Beyond the Higgs: What's Next for the LHC? - with Harry Cliff

Beyond the Higgs: What's Next for the LHC? - with Harry Cliff

The Royal Institution

6 лет назад

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jesmarina - 29.09.2023 20:12

is she sleeping?.....:)
Great talk btw.

Jim Saksa
Jim Saksa - 03.09.2023 05:00


Maroof Meer
Maroof Meer - 30.08.2023 23:24

Great expression… kept me glued to my phone.

Jessica Whitehall
Jessica Whitehall - 24.08.2023 00:43

That was absolutely effective presentation. Thank you so much.

JellyFK - 13.06.2023 00:26

Brilliant video, but i could not stop watching that lady fall asleep! 😂

Zoe - 08.06.2023 01:01

Excellent lecture even though I struggled to understand some of it.
The best bit though is the woman nodding off throughout 😂

maalls - 20.05.2023 15:01

What a cliffhanger at the end. The video is 5 years old, did he came back with any results regarding his research on the new force?

YUNG SOO KEVIN HONG - 01.05.2023 06:44

It is where light condense into meta. Higs is the mathematical proof of energy to meta, which mean wave energy can condense into object.

YUNG SOO KEVIN HONG - 01.05.2023 06:33

So dark meta is the particle define the density of the universe which affecting the time space curves.

YUNG SOO KEVIN HONG - 01.05.2023 06:29

So the anti meta is where which make the transition mass unstable, because it is the equalize for the increasing two steps until it pass the Higs condition.

YUNG SOO KEVIN HONG - 01.05.2023 06:17

Is it the Higs is where the boundary of transition of standard model to elements. One stable condition ( atomic Meta) to another stable condition (physical Meta ) . That index is Higs

YUNG SOO KEVIN HONG - 01.05.2023 06:04

How to apply a job in there?

Mr. Chang
Mr. Chang - 10.04.2023 05:13

Quantum field theory seems like a load of maths that happens to match the reality of the small very well, but only works in special cases that we are able to measure. Considering that it doesn't and cannot explain everything, it's certainly wrong. It's like looking at the night sky with the earth centric view, creating a model that matches it well, well looping circles, sky wanderers going back and forth. It doesn't entirely explain it all, but with a bit more maths maybe it'll fit the picture perfect. I personally would rather physics take a step back and see if another model could explain what we see better than quantum fields, rather than tacking on maths to patch the model. Just because it can make a measurable prediction doesn't mean it's true.

Eugene Frank MD
Eugene Frank MD - 06.04.2023 15:07

The exciting takeaway is the quality of this man's intellect. To have achieved such a high and depth of knowledge, with such clarity and modesty is so stimulating and inspiring. His casual dress is a bonus.

Patrick Cummins
Patrick Cummins - 25.03.2023 17:55


Patrick Cummins
Patrick Cummins - 25.03.2023 17:54


tresajessy george
tresajessy george - 20.02.2023 01:11


Devil Dog
Devil Dog - 18.02.2023 05:08

There is NOTHING illegal in martial arts and that premise that YOU propose shows you set the stage for disproving martial arts so you seem the expert. Not true!! Real martial arts are, in fact, usable if approached as martial arts not tournament nonsense.

Vidas Želnia
Vidas Želnia - 22.01.2023 23:22

Tai yra pati geriausia paskaita apie elementariųjų dalelių pasaulį iš visų kokias tik esu girdėjęs. Harry Cliff - fantastinis lektorius, sugebantis taip aiškiai pateikti dalykus, sukurti tokias analogijas, kad pagal jo paskaitą galima Lietuvoje rašyti šiuolaikinės fizikos vadovėlį mokiniams ir jie puikiausiai įsisavintų kvantinę fiziką. Tiesiog nuostabiai gerai, bravo!

Ayush Singh
Ayush Singh - 22.01.2023 15:04

Best presentation on RI but a audience is sleeping there 😴 😂

Ümit Bilgi
Ümit Bilgi - 17.01.2023 22:15

Ist das Ziel

Antonio Albagli
Antonio Albagli - 14.01.2023 15:37

Just take a good dose of San Pedro (mescaline) and you'll SEE IT

Laurentiu Bucur
Laurentiu Bucur - 09.01.2023 21:46

Thank you RI, very generous to make IT so accessible for free!

Richard Hora
Richard Hora - 09.01.2023 19:30

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Going in to the LHC runs that purportedly identified the Higgs Boson there were two competing theories. One inferred multiverses and the other implied a near infinite stream of sub atomic particles to be discovered. One involved a Boson mass of about 112 MEV the other a mass of 164 MEV. The objective was to find a single data hump 6 sigma above the surrounding noise. What they got were two bumps, which they claim - combined - reach 5 sigma above the noise. and they are at 124 and 122.5 MEV. Further one detector got 122.5 on the gamma detector and the other got it on the beta detector. and the 124 reading was similarly flipped. So they have no theory to confirm. no data that came close to specific. and two alternate readings that are mirror images. So, they just move on. smells like fraud to me.

