How Pros Instantly Spot Amateur Charts - It's Enough to Drive Me to DRINK!

How Pros Instantly Spot Amateur Charts - It's Enough to Drive Me to DRINK!


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Acheiropoietos - 03.09.2023 14:29

Phew! I passed your test Mynda! 🤓❤️

DavidB - 02.09.2023 06:01

Let's drink :)

IsAllAboutHealth - 01.09.2023 05:43

Hi, I am using a power pivot chart and I am trying to add a target, do you have a video on how to do it? I tried to add a calculated field. But it add is to every column, of the pivot table. Any tricks? Thanks!

Shivang Pant
Shivang Pant - 31.08.2023 13:22

Mam you are teaching gold. Such important thing that people so easily overlook❤❤❤

Eunice - 26.08.2023 12:48

I immensely enjoyed this video. Not only are the tricks beneficial for me, but your voice is soothing with all the stress I’m getting at work lately.

Jeff H
Jeff H - 14.08.2023 23:38

I remember training someone in Excel's charts, and I explained why it's better to shy away from catchy styles and things like 3D effects. She responded, "Yeah, but my boss would give me 'bonus points' for things like that, so..."

M N - 14.08.2023 22:52

Dunno why, but the titles section really hit a spot for me.
Thanks for this nice to the point video

Riley McPhee
Riley McPhee - 13.08.2023 16:38

It's funny the first thing they taught us in high school (middle school?) was the pie chart. Like it's this foundational chart that everybody uses.

Driftwood42 - 12.08.2023 14:59

Something I see a lot at work are pie charts with like dozens of categories, not only are pie charts already difficult to read, having more than 2 categories makes them difficult to compare (even 2 can be difficult if they are really close in size). Pie charts should almost always be represented as bar charts instead. It’s just a lot clearer.

Jason G
Jason G - 11.08.2023 15:07

This was very helpful. I was concerned this was about aesthetics over function, but I'm glad I was wrong. This is about more effectively and honestly presenting data.

p.s. I think marketing and advertisement groups are passing attorneys on soulless dishonesty as an approved way of working.

MegasSalavatis - 11.08.2023 14:46

I loved the "starting the chart above zero trick". I will use it in all my presentations now. I love it. It will be so effective against lazy people. So basically everyone.

BI PL - 10.08.2023 21:34

Stacked charts are the absolute worst. Labels with 5, or 6 decimal places. Too many colors. Yeah. Lotta junk out there.

Leo Penny
Leo Penny - 10.08.2023 18:06

wow learned more in 5 minutes than years of presentations in school and work

Adrian Silesian
Adrian Silesian - 10.08.2023 09:25

Ok now I have a PRO tip for you :) stop using excel and START using R !!! Only then you will have professional and correct charts. Thank me :)! Excel is for kids.

Andrew O'connor
Andrew O'connor - 10.08.2023 02:34

I'm sure that my absolute enjoyment of your channel is linked to my mid-life crisis. Thanks for your fantastic content.

Stopher2475 - 09.08.2023 19:41

Well the height on the price chart was probably on purpose.

Oliver De La Rosa
Oliver De La Rosa - 09.08.2023 04:07

Where would we be without you?

Rodger Benavides
Rodger Benavides - 08.08.2023 21:07

I disagree with dark background charts. You have to consider how your users are going to consume the data. If they're doing so on a laptop or mobile device, all that bright background is just draining the battery. That's a reason so many people use dark mode on their computers and phones. It's also harder on the eyes to have all that bright background.

Now, if they're going to print that chart or view on a projector, absolutely a dark background is an amateur move.

Scott E
Scott E - 08.08.2023 20:50

Good tips all around. I find that a good guiding principle in general is to consider the "data-to-ink ratio" of your chart or graph. I.e., how many extra lines, tick marks, borders, shadings, and graphic effects do you have that do not actually provide information? As you pointed out in a few tips, much of that "ink" can be removed for a cleaner look that allows viewers to understand the message of the data more quickly and easily.

I would also respectfully submit that the flying animated text you used several times on the left side of the video was likewise needlessly flashy and distracting.

C123B Thunderpig
C123B Thunderpig - 08.08.2023 19:46

It's not the chart makers decision, it's what management wants, I'd rather be doing my job than taking time away from it. With your attitude and lack of knowledge of business acumen, I'd never use your services. Start looking at a nice Malt Scotch, you'll do much better than drinking that Chardonnay

M F - 08.08.2023 14:38

nothing less, nothing more, only best practices shared ! well done. in today's world where good excels reports are often overlooked. people are too focused on expensive tech that delivers effectively the same results

Transend Experience
Transend Experience - 08.08.2023 06:07

First time watching, really great video. Excellent info and I'll admit I've made 4 mistakes...THIS WEEK. Thank you for quality content

nope nope
nope nope - 07.08.2023 16:19

everything but your very last point was spot on! You should have said to reduce them. not get ride of them.

