The EASIEST Classes to KILL in Solo Shuffle! | Dragonflight PvP Guide

The EASIEST Classes to KILL in Solo Shuffle! | Dragonflight PvP Guide

Skill Capped WoW PvP Guides

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0:00 - Why bad targetting SUCKS
1:43 - Level 1: What are bad targets?
2:52 - Melee target tier list
6:30 - Ranged target tier list
9:03 - Healer target tier list
11:54 - Level 2: Selecting a target for your lobby
15:00 - Level 3: When to swap targets

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Bart Jurak
Bart Jurak - 03.09.2023 01:49

Gotta disagree with fire mage ranking. Once I got most gear up to max I feel invincible lol, alter time is sooo OP once used correctly, with the displacement and 3 blinks, plus shield FB and blast wave you can chain it to only having around 12 secs of downtime, also knowing typical burst of other classes I'm simply at full health, healer hardly has to worry about me lol.

The Notorious Idiot
The Notorious Idiot - 13.08.2023 21:10

Mate this guid i cant even take any of it onboard the ret paladin is squishy? LAMO you couldnt be more wrong maybe play the pala and learn it with a proper build then HMU or maybe Reply back and 1v1 me with my squishy paladin lmao

Pur9lehat - 17.05.2023 15:25

Put out a video about the importance of purging BoP the amount of games I have lost because a shaman casts lava burst at full hp on a BoP’d target instead of purge is absurd. Sometimes people with a purge have the audacity to ask me why I dont shatter it as well… when we dont have a priest… they want me to trade the 3min cd that is the only thing on our team able to get rid if bubble and block for a purgeable ability.

Daniel French
Daniel French - 28.04.2023 19:22

guarantee 400 rating haha what a scam lol

Arbitrary - 15.04.2023 04:40

Where is the full video lol?

Anton Rekun
Anton Rekun - 12.04.2023 10:56

Come on! WW die like crazy, same as resto druids in 1 or 2 swaps!

Daniel Jurišević
Daniel Jurišević - 30.03.2023 09:59

I have literally more things to slip away than mages as a BM hunter, and its squishy?
I mean yeah if you're attacked and you got nothing you're pretty much dead....
but scatter shot/binding shot , trap, tar trap, steel trap, disengage, turtle, exhiliration, survival tactics, feign death..... ?

Emin Ayhan
Emin Ayhan - 30.03.2023 03:59

Please do same list but for 10.0.7

vaylox09 - 27.03.2023 07:51

Holy hell these u.i. are crazy how can ppl play like that

sarah - 19.03.2023 10:09

Well this didnt help at all

Thebreaker Cristian
Thebreaker Cristian - 16.03.2023 13:24

ret bubble is a 3.5 min cd and lasts 0.2 sec, some will say "oh but when you are low hp and bubble you need to be far away to not be dispelled since you also have so high mobility" ret is such a joke trolled by all including blizz :))

天使霜 - 15.03.2023 10:38

Warrior is entirely unkillable. Litterally THE tankiest class of every single class. Except for a monk running away, but thats not 'tankiness'

Bender - 14.03.2023 21:07

Will this video get update after the recent patches?

ok - 13.03.2023 03:37


Neyloa - 06.03.2023 14:14

Whats the best target then for Frost Mage/Demo Lock/Resto Druid? im assa rogue

Anthony Francis Steiner Vazquez
Anthony Francis Steiner Vazquez - 02.03.2023 21:20

how is affliction squisshy when they do like 15k hps

Harry Long
Harry Long - 27.02.2023 15:00

You keep mentioning armour type like it has mattered at all since MoP 😂

Zargisan - 24.02.2023 07:51

Appreciate this. One match my team decided to attack a Ww monk instead of the destruction warlock, that’s when he started blasting and one shot me. Always train the caster.

Grumpy Dinosaur
Grumpy Dinosaur - 22.02.2023 02:11

me watching this as guardian druid. thinking.

aeminence - 15.02.2023 21:27

Love to see a Plate wearing self healing class with an immunity shield is considered squishy. Only took Blizzard 18 years to see that this is an issue.

M S.
M S. - 10.02.2023 10:17

As an extra note, I think ret paladin is probably the squishiest of the melee if there is an opposing warrior or priest with super quick MD. I had a game where a pro-priest precast MD'd my bubble so fast that my teammates called me garbage for not bubbling, feelsbad.

Marcus Williams
Marcus Williams - 07.02.2023 07:22

How about offering a $6.64/month trial that doesnt require you to pay there entire year to get that price? If you offered 3 months at the discounted price I would likely continue as a member paying full price but the way you tease the price makes me doubt your validity. Too bad.

3PiecesOfBread - 06.02.2023 19:14

I'm only a minute into this video and I've already gained 3000 rating

Xariann - 05.02.2023 21:19

I play Devastation Evoker and yeah I do find them squishy... but you don't mention Obsidian Scales? We can get 2 charges of it.

jcvm89 - 01.02.2023 23:30

the only problem with SS are the queue times, hell noooooooooooooooooooooo

ItsCodyMan - 29.01.2023 20:58

Another thing that's horribly scuffed about the logic in this video, you gave the example of ele devo on a team and say you should focus the devo. How about no? An ele shaman has great peels for their team. Root totem, static totem, earth shock>frost shock roots. They have off-heals, and if left alone will be able to get hexes off and spam purge if need-be. I would never waste my time dumping on a devo if there's an ele on the enemy team, not even once.

