Introducing Studio One Pro 7 with DJ Jazzy Jeff: One DAW for All | PreSonus

Introducing Studio One Pro 7 with DJ Jazzy Jeff: One DAW for All | PreSonus

PreSonus Audio Electronics

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@hjortur - 10.02.2025 03:47

I'm tired of videos that promise to change mi life - I like my life with Studio One Pro 7 🙂

@crazyfluteplayer6216 - 06.02.2025 23:07

maybe youve not tried other DAWs this why you make a statement like what you just did

@axelmaldini4218 - 02.02.2025 00:56

With 40 years of experience in sequencers from M-tracks to today, I assure you that it is the best DAW on the market by far.

@CosMical-Scales - 31.01.2025 23:23

I have Owned StudioOne from 6.5! So have had it for over a year! I updated to S17 on the 28th of January! Since then the next day the update was released! So I updated but noticed the new instrument wasn't available to me! So I tried to create a Ticket to Report the issue, But was met with another issue as I wasn't able to create a ticket because it was saying my account needed to be Activated but gave no instructions of how to activate my Account! So I tried to sign out to sign in again to see if the instructions to activate would show! But in stead found that when I tried to sign in I was met with a message stating that the User Doesn't Exist! which is obviously false information yet this is happening, So the only option was to request a new password which I did! But was met with the same warning stating User Doesn't Exist! And even when I try to create a new Account it is rejected because it states that My Emails is registered to a different Account! The same account it is claiming doesn't Exist when I try to sign in! & Persons Support is responding to my issue through my account So I can't see what is said because I cannot access my Account!
So if the PreSonus Team are reading this Please fix this issue And recognise that I won't see the replies if they are locked to my account so it needs fixing & contact me through email message!

@PRISTINEANGELINC - 29.01.2025 20:01

Im here after NAMM 2025!

@ambientdave - 21.01.2025 12:44

As a hobbyist Im staying with version 6 cant afford to keep upgrading,

@megaBredman - 19.01.2025 23:18

Nothing si what it seems, be careful!

@JosephDeam - 02.01.2025 18:55

Acabo de adquirir studio one pro 7 este sera un año de muchas grabaciones y exitos musicales para mi y mi compañía! comenzamos con excelentes decisiones entorno a un gran futuro.

@ricardorivas9653 - 29.12.2024 17:51

I don't know about you but I have used Studio One since version 1 came out years ago ... I honestly do not find the upgrade price unreasonable, especially when they update it every two or three years... for those who are complaining that the upgrade is too expensive, you obviously need to reconsider your career if this is major issue. This is a great software, and much more robust than Pro Tools, or Logic Pro. You spend ten times more on coffee a year.

@HerchiBeatz - 15.12.2024 00:56

i love your DAW,so here is a marketing advice/people gonna cry over sub price,instead go like other daws,sell for 1year with free updates,its same tactic,but diffrent phrasing,its your wrong marketing move that people are hyping,just fool ,like other daw companies,sell a 200$ daw at 400$ with 35% off,and all goes wow,sell a 1year subscription of 200$ /rephrase 1year of free updates for that specific version 200$,still same!

@jogadornumerozero - 04.12.2024 01:26

Hi, i cant download the app Notion Mobile from Microsoft Store on PC, i got in my tablet, works well, but i cant buy pro version.

@cyejames - 27.11.2024 03:33

Can I change the bpm/tempo of a song in there easily

@Ninjujitsu - 20.11.2024 21:16


"Splice built in"

throws Jazz out the door

@Nothingspeshalwaysfresh - 20.11.2024 01:03

Started using Studio One when it was Krystal Daw.. Yeah sonny Im old.. It's quite amazing how well Presonus handles business and how aggressive they are with very thoughtful products and competitive pricing and software. I left Studio one at version 4 to Bitwig but after playing around with version 7 , Im gonna have to go ahead and buy that perpetual license.

Absolute gold standard.

@XoiUhdheen - 14.11.2024 09:51

Used to be unique, now it's like, "Hey look at me I can do what everyone else is doing now"😢...This new wave of creative laziness(wanting EVERYTHING done automatic i.e. A.I. loops synced and tuned for you...😞😒 Nobody wants to work organically anymore everybody's lazy and unoriginal weak sauce....

@6oundStudio - 13.11.2024 15:39

this is the first time I'm seriously considering switching DAWs. I was S1 supporter for years, and I spend most of my life in it, but this pricing policy is just outrageous. Especially for people outside of US and Western Europe.

@Kentbeats7 - 08.11.2024 16:45

Cubase IS going to be better than S1 with v14😢😢😢 they have modulation now

@elephantgrass631 - 07.11.2024 07:25

I was about to buy it as I want to switch DAWs but the comment section is making me think otherwise.

@KlemenKotar - 05.11.2024 23:20

Not only has the price gone up and there's no EDU discount anymore, even their own forum is on the way out.

I really want to know what the thinking behind all of this is.

To shut criticism/bug reports? People will just go away. S1 is far from the only game in town.

Joe Gilder can keep on saying "we've been listening..." but the truth is you've been listening to the overlords, not the paying customers.

@magneticfilm - 02.11.2024 19:14

V 7.00 is for me completely unusable. When you try to send Midi clock to external drum machines or sampler the BPM is going 2 BPM up and down. On version 6.6 rock solid sometimes 0.1 BPM up and down. And the launcher is buggy like crazy...This is a BETA version in its purest form. DON'T BUY IT

@brobb-sd9vp - 30.10.2024 00:54

I'd love this even more if DJ Jazzy Jeff slapped the shit out of Will Smith at the end of the video, then went back and sat down at his desk and kept working.

