DayZ: SA vs. Arma 3: DayZ in 2023 - Which one is better?

DayZ: SA vs. Arma 3: DayZ in 2023 - Which one is better?


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Void - 07.02.2023 22:05

Wow, thank you so much for all the attention on this video! Please consider sticking around and subscribing, I am consistently uploading quality videos that I think everyone would really enjoy. Either way, thank you again. This means the world to me :)

RisinTech - 12.09.2023 04:53

your voice is so low i can barely hear you

CGN 1948
CGN 1948 - 20.08.2023 18:11

Has Arma 3 DayZ the old classic DayZ Standalone Alpha Map ? If so I would instantly join a Arma 3 DayZ server

mynameisray - 01.08.2023 17:53

How do you get the DayZ mod for Arma 3?

Rene B Doucette
Rene B Doucette - 26.06.2023 02:36

Well done Video. And I appreciated it !

Micheal Edwards
Micheal Edwards - 11.05.2023 15:07

Everyone else has already voiced the same opinion as myself, so there's no need to go into it, but this was a pretty good video, you just earned a sub!

CobiGotti - 09.05.2023 23:32

Idk how long it’ll take you reply but I recently just bought Arma 3, and I’ve been trying to find a dayz server that had all the vehicles/helicopters etc. how do I just those and what are the best servers? Also do they have servers like that but without the zombies like Exile I believe? And what are those servers as well? Kinda new to PC so I apologize the lack of knowledge

Redshift - 25.04.2023 03:13

If you compare standalone to arma mod you HAVE to consider the standalone mods .

Batseyy - 20.04.2023 11:42

The one thing that makes me play ARMA3 over DayZS is the AI.. they add sooooo much to the game for that alone it’s worth it in my opinion

Kane - 19.04.2023 01:07

The answer is: Arma 2 Dayz is the original and best and kicks both Arma 3s and Standalones butt :)

RustyNailGaming - 07.04.2023 01:29

DayZ: SA has mechanics, gameplay, graphics and psyhics.. but lacks cars, you are constantly running around in that game like its a running sim, and you have nothing except PVP and zombies. But in arma 3 you have great base building, lots of vehicles, roaming AI that you can shoot, loot and sell the booty, even zombies are in the modded servers that are not that bad. So its like 50/50 on both of the games.. theres no perfect server in any of the games.. every server lacks something that other servers may have and.. its frustrating to jump servers to find the perfect one cuz theres none.. I hope they master arma reforger in time and it will be like arma 2 was at its peak. i really hope.

Satellite Raccoon
Satellite Raccoon - 10.03.2023 21:08

I only wanna play pc so I can use things like helicopters or the unique modded guns because devs never add new guns but I'll always prefer xbox dayz no matter what

MTL - 10.03.2023 02:43

Could someone tell me the name of the Arma 3 mod we see here? Is it Exile or Epoch?

Ryan C
Ryan C - 01.03.2023 16:41

I think one thing vanilla DayZ really needs is mechanics/vehicles that require genuine collaboration with players. Let’s use the helicopter as an example from Arma 2 DayZ mod, everyone wanted one, it was the endgame goal to control Chernarus from the skies and provides accessibility for rescuing players. Moreover, helicopters required sufficient effort to get running, which is extremely time consuming for a solo player but less so when working with others. Sure we all love the ambiguity of players mentality, are they friendly? Should I trust them? But we all know by this point in development, the majority of players haven’t experienced the history of DayZ, so they treat it as a KOS deathmatch with no roleplay or communication with other players. DayZ SA as it stands now only rewards solo play, there’s no incentive to actually work with others or form groups because all people care about atm is how good their kit looks

Rhyzomect - 24.02.2023 02:04

arma 2 dayz > all

Rhyzomect - 24.02.2023 02:03

tf is that motion blur

DeViLs AdVoCaTe
DeViLs AdVoCaTe - 22.02.2023 19:21

Better is subjective. Move along

Austin Givens
Austin Givens - 17.02.2023 11:31

I don't think it's fair to compare vanilla DayZ SA to Arma 3 DayZ, whereas to play Arma 3 DayZ, you HAVE to mod the game, and every Arma 3 DayZ server is going to be different. There's very few servers running "vanilla" DayZ within Arma 3 (most are Epoch/Rust style servers), so it's hard to compare in a fair way. One point brought up is that Arma has a much larger selection of guns, although 99% of servers use a very large amount of modded guns, however for this video essay you restrict DayZ from having access to modded guns

I think this is comparing apples to oranges, which isn't bad, just I feel it should be pointed out. Maybe you should do a more "fair" video, comparing modded Arma 3 DayZ to modded DayZ SA.

Good video though, got a sub

EDIT: Clarifying, when I say comparing to modded DayZ SA, I'm not saying compare it to heavily modded servers like most servers are, just to the ones that add in a little bit of extra content. New guns, maybe on a modded map, etc. That way Arma 3 and DayZ SA have similar amounts of player created content, then I think the comparison would be more fair

Josh Curry
Josh Curry - 16.02.2023 16:14

I want some fucking ai

MikeDocherty - 15.02.2023 18:40

Small note, you said that the DayZ playerbase has been dwindling. That's actually not true at all, DayZ just broke its all time highest player count a couple weeks ago, aswell as breaking that record multiple times in 2022...the game is actually growing

Flowride TV
Flowride TV - 15.02.2023 01:05

i find that heavy modded dayz-sa servers with a lot of guns, items, helis etc while they have their player base and are full of bases etc somehow dont give me the "Dayz experience". vanilla on the other hand is a bit too much for a casual player than me.... lightly modded servers (where servers are not vanilla but have loot tweaks and helpful mods) for me are the best of both worlds. especially in the newer maps as well (non official)

Thows - 14.02.2023 12:09

Since DayZ started out as an ArmA 2 mod, I suggest you try the ArmA 3 mod. It's much more dynamic and not as slow and heavy as DayZ Standalone is.

Austin West
Austin West - 10.02.2023 05:09

What is the name of the dayz server on Arma 3

Austin West
Austin West - 10.02.2023 05:09

What are the names of the Arma 3 dayz servers?

joemama - 09.02.2023 06:20


Pavel Hrubý
Pavel Hrubý - 09.02.2023 03:29

Arma3 has old engine compared DayZ. Enfusion engine is developed for next decade.

Bryndal Dwyre
Bryndal Dwyre - 08.02.2023 05:58

Really interesting video. New sub. I've played DayZ SA since it was first released and played the mod for Arma 2. Didin't know there was a mod for Arma 3 though. I have Arma 3 so I'll give the mod a go.

Crazemate - 07.02.2023 06:44

The game attracted me for the survival elements, but I’m craving survivor interaction. Something console can’t provide well, mics specifically.

That Guy
That Guy - 07.02.2023 02:20

One came from the other…

ABC - 02.02.2023 10:13

Play Arma 3 Survival it is better DayZ mod for Arma