ItsCodyMan - 29.01.2023 20:51

You reasoning on hybrids being less killable because of their self-healing options is so flawed it's embarrassing. If an ele shaman spams healing surge (somehow not getting kicked lmfao) you will oom at about 220-250k healing. A warlock gets way more value from dark pact alone, an instant cast ability. Furthermore, they have soul leech which provides just as much healing as earth shield (When spec'd into stronger earth shield) with no need to re-cast it after 10 hits. Also, healthstone is another 100k+ instant heal, they have gate AND port, plus drain life which does LOADS of healing if need-be. It's actually so scuffed that it draws the question of whether or not Skill Capped is even playing this game anymore?!

Jan Parkki
Jan Parkki - 29.01.2023 12:52

I've been looking this video for years. For the first time ever I start to understand target selection. Very nice. =)
Now I'll have to try to code a "target recommendation" weak aura, since there's zero chance I remember all this in an actual fight.

Proranis - 28.01.2023 17:52

windwalker is usually the easiest to kill imo

Sean Kanoog
Sean Kanoog - 25.01.2023 11:52

Shuffle = First one to die is a punching bag.

storm skye
storm skye - 24.01.2023 10:07

Dh players don’t have targets. They just mash buttons on whatever they can see, chasing until they LOS their healer and die.

TheUnone - 24.01.2023 09:54

Waddling like a penguin is how we ride, baby

Dank Memes 420
Dank Memes 420 - 24.01.2023 06:25

Not even mentioning hunters? If you can wait for turtle to end, you just root them and blow your load on them and they die. Really good ones can effectively kite for quite a while, but even still, if you catch them they die.

Sami Suhonen
Sami Suhonen - 24.01.2023 00:17

As a lock, main I feel you missed the mark on the lock specs. You say demo is tankier than aff and destro, because it has soul link. Destro is also played with soul link. Yet destro is way easier to target and kill in solo shuffle. But why is that?

I do think the placements are accurate, but for different reasons. Demo is so much harder to kill from my experience, because of the pet stun. You can assist your own survival so much, by just saving axe toss stun for moments when you get stunned for an enemy's kill attempt. Another asset for demo that makes it a less appealing target, is how it can do okay-ish sustain pressure just by casting dogs and putting up dooms. I spend most of my game just fearing and cursing the enemy, and if I get kicked on fear, I then can cast shadowflame school like hand of guldan and demonbolt. This just makes it that much harder for the enemies to line up a proper kill window.
Also, it means that if they are not managing to kill me, they are not really stopping me from doing my job. Demo is not like destro and affliction in terms of the role you have. Destro and affliction have to hard cast and spend a lot of globals to min-max their damage. Their role is to mostly just do raw damage. You can focus down a destro/aff lock, and win by attrition as dampening ruins their defensives, and they still can't cast.
However, demo mostly focuses around having a huge CC toolkit, a mortal wounds debuff, and mediocre burst. If you can just live and keep your pet alive, you can do your job even under heavy enemy tunneling. Even when trained by 2 melee, you can still use your toolkit to cross cc the entire enemy team while your team's other dps pops his burst. You can still get off nether portal and/or tyrant behind a pillar, to assist in pressure.

TLDR: The difference between a focused demo lock and a freecasting demo lock, is not too huge. But the difference between a focused aff/destro, and a freecasting one, is huge. So u win a game by training aff/destro just by stopping them from playing and making the game a 2,5 vs 3. If you attempt the same against a good demo lock, he can still perform his role.

B G - 23.01.2023 02:31

I’m not so sure about your options on this list. Warlocks are literally the tankiest casters. It’s pretty well known.

FREAXXGAMING - 22.01.2023 09:54

DHs melt in seconds. enhanc is unkillable and ret is in the mid, this guide is complete ass.

RatedXstream - 22.01.2023 07:36

Was pretty spot on until I saw lock put in squishy. We must not be playing the same fucking game. They take less damage then melee and can outheal most people by spamming lifesteal even when they aren't afflic. This is straight up lock propaganda to avoid a nerf..

John R
John R - 22.01.2023 05:29

Cape & helm showing

Wolfster228 - 21.01.2023 07:36

This is the very first video I’ve ever seen that mentions locks being squishy. With all the mobility, I can say, good luck. Silly! All three specs should be where Mages are.

Nick Rojas
Nick Rojas - 21.01.2023 04:19

Horrible list, maybe next time.

Ryan - 21.01.2023 02:47

If you think Affliction lock is squishy you are sadly mistaken 🤣

Mc Kannon
Mc Kannon - 21.01.2023 02:29

One of the only things I agree with here is how squishy assa rogues. Targeting any lock is a waste of time.

Hermeboss WoW
Hermeboss WoW - 20.01.2023 14:35

Enha is the squishy mele in the game by far.

Niko Culap
Niko Culap - 20.01.2023 12:55

sry but since this release evoker is unplayable. At 1k shuffle rating people just train evoker down while healer is figuring out what to press against heavy cd usage. Thanks for letting warrior and dh players know which target to chose. We love it 👀

Dr. Furrytoe
Dr. Furrytoe - 20.01.2023 11:12


HERO GAMES - 20.01.2023 10:03

Great Video props to the Cutter of the Video btw you allways put in insane amount of work i know how long it takes to cut good Videos..

O Y - 20.01.2023 07:01


mckeznak - 20.01.2023 06:32

Its a hard ret life
