How to use DatabaseLookupService with LookupRecord in Apache NiFi

How to use DatabaseLookupService with LookupRecord in Apache NiFi


1 год назад

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@gamerinfosfr1276 - 31.08.2023 15:30

Thank you, you saved me a lot of time today :)

@vinayak9373 - 16.06.2023 19:57

Could you please teach us how to update the policies on nifi.
I wish to you use reporting tasks to read bulletin board and keep the check on errors. I am not in a cluster i use the same host to send the bulletins using site to site. But for SiteToSiteBulletinReportingTask the site to site policy for sending anything is dimmed and thus the reporting task throws error.
Could you please help me. How can I update the policies. We did not use apache ranger while hosting the instance.

@Awas79 - 16.06.2023 11:16

Glad to see some new content, love your channel man, such 10/10 content
