Tax on Long-Term Capital Gains: Residential Property: Capital Gains Account Scheme

Tax on Long-Term Capital Gains: Residential Property: Capital Gains Account Scheme

CA Gunjan Hirani

54 года назад

208 Просмотров

Attention all property investors! Did you know that selling a residential property will result in a 20% tax on long-term capital gains even after reinvesting the funds in a new residential property? Put your LTCG gains in Capital Gains Account Scheme on time. Plan accordingly and consult a professional for the best financial strategy. #capitalgains #realestateinvesting #taxes #residentialproperty #longterminvestment #financialyear2023_24 #taxationrules #propertyinvestors #taxfiling #capitalgains #capitalgainaccountscheme #duedate
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