Robert Gutierrez
Robert Gutierrez - 07.08.2023 04:49

Hola muchas gracias por tus aportes los cuales hacen ver los graficos de una manera mas profesional,

TwirlingFern - 07.08.2023 00:22

Great video, especially the title tip

James Matthews
James Matthews - 06.08.2023 17:09

That last point, swapping out the chart's title for the actual takeaway from the data is 👌
Thank you, I shall be using that from now on!

Lou Mansfield
Lou Mansfield - 06.08.2023 06:37

very nice presentation and learning about bad charts is great too. is that white wine? who cares, i give this a thumbs up

Yuliya Sheichenka
Yuliya Sheichenka - 05.08.2023 18:34

Thank you, a very clear and precise demonstration!

David Wolk
David Wolk - 04.08.2023 14:41

Really fine, clear and exact. Thank you.

Marcus Franconium
Marcus Franconium - 04.08.2023 13:15

What i found is data part is easy the dashboard the hard part , as one wants to have a great user friendly overview what one wants. As how stupid it will seem humans are verry visual in their understanding of things . and numbers are abstract.

Chris Thornborrow
Chris Thornborrow - 04.08.2023 12:25

awww. But i love those dark charts. 😂. Great advice, I think I make all these mistakes.

Emily M
Emily M - 04.08.2023 06:37

Love this! My only rebuttal would be that I like the dark background because it is often much less strain on my eyes.

Max Lyubimov
Max Lyubimov - 03.08.2023 23:52

A whole new realm of entertainment breached! Sheets & Chardonnay, what could possibly be more satisfying? Thank you, Mynda.

Krasbin - 03.08.2023 05:26

The typical complaint in our physics department in university is that the labels are too small.

This makes them difficult to read in a document and further away from a presentation (e.g back of the room).

kmb bmj
kmb bmj - 01.08.2023 18:42

A key point is I think a lot of those styles are dictated by executive preference on how they want to see things or on company style policy. I recall one of our subcontractors did everything in a combination of the most vomit inducing shades of green background and style/color combinations you could dream up. In a way it worked because you always knew which charts were theirs in a presentation but to be honest it left a very off-putting image of their work quality. It was difficult to separate the quality of the analysis from the appearance of the charts.

Wiktor Grabowski
Wiktor Grabowski - 01.08.2023 17:51

Great video

Thurso dude
Thurso dude - 01.08.2023 16:25

Ace video. Thank you 😊

Sir Gavin
Sir Gavin - 01.08.2023 02:30

Funny how column charts are ALWAYS skewed by ads, magazines, and political motivated

Otaz - 30.07.2023 18:31

That's why knowing about IBCS principales even without having all the tools necessary or the certification helps too better use charts and tables presentations. Thanks for this video, you are always bringing good insights!

Matthew Traverso
Matthew Traverso - 28.07.2023 01:09

Nice content. However, your charts still included one of my pet peeves --> excess significant digits on the vertical axis. Instead of 0.50%, 1.00%, 1.50%..., I'd suggest keeping it to 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%... Likewise the examples ranging from 50,000 to 250,000 --> I'd suggest either labeling as "thousands" or "k" depending on context/audience.

Gus Reyes M
Gus Reyes M - 26.07.2023 01:15

Always amazing 👏🙌🏼

Overdraft - 25.07.2023 01:38

awesome vid Mynda! I really enjoyed it!

Pedja - 24.07.2023 00:37

Great video!

Tihomir Hristov
Tihomir Hristov - 21.07.2023 23:27


pat brown
pat brown - 21.07.2023 10:23

Wow I'm noticing you are replying to most if not all of the comments. Kudos to you. i just clicked on the subscribe button. Great videos

RAFAEL SESEÑA - 19.07.2023 18:52

Great advises. Thank you.

Darren A
Darren A - 18.07.2023 22:27

Wow I've learnt so much but I wish you made it longer

Excel With Chris
Excel With Chris - 18.07.2023 13:55

Hi from South Africa. I need urgent help on another topic. I have created my first Power BI report and published to the service. I have Pro license and everyone else in company free (but I can get PRo for them if needed). All I want to do is for them to open their Power BI app on their phones, login with their account details and be able to use (nothing else) my report as they are on the road all day and need quick access to some product stock details. Do they need licenses and how to I share it "onto" their accounts for the app to access? Regards Chris
