Bella Poarch Speaks On Her Traumatic Childhood

Bella Poarch Speaks On Her Traumatic Childhood

H3 Podcast Highlights

3 года назад

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Aleah - 11.11.2023 11:04

Yeah I love when abusive people refuse to take any sort of responsibility... but then again what do you expect..

Grimjoe47 - 10.11.2023 14:27


noelle napoles
noelle napoles - 09.11.2023 20:31

Why do people like picturing anyone from Philippines as poor. Like they won't stop until u say, 'oh I grow up poor...'

Olaf - 08.11.2023 17:29

She still looks very cautious talking about everything. It's so sad how she and her brother were treated. So proud of her for making it this far❤. The interview seemed a bit odd to me. Like, idk how to explain it.

Afrida Zaheen
Afrida Zaheen - 07.11.2023 00:28

ok but in bangladesh its the same, my parents are like hers but my parents make me do chores or i dont have to wake upat 3am because my school starts at 12:00pm so i wake up at 11 pm but if i dont get good grades my mom slaps me and yk she beats me and i cried my eyes out about that and my final exam is coming soon so i'm really scared and i even tried to escape from my house i mean i can because ik where does my aunt live and they allow me to go to my art class alone but i just get scared so i think i cant get away with it and its just really sad and i wasnt even a big fan of bella but now i feel really bad for her because i can feel her and i'm only 11 didnt know had to face all these. so the people who doesnt get beaten are really lucky so dont think you guys are unlucky. my english can be bad because in bangladesh we dont speak english so i'm gonna write smt in bangla now so you guys can translate it, ami ar ei bashai thakte chai na ami amar ma baba ke ektuo pochondo kori na. ok so if anyone gets smt that doesnt make sense in english so reply to me so i can say what it means. i really wanna grow up so i can leave this house and live alone anyways have a great day<3

Kena Carl
Kena Carl - 06.11.2023 20:20

Sounds like animal hoarding. My parents were the same. Both had cptsd.
But like she said, I have cptsd and I'm not doing that shit.

donna - 30.10.2023 07:49

Petition for Bella’s story to be on MMK on TFC ?

Bill Raof
Bill Raof - 26.10.2023 03:54

Interview was very mess from interviewer

🍉watermelon 🍉
🍉watermelon 🍉 - 22.10.2023 17:01

I feel so bad I love you Bella and when I here this I want you to have a pretty life most good life 😖😖😖😩❤💕🩵💙


official Miew Leng
official Miew Leng - 20.10.2023 22:39

Worst scenario is the disrespectful mom and everyone differently way but all don't care ;I dont know whether to feel bad certain mental abuse is a culture accepted or accept and that i know . doing therapy

noo - 14.10.2023 13:55

I use to live in the Philippines and can confirm that the country is the most hypocritical country ever. They are so incredibly religious and PREACH, yet they will turn a blind eye to all the injustices in the country. Truley baffling.

apolo apolon
apolo apolon - 12.10.2023 21:17

Somehow I don't believe her, she likes attention.

Julia Dobosz
Julia Dobosz - 08.10.2023 19:52

That girl went through more than most kids. Her parents are from the baby boomer generation. She grew up like us GenXers did. We can relate to her childhood because we lived it. Just want to hug her and tell her shes not alone. We went through it too and we will be there if she ever needs someone to talk to. Her saying the neighbors and everyone else iqnored what was happening in her home gave me flash backs to adults doing the same thing when I was a kid. And you had it beaten into you to not talk about was goes on in your parents house. Its never your home. Its their house. And you better not get caught talking to anyone about whats happening in their house because if they fool CPS you are going to get the beating of your life and the abuse will get worse because now no one is going to believe you and they know they can get away with it now. They put on a fake show of everyone being happy and things are great so the community wouldn't suspect abuse. My mom was the master at manipulation and getting away with the abuse because out in public we would be smiling like nothing is wrong. But behind that closed door she didn't have to pretend. She could do whatever she wanted and no one supected all the abuse. I grew up in the sticks in Michigan and neighbors were not close at all so we didn't have any witnesses to vouch for us with CPS. Even if we had marks they would make up some kind of excuse so it looks like your just a clumsy child that isn't paying attention when we were playing. I'm so happy she got out and is living her best life while making that money. She should keep doing whats best for her. Especially since the parents have tried to get in contact with her because now shes got money and they're going to try and screw her over.

Every thing Ollie
Every thing Ollie - 03.10.2023 03:08

Bella i am so sorry for your suffering i am glad you are kind and happy now 😊

CEIDRIC ABITONG PH - 30.09.2023 10:00

I relate to her especially as a Filipino

youtube phan
youtube phan - 28.09.2023 07:55

obvious hes trying to get a understanding of the culture in ph,thinking how fucked up it is there, then when she finally says the step dad is white hes shocked!? wtf, everything he was thinking about how fuck up filipinos are thats the white man, surprise mother fucker!!!!you could see how he was thinking about philippines being a unlivable place for children

dragons4ever - 27.09.2023 01:23

Well the abuses kinda relates to me

Francis Santiago
Francis Santiago - 23.09.2023 17:56

America worst alot kids don't respect elders
Plus if theres no one helps her in Philippines maybe she has bad neighborhood, and about teacher maybe she didn't tell whats wrong, we know some kids scared teachers

Melanie Nevaeh 🩵
Melanie Nevaeh 🩵 - 22.09.2023 07:27

I’m just here to say I am very happy for her and to give her flowers 💐! She deserves it all
