Jostling big ritual wand at Mimi Shrine in Mihama Town, Fukui Prefecture

Jostling big ritual wand at Mimi Shrine in Mihama Town, Fukui Prefecture

Gen Japan [English version]

7 лет назад

61 Просмотров

The regular festival of Mimi Shrine in Mihama Town, Fukui Prefecture is held on May 1st every year. The "Jostling big ritual wand" is a pretty rough event which raisers and stoppers jostle the big ritual wand likened to a portable shrine. The event takes half a day from around noon on that day. This photo was taken around four in the afternoon toward the end of the event. It shows that the ritual wand's paper strips which there were many at the beginning, have all torn off and only the bare pole is left. And after this, the people start to have it climbing of the stone steps.

Bilingual video distribution site GEN


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