Create Google Calendar Events on Google Form submission

Create Google Calendar Events on Google Form submission

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Energy Sword Sunday
Energy Sword Sunday - 21.09.2023 03:48

How do I fix GoogleJsonResponseException: API call to failed with error: You need to have writer access to this calendar?

Rafli Rizkya Sakti Nugraha
Rafli Rizkya Sakti Nugraha - 08.08.2023 06:24

I want to ask if for example I have configured the mapping field but when I save it it turns out that the mapping is not saved, why is that?

Rafli Rizkya Sakti Nugraha
Rafli Rizkya Sakti Nugraha - 08.08.2023 06:14

mn mau nanyaa kenapa pas saya sudah input mapping di directornyaa tapi pas mau disave disebutin bahwa saya belum diconfiguring mappingnyaa? itu kenapa yaaa? padahal udah diinput konfigurasinya

MAHESH KUMAR MANDAL - 12.11.2022 12:30

sir where is form director
how can i add form director

Gowtham Pradeep
Gowtham Pradeep - 07.07.2022 13:47

Hello, first I'd like to thank you for creating this super helpful tool! However I am facing a slight issue. I am using the start date and end date to create events on multiple dates, however I want the time slot to be fixed on each day (the start time and end time). As of now, the booking is made from the start time of start date to the end time of end date all the way through. For example, if I set the start date as 7th and end date as 9th, start time as 10 am and end time as 3 pm, the event is created from 10 am on 7th all the way until 3 pm on 9th. Is there any solution to this? Please help 😭

malinda ganewatte
malinda ganewatte - 04.07.2022 22:44

Hi very helpful video thanks for that, is it possible to add a confirmation step from one of the form collaborators before adding the consultancy to the google calender but most importantly until the event is confirmed by one of the collaborators another party should not be able to take that time slot either... is this possible?

jb triwikarsa
jb triwikarsa - 26.06.2022 17:10

thank you, can we add calendar resource, such as a meeting room?

Fan de IT
Fan de IT - 16.05.2022 19:42

Thank you it is very useful, Is there a way to avoid overlapping events?

RG CUSTOMS - 28.04.2022 14:11

This was just the kind of info I needed to organise my events along with filling in the type of event and having them automatically updated on my Google calendar so I can see it from an overview point of you. Thank you Sir.

Raza Mumtaz-Rao
Raza Mumtaz-Rao - 20.04.2022 18:19

Thank you! Can we add PTO events from one Google Form to multiple Google Calendars?

Troy Dobson
Troy Dobson - 31.03.2022 21:59

Thank you for this video, it has helped me a great deal.

Javier Oliva
Javier Oliva - 23.03.2022 15:51

Hi. It is interesting. I am asking if the sender of the form receives an invitation for the event in his own calendar

The Buachaills Music
The Buachaills Music - 09.03.2022 00:50

Is it possible to sync forms that were completed prior to installing form director?

Alexander Heywood
Alexander Heywood - 01.12.2021 00:32

I really love this idea, but I keep running into an error.

how do i force the person filling out the time section of the sheet to add the minutes. if they don't add the minute, I still receive an email with the information, but it doesn't add to my calendar because of the time error.

for example, the person puts in 1 for the hour, but doesn't put 00 for the minute. the sheet recognizes this as 1pm, but the form director errors out...

Ahn Hyanggi
Ahn Hyanggi - 01.11.2021 20:34

Hey, i have a question. Is it possible if i have my members (the consultants) with our difference in time availability set up our own schedule availability in one form?

So for example, if someone choose me as the consultant they could only pick time from 9 to 11 am, but if they choose my friend they could only pick time from 2 to 5 pm.
Thank you very much 😊🙏🏻

Amyrah Sophia
Amyrah Sophia - 21.09.2021 14:40

Hello, i wanna seek help on why cant i set up the form director on the gform? I installed the form director but i cant seems to set it up. Theres no option i😭😭 please help me

Richard McNab
Richard McNab - 16.09.2021 04:47

yes, this was perfect!

Just Breaking Bread
Just Breaking Bread - 03.08.2021 18:13

How do you know if the time scheduled works? Also, When more than one form comes in, when is the next appt scheduled? Does this happen automatically?

Mashael Al-Mehmadi
Mashael Al-Mehmadi - 29.07.2021 11:40

My only problem with connect the Form with the Calendar that I don't start/end on the date. All I need is just booking the whole day without speific starting/ending time. So How can I do this please? Thanks for this great app.
