixelated and I get black bars. But whatever, I still love your videos.

yamsGalore - 04.12.2018 03:55

Until the need to have doors in awkward places for maximum efficiency stops becoming a thing, I'll have a hard time returning to the game.

Steen Eugen Poulsen
Steen Eugen Poulsen - 04.12.2018 02:48

Bit of shark jumping, the early pre-view is already changed making most of this video wrong.

Suzy B
Suzy B - 04.12.2018 02:02

<3 the critter sensors. I hope the egg incubators can be set to repeat and automated too.

Pyromanci - 04.12.2018 01:42

One big thing to wonder is how the temperature interact with these new tiles. gold metal tiles are nice, but them being thermally reactive can be a pain at times.

Pasha Gaming YT
Pasha Gaming YT - 04.12.2018 01:34

My game game can run just fine but now my computer won’t be melting whenever I play for 5 or 6 hours! I have 180 hours of playtime.

Tom O'Kane
Tom O'Kane - 04.12.2018 01:33

I love the new monitor. Keep up the good work, your content is great.

Yannick Vachon
Yannick Vachon - 04.12.2018 01:04

Maybe the carpet must be built "on top" of the other tile and not above it?

Dragonheng - 04.12.2018 00:39

The first Creater ther a Brothgar Dude Maket need a Payment ^^

Alex Siemers
Alex Siemers - 04.12.2018 00:20

The downside of the crown moulding tile is that they take a lot longer to build than regular tiles
