Star Wars: The Last Jedi | Lightspeed Scene 4K (Holdo's Sacrifice)

Star Wars: The Last Jedi | Lightspeed Scene 4K (Holdo's Sacrifice)


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ATlas BLK - 22.09.2023 14:50

Holdo maneuver + Adama maneuver = chef's kiss

Giorgio Munzini
Giorgio Munzini - 21.09.2023 09:09

There is no better reward than a good death,,,, she went down in a fiery blaze of glory,, awesome scene,, perhaps the best one in the movie😎.

ReminisceLogic - 21.09.2023 04:28

Clicked to only say this movie is an abomination in my opinion and really ruined a handful of interesting characters. Rhian Johnson owes the world an apology. Starting with Mark Hamil 1st.

Benjamin Del Rosario
Benjamin Del Rosario - 20.09.2023 23:32

The cross cutting in this scene + Williams score + sound design is why I for the life of me don't understand the opinion that Rian Johnson isn't a skilled filmmaker. Complain about his choices sure, but the man knows how to make craft films. I hope in 20 years TLJ gets reassessed similar to Empire, which was also polarizing to fans when it was first released from my understanding.

Ryan Spencer Lauderdale
Ryan Spencer Lauderdale - 20.09.2023 17:41

Perhaps today was a good day to die. She prepared for ramming speed. 🤣

Michael De Kock
Michael De Kock - 20.09.2023 12:31

I know this is silly and not very lore friendly, but it is spectacular to watch. The silence as the ship destroys the ISDs followed by the sudden massive noise is awesome! Not quite as good as Boba's Seismic Charges, but it's up there.

Толег - 20.09.2023 10:01

Warp does not work this way...

Francisco Javier Vazquez
Francisco Javier Vazquez - 19.09.2023 21:15

The only one good scene of the movie. Only scene made me feel fine.

LordDagoth - 18.09.2023 23:00

Holdo is one of the worst character in the SW filmography but damn … she gave us the best scene of the entire postlogy !

Yashee - 18.09.2023 21:14

The sequels were ass in general but i cant deny this scene was an absolute gem. The way every goes silent and then BOOM. This was amazing

Janio da Ninja
Janio da Ninja - 18.09.2023 14:49

na epoca me arrepiei com essa cena, algo extremamente raro de acontecer eu assistindo algo. quando atravessou as naves e projetou isso no espaço ate pausei a cena p salvar um print mas na epoca nao ficou mt legal a qualidade p por como papel de parede, pois é top essa imagem, pena q não achoo um papel de parede dela

Aizen Sosuke
Aizen Sosuke - 18.09.2023 09:56

Pretty crappy movie.

Sers ASMR - 18.09.2023 05:53

This scene is one of my favourites on a cinematography standpoint

Ivan Stayner
Ivan Stayner - 18.09.2023 05:15

The fact there was no sound when it happened is what sold this scene to me. Sometimes having NO sounds is FAR better than having sound. It just made the entire scene looks and feel so much more dramatic. It was SOOOO amazing. BY FAR the best scene in the ENTIRE movie.

AlternateAlternative - 18.09.2023 03:21

The implications of this scene are so vast that I'm kinda glad this blatant universe altering moment wasn't used again

PB Mack
PB Mack - 17.09.2023 01:38

So. Fucking. Stupid.

Flynn Abbott
Flynn Abbott - 16.09.2023 21:57

How convenient that all 3 of those things in this clip happened at the same time for the movie. Joking

CoolFlagz - 16.09.2023 20:01

They should really use this experience and create light speed missiles. Works wonders against destroyers.

Sandman GotBeer
Sandman GotBeer - 16.09.2023 19:32

It should have been Admiral Ackbar if anyone.

Kuraito13 - 15.09.2023 06:28

Don’t underestimate the Rebels.

HerpaDurpVg - 14.09.2023 02:25

This whole dogshit trilogy was all about the story itself being less important than moments. Somebody decided something would look cool so they crafted a story where they could show it at the expense of the writing and the integrity of the source material.

