INSANE Starfield XP farm, level up FAST hunting aliens, 15k PER MINUTE, no crafting, EZ skill ups

INSANE Starfield XP farm, level up FAST hunting aliens, 15k PER MINUTE, no crafting, EZ skill ups

Kibbles Gaming

9 месяцев назад

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Kibbles Gaming
Kibbles Gaming - 16.09.2023 22:36

I forgot you need planetary habitation level 1 to make an outpost on the pyraas planet I showed, but you can do this on any planet with animals that can be domesticated, so feel free to do it anywhere.

Michael Raymond
Michael Raymond - 07.10.2023 22:35

Dude, slow down. Give the people more details into specifically what skills you need to do these. Zoology 1 don't let you craft those creature husbandry things. Been trying this for 2 hours but it's always one thing or another that you need to do this. Explain yourself better bro, it'll be easier for us average joes to know what it actuall takes to do this or not and if we want to invest the time and skill points for it.

Crossbow_V3nom - 07.10.2023 09:38

Shooting the generators to kill the aliens in 1 shot they patched it I think, worked yesterday but today xp won’t count up any more

The Obgyn 678
The Obgyn 678 - 06.10.2023 23:20

Just conaole command the wait time to 20000 then its quicker to just sit there and wait.

Mark P
Mark P - 06.10.2023 22:29

Cool process. Someone has too much time on their hands LOL. Keep it up. Enjoying the videos.

Raymond Smith
Raymond Smith - 06.10.2023 18:42

Concealment made easy. Just do the Dr. In the medical office near the Lodge.

Leave your companion outside. One hit the Dr., wait til he stands back up and repeat.

No bounties and the Dr. love's you again as soon as he stands back up.

Did tier 3 and 4 of concealment in one short session.

Keli Keely
Keli Keely - 06.10.2023 18:10

The free ammo/creds glitch on Akila doesn't work on Xbox. 😢 I've splashed all over those dang puddles and nothing!!

Harold Clyburn
Harold Clyburn - 06.10.2023 14:30

Did you forget you also have to have outpost engineering rank 1 and then research domestication before animal husbandry even shows up to build

Iby - 06.10.2023 00:07

Was level 130 in Ng+1 so tried it again, and the bugs spawn in at the higher level and give base 170xp like you see in the video. wonder what level you have to be to trigger it. Someone said pirates have set levels and you see whats around your level as you go up, the ranks you see go up too

Trippy7095 - 05.10.2023 23:52

I recommend to make multiple outposts I have 3 now with around 12 habitations I’ve used a really powerful Orion which takes 3Kv laser ammo just be aware of shooting the boxes too much. I’ve gotten to over level 113 with this method and it’s slowed down drastically but overall if you want to get to 100 it’s very easily done

B B - 05.10.2023 08:57

Yeesh…you need skill points in a ton of areas, gobs of aluminum/adaptive frames/reactive gauges/adhesive to do this. It’s not as simple as everyone makes it out to be. There’s a lot of shit that you gotta have in place to do this. Lotta hopping around from shop to shop, waiting, purchasing materials, over encumbered troubles, trade tango with companion, etc.

Rover - 05.10.2023 04:58

After you get Zoology 1, make sure you research Domestication 1 at a research lab. Otherwise you won't be able to build the animal husbandry facility buildings. As someone stated elsewhere.
Adaptive Frame, Aluminum, Iron, Reactive Gauge, Sealant

Douglas Davis
Douglas Davis - 03.10.2023 04:57

I mean this is great...if youve already sunk like 13 levels of points in to the science tree of skills. LOL

drkpaladin777 - 03.10.2023 02:39

Level up sneak: kill civilians and then throw money at the guards to pay off your fine. No setup required.
Other method: keep an eye out for Grub Farms or scavenger animals- get all your melee sneak attacks without any real prep.

Slick Rick
Slick Rick - 03.10.2023 02:09

The ammo glitch has been patched already.

Axel Borg
Axel Borg - 03.10.2023 01:13

Instigating weapon mod should work nice for farming, its a good tip to get the kills easier when low.

Dennis Martin
Dennis Martin - 02.10.2023 20:48

Don't you need a greenhouse to supply fiber to the animal husbandry facility? Not sure if that planet has the right plants for that.

Tobias - 02.10.2023 05:07

If you use an explosive weapon and repair building the creatures will auto respawn in same place and then you only need one building and just a stack of repair requirements, cheers.

Arkan Dajiç
Arkan Dajiç - 02.10.2023 00:03

Tranquillity tea tranquilitea

Brutaltortoise - 01.10.2023 13:01

16 minutes to give 4 minutes of information…blocked from future feed recommendations. Enjoy being your garrulous self.

Thomas the Cookiepuncher
Thomas the Cookiepuncher - 01.10.2023 06:24

Did they patch the chests in the ground at Akila? I can't find them.

Joe Titus
Joe Titus - 01.10.2023 06:21

I low key hate how you have to be such a high level to do any of these farms. Ill be done with the game by the time I have all these thing leveled up

Dylan Bolts
Dylan Bolts - 30.09.2023 23:26

pop filter

Максим Паньков
Максим Паньков - 30.09.2023 10:01

Чел, ты крал патроны?))) Я никогда не крал патроны, их даже покупать то не приходится, играю на very hard, патронов всех мастей от 2 до 12 тысяч уже, хоть сам продавай? Деньги в игре некуда тратить, только на апгрейд корабля, а после того как улучшать больше нечего, то они просто копятся.