@atxbigballer1 - 25.10.2024 07:22

REAPER DAW 4 LIFE! Thanks but no thanks Jazz!!!

@8AW2 - 24.10.2024 19:05

Pricing is ridiculous

@fuxxel - 24.10.2024 11:00

The upgrade pricing and 12 month update limit is a joke. Looks like to be the right time for searching an alternative. Thanks Fender!

@DuppyDupSong - 23.10.2024 13:18

i don't have money and i cry when i saw that revolutio. But shame is the price to updte before i bought my software only 11 months before

@stonesmyth - 23.10.2024 01:50

do some videos for set list, video out, midi out, audio for stage backing tracks. I'm a live performer using backing tracks, that I play, and would like to know if this is the daw for me?

@frozenlaid554 - 21.10.2024 18:50

4 da fact I make my beats from scratch & rappin since 1997 I have discovered & Learned hundreds of different ways & short cuts on choppin & usen samples LITTER-LEE ain’t a beat I can’t make Dam Nirr but I still study & learn today from other great producers & music inclined professionals👊🏾🔥🙏🏾✅💎🎹🎤

@stupidusername38 - 20.10.2024 13:37

Still no ability to gang plugin parameters when you have multiple instances of the same plugin across multiple tracks. Hope this comes in the v7 life cycle

@stupidusername38 - 20.10.2024 13:34

I hear all the mix fx extensions are removed from studio one 7 for those upgrading from 6 and they are only available to those with a presonus subscription? Is that true?

@entyce66 - 18.10.2024 06:51

I thought he used ableton😂

@hectorfranciscomedina1635 - 18.10.2024 00:26

me pueden orientar como resolver para como usuario de mas ge 12 años no perder mi derecho a la oferta de studio one ?

@pratimchatterjee236 - 17.10.2024 23:38

Request to presonus studio one developer please add manual pitch correction tool inbild like cubase

@OldSchoolHead1990 - 17.10.2024 12:29

I would love to upgrade but I just bought version 6 back in May. Smh. I wish I would have known 7 was dropping. Unfortunately, I won’t be paying for another upgrade no time soon. Stick to logic, haven’t paid for an upgrade yet.

@WendaSprunki-s8r - 16.10.2024 00:11

how red robbiojpn

@ellensoomers9496 - 15.10.2024 22:32

I already have Studio One 6.6.4 and have to pay $149.99 to upgrade?? How is that after being a loyal customer for many years? I feel frustrated, let down and ANGRY having to pay 3/4 of the price!!!

@ConstantinoOfficial - 15.10.2024 22:08

Always predictably the same style of music promoted on these releases

@mellobotstudio - 15.10.2024 21:09

Loop Pack Larry got his update, now we need something for people who record, edit, and mix audio tracks. How about some updated plugins that compete with other DAWs and not just a GUI makeover like we got with 5 and 6. What if we had a simple track delay (like every other DAW), so we can easily fix phase issues or predelay tracks into a single reverb to save cpu? What if we had more emulations of hardware gear, but this time make them good enough to compete with other emulations instead of sounding worse than free versions? Please redo Redlight and make it a viable saturation with a TAPE option. You can leave the Tricomp just like it is because it's the best compressor I've ever used for parallel comp. The gate and d-esser are solid as well. All else aside, the track delay is a must, even on the stereo busses.

@thebigXgaming - 15.10.2024 18:34

It looks like There is no stock plugins to design sounds with... so better bring your own vsts.. and if there are, maybe showcase them and what you can do with them..

@jobe13 - 15.10.2024 17:15

I am finally going to upgrade from S1 v4 to v7! I cannot wait!

@Kentavious444 - 15.10.2024 05:18

To be honest I can't keep up with all of the cool features Studio one already offers. lol! I'm an old fart who remembers the analogue days, so this is all like wonderland to me.😃

@eliaszerano3510 - 14.10.2024 12:45

Lead Architect is not includes in teh perpetual license?!

@bruiselee8242 - 13.10.2024 02:38

damn I feel sorry for the people who bought/upgraded to studio one 6 just a few months back, I'm sure they was charging something like $300 + for new users & $150 for upgrades! anyone who's backing this needs to stop kissing ass LOL.

@rautshsale1948 - 12.10.2024 22:23

i thought everything would now be included?
however, do i understand correctly that fat channels, mix fx and same for harmony wizzard are not included?

@selektaian3513 - 12.10.2024 18:43

Studio One Pro 7 just kicked in doors for producing music. The Stems feature is amazing & is a game changer for a Daw with this capability & integration. PreSonus has delivered at the Highest & Professional level.... Thank You!!! The best upgrade by far.... 👊🏾

@Markovkovich - 12.10.2024 10:28

One daw for All or One daw for DJ's? How is Presonus owned by Fender and we still have shtty Ampire from 5 years ago?

@MaxMisdirection - 11.10.2024 21:30

not upgrading until the pricing scandal is resolved. willing to switch DAWs, not willing to get ripped off.

@jwilliams6976 - 11.10.2024 18:39

Studio one is the best DAW period. Workflow is a dream, prices lower than they ever been. Functionality increasing and evolving daily. I’ve used all of the DAW s, this is it. I agree with Jazzy.