Jordan Tiger
Jordan Tiger - 13.09.2023 23:10

This moment would’ve been way more emotionally weighty and shocking and powerful if LEIA had been the one who sacrificed herself for the resistance so they might live to fight another day

XANDER Salamander
XANDER Salamander - 13.09.2023 13:48

I wish there was more amazing stuff like this in hollywood, I mean apart from the actually rest of the movie

XANDER Salamander
XANDER Salamander - 13.09.2023 13:44

Terrible movie, but one of the coolest scenes put to film. I lost my mind when I saw this in theatres, seriously, goosebumps.

Tasty Stinker
Tasty Stinker - 13.09.2023 04:58

The sound at end is so fucking stupid. There’s no sound in space

DH Yeons
DH Yeons - 12.09.2023 15:15

Reboot episode 7,8,9

kd k
kd k - 11.09.2023 20:15

Reminds me of Kirby all stars I think there’s a part where he cuts a ship in half and it’s all dramatic

Aidan Keohane
Aidan Keohane - 11.09.2023 20:10

Look I don’t have a lot of positive things to say about this movie, but even the biggest hater in the world has to admit, this was pretty dope. (It just should have been Ackbar who did it)

AdaoCardosoNeto Cardoso
AdaoCardosoNeto Cardoso - 11.09.2023 18:06

Essa cena foi linda, por décadas... não sou muito velho 😅... mas por quase 3 década eu queria saberia oq aconteceria se um cruzador atravessasse outro na velocidade da luz.

PunchQuote - 11.09.2023 13:02

this should have been akbar's scene. FAIL

NightRunner417 - 11.09.2023 08:40

Gloriously beautiful but of course gloriously flawed for reasons the Internet has been screaming ever since. I feel however like they could have easily fixed this whole mess and satisfied the desired effect without voiding all kinds of established lore. Per Han Solo in "A New Hope", the danger of reckless hyperdrive is "ending up inside a star" amongst other terrible things. This implies that one could purposely hyperdrive one's self into a solid object. Ok, so you calculate a suicide course INTO your target massive object, in this case the super destroyer chasing your fleet. Now you just need an action to take place upon dropping out inside your target. You're not talking about a celestial sized object here, it's still just a ship albeit a very large one. So, you set your reactor core to detonate as soon as you drop out of hyperspace, and you at least eliminate the flagship. If you can then cause a subsequent detonation in that flagship, you stand a fair chance of crippling or destroying some of the other ships. It won't kill the whole enemy fleet, but it's a tactically sound and technically possible strategy that might save your fleet's ass. Still might not, but it's worth the shot as long as you've got one insane pilot with one potential ship to weaponize.

If dropping out of hyperspace INSIDE objects isn't possible in the Star Wars universe, then there is something very wrong with the whole science of hyperdrive as laid down in established lore. It is NOT normal space travel, correct? If it takes place outside of normal spacetime, then it can be weaponized as described. If it can't be weaponized as described, then that reduces it to the limitations of normal space travel and such a ship would instead simply have immense kinetic energy due to immense velocity. It's one or the other... Can't have it both ways.

Banana Banshee
Banana Banshee - 11.09.2023 04:12

Everyone says this scene breaks lore but I don’t think anyone actually knows what lore it’s supposed to break. The pre-Disney expanded universe cannon was confusing as hell and didn’t make any sense.

Why would a mile long ship going almost the speed of light NOT do that? If shields are supposed to be THAT strong that it wouldn’t do anything then that’s just dumb. Starwars tech is supposed to be semi-comprehensible by us. If crashing into the Death Star going WAY SLOWER could completely destroy the executor than how the heck would it make sense for this scene to not work

Broker 205
Broker 205 - 11.09.2023 02:01

Well damn. I bet that was some good 🐱 too!

John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:28

Bad Sequels

John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:27

Movie is officially canceled

John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:27

Yeah dumb film

John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:26


John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:26


John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:26

Bad comments

John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:25

I hate movies and comments

John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:25

So stupid

John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:24


John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:24

Worst day ever

John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:24

And yeah this is the worst movie ever

John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:23

You're terrible comments

John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:23

Worst comments ever

John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:22

I'm trash you're trash everybody's trash movie's trash we're all trash and so are your comments

John Junek
John Junek - 10.09.2023 20:21

Your comments are terrible too
