Godseeker should be WAY higher. Really surprised to see her outside of the top 10.
ОтветитьFYLIJA - I primarily use in spider fireknight doom tower and arena - under rated over looked
Ответитьon dhukk, you also have to keep in mind that he is a attack down defense down debuffer with an 2 hit a1 who gets his damage off though defense, madam and stag both need you to either sacrifice their damage or sacrifice their survivability, just going to say, I dont think he was rated to high, I think he was never called out enough for how good he is due to his high survivability on any dungeon, in any arena where poly has not taken over the meta, he will likely live to get his skills off, and not be a wasted space to boot.
ОтветитьGreat list and video. A couple of honourable mentions for me would be fayne for damage in unkillable cb and a personal favourite Archmage Hellmut for all round utility.
Ответитьno Genbo..???
ОтветитьGot rector drath as my first epic and a year and a half later she still is awesome
ОтветитьOoh the Fat Man. I would move him up. Never thought he would add 15 M to my UNM clan boss team. Whether he is the stun target or not, he brings the pain!
ОтветитьDemytha should be above ManEater. She is more flexible elsewhere in the game with her Clan Boss setup, and ONE Demytha ONE key UNM. TWO Maneaters to ONE key UNM. Jus' sayin'
ОтветитьSeer is number 1 for me but that might just be me being bitter that I don't have a Geomancer lol
ОтветитьLooks like a solid update.
It would be great if they add the champion filter to the gallery because then one can view champions that they may not own, which have the specific characterics they are filtering for.
Peydma has the same a1 as maneater!
ОтветитьI like Ursula the Mourner
ОтветитьActually using Fatman and Husk in Reflex on Magmadragon together with UDK and Coldheart. Keeps the dragon locked down really well.
Grats on getting Kael this rotation. Looking forward to the guide =)
Been playing for 23 days. I got deacon from the starter code 'SUPERPOWERS' and i pulled maneater from ancient i think my first few days and used him for food. Heard its really good but it isnt as beneficial for a early early game player. Regret yes
ОтветитьI am a bit shocked Doompriest didn't make this list. She is INSANE
ОтветитьGood video but you seem to have mistakenly place High Kutune in the spot for Magnar.
ОтветитьFun! Perhaps Archmage Helmut could get an honorable mention. Great picks, and nice to see High Khatun and Fenax get some love. Your recommendations help me a lot in knowing who to invest in. Much thx.
ОтветитьI got it in my sec acc. And its my nr as well. I watched the video and waited wheres the gromancer🔥
Ответитьno skullcrusher on that list? wtf lol
ОтветитьUrsula S tier, that revive gives me a lil chubby every time. Shame the AI uses it when all Allies are alive tho
ОтветитьFang Cleric could've been an outstanding epic if they just fix his "Transfer Debuff" on his A1. The game is just buggy on this one. Many times the debuff doesn't land on the mob even though it's gone from him which means he's succeeded in transferring it.
ОтветитьHm geos A2 doesnt work as it is described - he steals buffs even when the target as no burn 🙂
Ответить"Fahrakin the fat! This dude brings a lot to the table."
Evidently he doesn't leave a lot on the table once he's finished lol
Magnarr and Ursala are missing...
ОтветитьGodseeker should be top #1 or 2 geomancer is super amazing but I use skullscrusher alot more now with a speed of 240. He should be top 25 or mentioned since SKcrusher has been carrying me a long ways now even in live arena. Fah the fat has been endlessly helpful too almost everywhere.
ОтветитьI have 8 from this 25 😂😂
ОтветитьDeacon is definitely to be classified above Seeker.
ОтветитьReally you exclude warcaster with the aoe unkillable aoe block buffs and a cr boost if leader!' For early game he let's you get to the unm one key and can help in hydra arena etc..
ОтветитьI don't get why Dhuuk is 21 and stagnight 8 tbh.
Dhuuks taunt is cluch in a lot of my fights.
I accidentally used my man-eater as food...smdh
Ответитьi started last week and i fed a geo because i think he looked stupid, FML
ОтветитьThe one problem with Rector - She makes runs take SOOO much longer. If they made the animation of a veil heal 20 times faster I'd use her more. Still love her though.
ОтветитьRunekeeper Dazduk honorable mention? Lil dude helped me through Demon Lord Nightmare.
ОтветитьTagoar bro !
ОтветитьI thought Spider would be on that list. I use him in my Doom Tower (Hard) runs, Spider and Arena. very underrated champion.
ОтветитьTo be honest skraank is really good
Ответитьtoo many epics to only limit it to top 25. Definitely should be top 30 or 40 at this point. Whisper, doom priest, psylar, mistrider, orn, nia, gala, ursala, skullcrusher, basher, trumbor, magnarr, skullcrown, genbo, or kunoichi, can all easily be added to this list in exchange for almost everyone outside the mentioned top 14.
ОтветитьTayrel... was once upon a time #1. Now? Venomage is ahead of him. Smh.
ОтветитьThe way you say Shraank's name cracks me up. thank you for the list
ОтветитьI avoid arena teams with Rector Drath. She is massive pain to fight off.
ОтветитьWhere tf is Wuzgar
ОтветитьI think seer Sucks I had her like five times and I always get rid of her because no matter how I build her She doesn't do anything for me
ОтветитьVenomage is so cool! I appreciate that there are a lot of strong and visually cool Epics. As a new F2P player, it helps a lot.
ОтветитьThere are many very good epics but these I use in a variety of content Doompriest, Flyja, Gwynneth, Mordecai, Rian, Urogrim (even after nerf), Ursala and Whisper just off the top of my head. Seems like most rares should be commons in todays Raid.
ОтветитьIs SKULL CRUSHER good for CLAN BOSS?
ОтветитьHonestly surprised Hellmut didn't make the list