FFXIV Shadowbringers: How to Scholar in Dungeons

FFXIV Shadowbringers: How to Scholar in Dungeons


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Lord Remiem
Lord Remiem - 08.05.2023 20:15

This video is golden even to this day. I recently got into healing and my SCH is just level 49 for now, and I feel a little scared whenever I look at the abilities window... but I want to try and learn 😊

Stephen Jordan
Stephen Jordan - 14.02.2023 19:11

Would really like an update to this video for 6.x

Exodere - 24.01.2023 12:07

Exactly what I was looking for. Great job! Thanks!

William Nolen
William Nolen - 05.01.2023 00:14

I had been using recitation recently with adlo but not very often. I didn't realize it forced a crit heal every time. Hearing it should go on excog instead makes sense but I feel like it could go either way since it might over heal on excog and would be more effect as recit - adlo on self for better control - deployment tactics to everyone for the perfect shield - excog on tank for insurance

BSM FF14 - 04.01.2023 11:21

they can you tell me how to get that HUD element on top which is scrolling to the left?

Etro's Knight
Etro's Knight - 09.07.2022 04:55

Awesome guide, and this hugely improved my understanding of the job, but I'm not sure I get the benefit of deploying an adlo from yourself to the tank. How is this better than just casting adlo on the tank directly? If the idea is you can do it fast, in your gameplay you show yourself using swiftcast to get the adlo on yourself anyway, so why not just swiftcast+adlo the tank when they need it? Plus you could crit and get catalyze on the tank this way, as opposed to catalyze on yourself which you can't deploy. Not just arguing, legit interested if there is a benefit I'm missing!

Johndoesfitness - 22.06.2022 09:41

Dude you say this guide is for beginners and you also say you should start every pull with a level 70 spell. That’s not beginner. Level 30 is.

nikeel nundcoomar
nikeel nundcoomar - 06.06.2022 17:02

the discord link isn't working :(

Nate Hodges
Nate Hodges - 25.04.2022 03:50

as a newb to this I want to ask, do you mean fey illumination or fey union? because fey union is cast by the faerie and I cannot control it.

gvost - 25.02.2022 12:31

i see very often that dps dont play around the fact they got a chunky deployed shield during pulls. like i dont care if you get hit by an aoe if your health doesnt dip, just keep killing lol

Vince Batters
Vince Batters - 16.02.2022 22:38

Any advice on the macros I see you have on your setup?

Lydia - 11.02.2022 06:31

Thank you so much for making this video. I just got into Shadowbringers as SCH recently and found a recurring problem where my tank was dying during double pulls and I couldn't heal them fast enough to keep them alive. Now I'm realizing I was trying to DPS too much and it was probably slowing everything down. This is a great advice video and I will continue to reference it as I move through ShB content.

Mina - ESO PS EU
Mina - ESO PS EU - 02.01.2022 18:23

Just want to say thanks. I've been playing 6 months, but stopped healing and switched to dps at level 70 dungeons, I just couldn't do it. The final straw was after i read lots of guides and it was still suggested that I needed to read some guides. 😱

Someone linked this video in a fb group, I only watched half to work on that section first, but I started getting "good heals" comments and today I cleared a level 80 dungeon. 😍 Still lots to learn and practise, but thanks so much.

Also yes I realise this is 2 years old but still very powerful help, thanks again.

Thomas F
Thomas F - 28.12.2021 06:10

The nice thing about the minimal changes to Scholar in EW is that this video is still full of really good advice. Would love to see an addendum on usage of Expedient and Protraction in trash packs.

Pensive_Impact - 23.12.2021 07:52

Super helpful, even in Endwalker, thanks! I've been maining tank since late ARR and I wanna try some strange/have always been scared of healing (hardest class imo), much appreciate.

Minh Nguyễn
Minh Nguyễn - 14.12.2021 11:21

Damn these are some extremely useful tips, I am especially impressed by the Deployment Tactics to get a 2nd free shield one. Thanks mr Momo

adamantine - 25.11.2021 19:15

metering a shitty dungeon 😭😭😭😭

Michael Hay
Michael Hay - 17.11.2021 19:22

Relatively new to FFXIV and healing (started in May). Levelled Summoner / Scholar. This is incredibly helpful. Thank you. I almost never use Dissipate because the fairy is so useful and never thought to use it at the end of pulls. Fantastic advice all around.

papermarkis - 09.11.2021 18:09

Why use Fey Illumination at the END of a pull?

iya P
iya P - 15.10.2021 04:01

Life-changing guide, thank you so much! Before I felt like a scholar with no research funding, but now I feel like I got a grant and unlocked the true way to play scholar!!

Arve Rezzle
Arve Rezzle - 23.09.2021 20:38

thanks to the balance discord for linking me this video, i legit have no idea how should i use dissipation since it takes away my fairy and i feel a bit too scared to use some of the ogcd because of the long CD

TheFrantic5 - 08.09.2021 21:23

Thank you so much for these. I just hit 50 on SCH as main and I'm looking forward to digging into the mechanics (although I'm questioning playing the most proactive healer when it's my first time in these dungeons!)

lilfentanyl - 05.09.2021 22:10

What is that rythym game looking thing at the top

frogge - 24.08.2021 06:22

There aren’t many guides that consider everyday content that isn’t in a controlled environment like savage raiding with a static. Many thanks for this helpful guide!

