Stop Chasing Purpose and Focus on Wellness | Chloe Hakim-Moore | TEDxMemphis

Stop Chasing Purpose and Focus on Wellness | Chloe Hakim-Moore | TEDxMemphis

TEDx Talks

4 года назад

1,351,955 Просмотров

For ages, people have been told to find our purpose, and that purpose will lead to a fulfilled life. But what if finding purpose isn’t enough to bring fulfillment? What if the focus on finding purpose, in fact, has been harming us by obscuring who we are with ideas of who we should be? This talk explores how our singular mission should be collective wellness, why now is the time to pursue it, and how the journey will offer the healing our world has desired for centuries. Chloe is an internationally acclaimed social designer, artist, and humanitarian. Fueled by an unshakable reverence for all life, her practice demands dignity for all, and centers the reimagining of societal systems to guarantee global well-being. Hakim-Moore designed and leads NEXT Memphis: a $32 million initiative of Porter-Leath to increase access to high quality early childhood education for all families in Shelby County.

Her past projects include: leading the operations of First 8 Memphis; partnering with the National Institutes of Health to serve persons with disabilities in Trinidad and Tobago; and supporting refugees and immigrants through designing citizenship attainment and food entrepreneurship opportunities. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


#TEDxTalks #English #Health #Mental_health #Personal_growth #Positive_Thinking #Purpose
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Enlightened Essentials Center
Enlightened Essentials Center - 27.09.2023 06:06

Great speaker

Tonya Shipp
Tonya Shipp - 07.09.2023 03:01


Learning Dev
Learning Dev - 19.08.2023 10:23

Loved it!!! Reletable

Buttercup - 13.08.2023 20:18

Beautifully done!

Amy - 10.08.2023 22:22

Take care of yourself first (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, socially) and then, everything else falls into place.

Warrior Ric
Warrior Ric - 03.07.2023 15:48

Brilliant delivery and refreshingly authentic. Thank you.

A F - 01.07.2023 16:27

Purpose is well being

Allyse Graben
Allyse Graben - 27.06.2023 04:12

Thank you!

a pc
a pc - 13.06.2023 04:07

🦋💘This is my second time listening to this talk at different points in my life. Each time was thought provoking and phenomenal. The first time I heard this, I I was getting deathly ill, and the next time was nine months later surviving internal bleeding twice and healing. Thank you for this amazing talk.💘🦋

Crafted & Carved Podcast
Crafted & Carved Podcast - 27.04.2023 04:35

Honestly, this is everything!

Well Bodi Salone
Well Bodi Salone - 24.04.2023 21:30

Prioritizing wellness will improve your mental health and well-being. Things like practicing self-care, managing stress, and seeking support when needed can reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Holly Gravenkemper
Holly Gravenkemper - 24.04.2023 20:40

This TED talk really struck a chord with me being a busy medical student trying to find a balance between everything going on in my life. I appreciated the way Chloe was able to use her personal anecdotes to better deliver the idea of focusing on wellness within yourself versus purpose as it made it more digestible. People that pursue the path to becoming a doctor are definitely a perfect example of individuals striving towards purpose and end up putting their ow needs and wellness at the wayside. I am definitely guilty of doing this. While having goals and aspirations in life is important, the road you take to get there can come at a cost of your well being. Before listening to this talk I don’t think I have sat down and considered what does wellness mean for me, what do I need in order to feel content and at peace the way Chloe described. Even looking into the future at my career in which I would be taking care of other people, this made me think of the cliché saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup”. In order to show up for my patients in the way they would need me to and be able to provide the best care of my ability I need to have a full cup. In other words, I know I need to take care of myself and make sure I am at peace the way Chloe described so that I could provide that peace and care for others. This could be related back to a medical ethical tenet of beneficence that healthcare providers try to uphold. This is the responsibility of providers to act for the benefit of the patient and to always defend and protect the rights of their patients. Overall, I believe the lessons described in the Ted Talk should be followed by all individuals but especially those in the healthcare industry or any other occupation that has you taking care of the wellness of others in order to provide the best care possible.

Zoe White
Zoe White - 14.04.2023 13:56

Brilliant talk

toppertin92006 - 08.04.2023 00:52

Chloe mentioned about the fear of death, which I believe is a major component of why many people focus on chasing purpose in life. This is something that as a future physician, is something I will have to grapple with for myself and for my patients. Decisions that individuals make should be with their own well-being in mind, not necessarily what is best for prolonging their life for many more years to come. As a future provider, encouraging a person to pursue their wellness exemplifies the ethical tenet of beneficence, or doing good. In order to do this, I have realized that you cannot pour from an empty cup. It is important to “know yourself, know your worth” as Drake put it so eloquently. This talk helped me recognize that my wellness has to matter in order for my future patients’ wellness to be impacted for the better. Another aspect of the discussion mentioned the avoidance of confrontation in order to help please others and keep the peace. I can empathize with this mentality, as it is something I have had to reason with for my twenty six years of life thus far. However, reflecting on this point has led me to realize that this is a disservice to those I surround myself with, as well as those who I look to help later in my career. Trying to keep the peace, trying to avoid bad news or avoid reality, oftentimes harsh and difficult to swallow, can be a form of maleficence. Avoiding these difficult decisions and tough situations ultimately is harmful and can lead to a cascade of more difficult choices that compound on one another. Sometimes, ripping the bandaid off and dealing with the situation head on is the best approach, and it is one that can be very difficult to embrace. I appreciate this discussion for helping me realize several important lessons that can help benefit myself and others I look forward to working with in my future career.

