Stacked Pull Requests | GitKon 2022 | Tomas Reimers, Graphite

Stacked Pull Requests | GitKon 2022 | Tomas Reimers, Graphite


1 год назад

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Ivan Demchenko
Ivan Demchenko - 09.11.2023 12:00

IMO, to complete the picture, a comparison to trunk-based development is missing in this video. I agree that asking to review massive PRs is very expensive for everyone. However, I'd argue that big PRs are symptoms of a bigger, often organisational problem. If I understand correctly, you are proposing a tool that runs a series of rebases automatically. But I think the main problem is the fact that we need to start a PR in the first place. So, I'd say there are two approaches to working on a single codebase as a team: trunk-based and some sort of branching strategy. I think you need to expand on this one.

As a side note, the bigger issue is that many engineers don't understand what rebase does, and why merging 'main' into a 'branch' is <use your adjective here>. So, I'd say start there first.

DontTakeCrack - 31.10.2023 20:06

"Stacking lets you make many small PRs easily, and without having to wait for review." I don't need a tool to do that right? I can just make small PRs.

Sergio Bost
Sergio Bost - 17.10.2023 19:33

Great idea but this is already possible with rebasing. Rebasing may incur some headaches but most of that can be avoided with good communication amongst teammates.

kiryls - 30.09.2023 14:48

we got 99 issues and my branch ain't one

Raj Piskala
Raj Piskala - 23.12.2022 06:42

This is such a simple solution to a problem I've had for a long time. Thanks for the clear and well-prepared video!