Inline Six
Inline Six - 21.08.2021 05:51

Was just thinking someone should make a guide like this. Thank you!

ಠ_ಠ - 20.08.2021 14:13

New player here, is this guide still relevant or is it outdated?

Arcane Mantis
Arcane Mantis - 17.07.2021 14:58

This guide is helping me out understand scholar soooo much better. I haven’t had to touch physick in so many runs just through smarter preemptive gameplay.

Josh Allen
Josh Allen - 16.07.2021 19:00

Just coming back to the game after a long break, this video helped a ton, thanks man

TheGaminSeshion - 06.07.2021 20:47

What are your MO macro's that you are using? only on oGCD's?

T R - 04.07.2021 14:07

wtf is adlo

Thiago Bones
Thiago Bones - 26.06.2021 00:42

thanks for the tips! what mods are you using on this video?

daniel - 17.06.2021 22:50

I can't heal for shit, and if I adlo it disappears within a couple of seconds. Is scholar just terrible at low levels or what? My gear is up to date, so I don't know what's wrong.

Travis Ritzie
Travis Ritzie - 14.06.2021 17:55

Does anyone have any info on mouse over macros? It looks like momo uses them but I’m not totally sure. Like which to use as a mouse over etc.

SaltyPancake - 08.06.2021 22:37

is this still relevant

Ginman - 02.06.2021 02:39

i’m a sprout scholar, and i always used sacred soil ONLY in big boss attacks. now i realize that i was really dumb since yesterday

3rdAgeSoap - 28.05.2021 14:30

So really dumb question. My scholar is 78 and I have Fey Illumination and have it on my hot bar. But it won't let me put whispering dawn on my bar. How do I make my Eos use it? I've done all the job/class quests so I have every spell up to 78. Super nooby question but I just can't figure it out lol

Jimmy Nuccini
Jimmy Nuccini - 24.05.2021 07:43

Probably a really dumb question, but I'm new to the game, mostly play summoner, so while I have an 80 scholar, I haven't really played it much.

My biggest problem seems to be targeting. I'm used to other MMOs I've played where I can target the mob and my heals will heal the target, but not here. From my experience, targeting the mob and using any single heals will cast them on myself and not what the mob has agro on. That's severely limited my ability to DPS while healing because if the tank starts to drop, the extra time to target him directly could make it too late. I notice most of the time you have the mob targeted, is there some setting that allows to heal through the mob and not have to have the tank targeted the whole time?

Samantha Maxis
Samantha Maxis - 18.05.2021 07:22

This video helped me understand the scholar kit a lot thank you

The Grand Potato
The Grand Potato - 14.05.2021 19:56

As someone who is still leveling scholar and is playing it as their first healer I have a few things to say; it really surprised me how well I could handle bigger pulls that I did not think I was ready for. I did not have the confidence to do big pulls, but absolutely had the tools to make it work. Yes it got a little crazy at times but if no one is dead then I say it went alright, even if it could have gone better. If you are new to healing but have a decent understanding of the game, don't be afraid of some bigger pulls. You won't know if you are or aren't ready until you try them. Good luck and have fun everyone!

Moth - 28.04.2021 04:35

Trying the Aurum Vale for the first time as a scholar was such a nightmare , both times the tank died atleast once . Im so used to white mage that trying to anticipate damage rather than react to damage is something Im not used to yet . Hopefully watching every guide in existence will he lp

Delareese - 12.04.2021 03:50

This is precisely what i wanted, thank you

SyvSeven - 14.03.2021 14:22

If I understand correctly, adlo the tank, adlo yourself and once the adlo on the tank drops you deploy off yourself to give them another adlo without the cast time?

John cobb
John cobb - 26.02.2021 12:38

anyone going to point out he is using iilegal addons

Nathan Richardson
Nathan Richardson - 22.02.2021 20:01

I really like this video, I'm new to FFXIV and I'm trying out scholar and that tip to use Adloquiem pre pull saves me so much stress haha. Thank you!!!

Myron Mason
Myron Mason - 18.02.2021 07:00

This is a great guide, but it is most useful for high level (56+) Scholars. This information matters little when you are below that level since you do not have access to DT, ET, Dissipation, etc.

CupidCrux - 11.02.2021 08:28

Omggggggg I’ve been trying my hardest on sch and still so clunky as opposed to my 80 WHM and AST. I was just barely missing something I couldn’t put my finger on. That dissipate between pulls is an extra 3 aether I needed to be more fluid. And that self adlo deploy. Genius. Because 99.9% of the time the tank is by themselves and not around anyone to share it to. I don’t feel so scared on SCH anymore. Thank you! 💖🥰

trashpawz - 26.01.2021 16:16

I've watched this video so many times since it's come out and always end up taking something new it's such a good video

dennis lützow
dennis lützow - 16.01.2021 11:55

Question: I am still not comfortable with targeting friend and enemy. I read that people are not using macros with mouseover or 'target of target'. And people are not using addons. So what is the best way to activate my target for a spell (enemy/friend)? Is there a good video for this and how to propper setup your UI? Thx in advance.