Solexx X
Solexx X - 22.12.2022 05:09

I don't think you can say the standard model is complete without including gravity.

Ronald Dippenaar
Ronald Dippenaar - 17.12.2022 16:11

I only hope that as much research and mental energy would be put into finding an alternative to plastic and cleaning the pollution around the world.

Aaron Robert Cattell
Aaron Robert Cattell - 29.11.2022 18:27

particle collision why not use a solid not a gas like a thick jello/gel to know more about the particles that are smashed together ?

Drew w
Drew w - 22.11.2022 06:07

Because that event Horizons are the particle accelerated behind the finite Mass where the core The Light Within Infinity just like the body and soul made up of mass the body but inside the answer was in is all the all along all the time Yeshua master of all divinity

Haritick - 19.11.2022 23:04

Oppenheimer tried to restrain megalomaniac Teller, but who will keep narcissistic CERN from performing the "trick of disaster"...

kiaser Sozez
kiaser Sozez - 30.10.2022 10:28

This is so mind blowingly brilliant that my head explodes into Sparticles every time I watch it !

Graham Jones
Graham Jones - 26.10.2022 02:22

What an absolute waste of time and mountains of money to prove that you haven't really got a clue about what you are on about except that you are a brilliant waste of time

RISCy27 - 24.10.2022 18:50

This is the most incredible and understandable lectures on the topic that I have seen. Thanks so much for providing this. What is up with the audience? Are they all asleep? It is not only incredibly interesting but also funny at times... No reaction of the audience whatsoever...

Amind - 21.10.2022 02:09

great presentation! he explained a few different things I've been wanting to better understand for a while now.

I like the basic run down on how the LHC produces the media and experiment.

Just Imagine
Just Imagine - 19.10.2022 01:16

Maybe this is just scientists justifying spending more billions again. We are going to build CERN and it will answer THE fundamental thing of the universe. Hey taxpayer government cough up some money. Did it work? YES! Now we need 10x more money to answer the even bigger question this monster machine had us dream up. And on and on. Hey science folk, there are still real world problems to solve out here. Poverty, extinction, even global warming and pandemics. Go fix those. I think we are good for now on quantum particle physics.

Stephen Cobb
Stephen Cobb - 18.10.2022 14:33

as per the dark matter slide, could it not be just light reflected off of nebula dust? if the dust is in a crystal form, the light reflecting off of or through it could be seperated into parts of the spectrum. and it could be that our cameras/telescopes could be picking up that particular section of the spectrum? or it could just be that the refracted/reflected light is just causing interference? the nebulas already have beginning/end of a galaxy/star. lots of unknown materials could be causing this.

BUMBLE - 18.10.2022 00:37

BUT DO KEEP LOOKING! 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏

BUMBLE - 18.10.2022 00:36

While I applaud the linear compulsion trending towards one theory of everything and all the discoveries that all the genius hive mind have uncovered, it is a fool's errand! They will always only be approaching the next big discovery and will likely discover much more! But believing that they possess the wherewithal to find one theory of everything strikes me as a tad arrogant! 🤔

Geronimo Miles
Geronimo Miles - 15.10.2022 05:48

They're only acting like particles because they're being observed.

Shaun Bauidh No Bas
Shaun Bauidh No Bas - 15.10.2022 00:03


fluentpiffle - 08.10.2022 02:55

Has it been turned into a bomb shelter for elites yet?

Cody Huntzinger
Cody Huntzinger - 07.10.2022 12:42

A Particle is not an entire star....... Of course it wont consume the Earth............Atlas is a hope for Humanity's way out!

Andrew Carbine
Andrew Carbine - 24.09.2022 17:24

What if you used cern with sound?

Could you use cymatics to separate anti matter and matter?

Would you find the frequency Vibration?



Tune in find more boson ?

Also what happens with sound Vibration frequency in space

Could find new elements as well

With geometry

John Doepker
John Doepker - 08.09.2022 08:24

....and yet.....something is missing........we are missing at least 2 fundamentals....the standard model is incomplete.....I don't know why or what.....but I KNOW it's not right.

Apache - 24.08.2022 19:54

Sir, with a hope that it gets being read, not so genius as you all people are but I have a question and request a video on this and maybe scientist community should concentrate on this too

Which is : If a simple star does mass coronal discharge every second and releases million tons of plasma outside in universe, then a) Where does it negate or propagate, b) With reducing mass, according to Newton's law of gravitation, the force of attraction should reduce every second even if by fraction, but in long time run it should result in something. Please make a video on this.

This plate is hot
This plate is hot - 22.08.2022 03:23

I am not being snide...but only amused as a Christian to hear them say they have only figured out 5% of the 95%. I laughed. Do you want to know the answer to what "Holds it all together?" Bible says:
"Jesus...Heir of all things, by whom also He made the Worlds ... and upholds all things by the word of His power.” Now it might take less time, to become a Christian then ask God directly how he did it! 🤣

OneCat - 13.08.2022 07:21

Funny how those scientists were cheering on a little bump and not the fact that it's the 4th of July
Then again, they weren't in the USA, were they?