Максим Паньков
Максим Паньков - 30.09.2023 09:56

Интересно, я как-то упустил из виду такой способ и вообще не вкачивал зоологию пока что.
К сведению, качайте стелс и снайперку, сел, получил невидимость и стреляй, лупит очень сильно, ни одно оружие не сравнится разовым уроном со снайперкой, а снайперка из невидимости убивает с 1 выстрела любого врага, даже элитного. К примеру в городе Акила можно по квесту получить легендарный винторез с мобом на бронебойные патроны, его можно смело таскать вплоть уровня до 60, далее можно получше выбить. А та что у автора видео это полная хрень, а не пушка.

Al Campbell
Al Campbell - 30.09.2023 02:59

Anyone know how to remove the bodies (quickly on console) it keeps crashing the game

FiveStarBeav - 30.09.2023 01:41

What ship did you use to travel there? You need a grav drive that can travel almost 22 LYs. All the drives I see that can do that are spaceship design level 4

8654 Zulu Foxtrot
8654 Zulu Foxtrot - 29.09.2023 19:43

The time it takes to level up all of this stuff is insane (without cheats). Great guide if you've leveled up all of your weapon mod skills, combat skills, sneak skills, etc. By the time I have all of that unlocked, I don't think I'll need an XP farm........everything is already leveled up!

Kritizism Musics
Kritizism Musics - 29.09.2023 14:35

God. Ima slaughwe them aliens like ahitemen did bufflo

NikNakZombieWhack - 29.09.2023 06:40

Tranquileta lol

Tony T
Tony T - 29.09.2023 06:28

Ok so I'm really hoping I can get an answer one time... Q- How exactly are we supposed to get rid of the dead bodies? I built two rings of animal husbandry close to each other but the dead bodies never disappear. Would GREATLY APPRECIATE some info on this. Been racking up mad XP's, works great, thanks!

SavageW4A - 29.09.2023 06:06

I'm sorry but OREON? It's pronounced ORYAN lol please learn to read.

John McLain
John McLain - 29.09.2023 05:53

Did they patch this? I built the farm on Akila and the buildings are producing resources but they aren’t spawning the animals.

Husseyinla - 29.09.2023 04:49

Here is a great add on to this that i just tried for the heck of it and it worked. Land in the sandy desert. Put your outpost as close to your ship as possible. Land somewhere close and walk back to the outpost. BAM!! You have a nice flat area devoid of rocks!! Then start building.

Thri11craft - 29.09.2023 03:40

idk if this can help the animal husbandry xp method or not but destroying the animal husbandry facilities then repairing it will insta spwan more animals. I guess it all depends on if it uses resources to repair it because idk.

Samwise - 29.09.2023 01:21

Minimum skills are: Zoology 1 and Outposting Engineering 1 (which is 8 SKILL POINTS) then research Domestication 1 (if you're on a non-hazardous planet you dont need Planetary Habitation). THEN you need all the resources to build all of this. 30 hours in and I barely have enough resources to attempt it, and did not have any of the skills and no back up skill points. They don't make it easy.

Plague Doctor
Plague Doctor - 28.09.2023 23:16

But destroying and repairing resets the houses

Chris M.
Chris M. - 28.09.2023 21:44

RIP to the chest glitch that was just patched out.

Maddog Mike
Maddog Mike - 28.09.2023 06:10

Is this it, or was there also power, water or food? These show those as requirements.

Cameron Miller
Cameron Miller - 28.09.2023 00:03

Best way, build one animal house, kill animals then shoot the box to the left of the computer, repair and repeat. Animals automatically respawn

B- Will
B- Will - 27.09.2023 23:02

Good vid. Works well. Reminder to all, you can't do this if you got a second tag along like 1st couple missions of Freestar. Add some timestamps. Vid is still good but cut the Akila glitch out since it's patched. Keep em coming

Swann - 27.09.2023 19:26

This is actually really great except for weather conditions. I have yet to see a clear weather like in the video. All bugs die from one stealth shot from a Hard Target, and even an uncharged Magsniper bullet.

hockeyfreak043 - 27.09.2023 17:26

I have a gun that has 7.7 mm ammo. But i ran out but i have ammo boxs but dont know how to get into them to get the ammo

Laurens Berckmoes
Laurens Berckmoes - 27.09.2023 12:20

Does this still work ?

Matt Damon
Matt Damon - 27.09.2023 10:15

Patched 🫤

Vegas Sims
Vegas Sims - 27.09.2023 09:50

PATCHED TODAY the finding stuff on ground fixed.. forget it.

Troy Kalange
Troy Kalange - 27.09.2023 09:20

How did you find such a flat area with no rocks? I spent almost an hour trying to find an area like you found

Revenant7n - 27.09.2023 05:37

The "Ore-ion" for Orion? The "Pure-Ass" for Pyraas? 😂😂 Sir.

Casey Cockerham
Casey Cockerham - 27.09.2023 05:15

Says 15k per minute, but then he says 12k to 15k per hour 😂

CL4RK - 27.09.2023 02:27

Would’ve been useful to know you need outpost engineering 1 too.