Bea Lyght
Bea Lyght - 28.03.2023 03:30

I see most of these comments were from at least a yrea ago but this TED Talk came RIGHT on time for me in March 2023🙌🏽

Beatriz Ruiz de Aguiar
Beatriz Ruiz de Aguiar - 27.03.2023 21:57

This woman has so much wisdom and charisma ❤

Your Girl Georgia's World
Your Girl Georgia's World - 21.03.2023 18:52

Impactful ❤❤❤

Reprogramming Mind
Reprogramming Mind - 21.03.2023 15:55

Stop focusing on TEDx and do a real TED talk.

Shariva Smith
Shariva Smith - 20.03.2023 22:38

This got me ballin my eyeballs out.. I needed this talk! Thank you!

Jasmine Janise
Jasmine Janise - 19.03.2023 00:08

Accidentally clicked on this while watching another video ❤
I’m glad I stayed 🍀

Tale Zambia
Tale Zambia - 16.03.2023 20:52

I’ll be turning 25 next week……This quarter life crisis got me in so many questions….I needed to watch this 🤧 all the way from Zambia 🇿🇲
We’ll make it regardless….thank you so much to TEDx TALKS for this…for every like I get, I’ll come back to watch

Rick Ferns
Rick Ferns - 15.03.2023 19:27

This TED talk spoke to me, as a millennial and a medical student who is consistently surrounded by messages of purpose. Who goes to medical school without that driver? The pursuit of a purposeful life is an admirable endeavor, but can, as Chloe mentioned, be a double-edged sword. On one hand, having a clear sense of purpose can give us direction, motivation, and a sense of fulfillment. On the other hand, chasing that “purpose” can lead to an unhealthy amount of stress, higher risk of burnout, and decreased focus on wellness, and on living in the moment. It's important to note that there isn’t anything inherently wrong with having a sense of purpose. In fact, observational studies referenced in the Blue Zones show that having a sense of purpose is linked to greater health and a longer lifespan. However, the problem arises when we become so obsessed with achieving our purpose that we neglect other important aspects of our lives, such as our health and relationships. In our society, there’s often a pressure to be constantly achieving and striving for success. We’re told that we should always be working towards something: a promotion at work, a personal goal, a social cause. While these focuses can be motivating in the short-term, they could can also lead to chronic stress and burnout if we don’t take breaks and prioritize self-care. Thank you for reminding us to pause and do this, Chloe. The idea of a “purposeful life” is often conflated with a life of productivity and achievement. As a society, we’re encouraged to work harder, longer, and smarter, in order to achieve our goals. We’ve already seen in the United States that this leads to a culture where people sacrifice their health for the sake of their careers. From an ethical standpoint, it’s important to consider the impact of our pursuit of purpose on others. When we become consumed by our own achievements, we tend to neglect the needs and well-being of those around us. This can lead to a lack of empathy and a failure to recognize the importance of relationships and community. The pressure to achieve a certain accolade determined to gain purpose could also lead to unethical behavior, such as cutting corners, cheating, or exploiting others in order to get ahead or reach that goal. In order to avoid the pitfalls of chasing a purposeful life, it’s important to prioritize our individual well-being, and relationships. This means taking breaks when we need them, practicing self-care, and being mindful of our own limitations, and when we need breaks, because that means something different for everyone— I’ve seen that in medical school. A purposeful life should be one that is fulfilling, meaningful, and does not come at the expense of physical health or mental well-being. By striking a balance between our goals and our well-being, we can lead purposeful lives that are also healthy and sustainable in the long run. Easier said than done, but I’m going to do my best!

D. Bailey Speaks
D. Bailey Speaks - 15.03.2023 13:35

This advice is only convenient for women. FYI. Purpose is his MEN build the world. Women have a God-ordained purpose.

matane raseona
matane raseona - 14.03.2023 15:21


Em Harry
Em Harry - 08.03.2023 18:23


Kayetronicz Entertaiment & Music Group
Kayetronicz Entertaiment & Music Group - 04.03.2023 10:08

I''ll take fulfillment and inner peace inside over purpose ....Purpose has been for me like : A carrot tied to a stick which is tied to me ....and I'm chasing it ....smh

Justin - 03.03.2023 19:22

Too much rambling

R F - 03.03.2023 00:09

Wow what a presentation !!

Sophia Kater
Sophia Kater - 02.03.2023 23:38

Beauty & Brains


… i don’t use words like crisis… discipline the mind

Worship Library
Worship Library - 01.03.2023 18:21

If you're reading this, please pray for my friend Annie. She is a homeless, recovering addict. She has been through every type of pain you could imagine a person could go through. She has experienced loss, abuse, suicide attempts... And yet with Jesus, she has such a loving, strong heart. I have never met a woman like her. Please pray God will bring miracles into her life, and turn her situation around. I ask in Jesus name, Amen.

Ltrain Galaxy
Ltrain Galaxy - 01.03.2023 18:01

Women need to focus on wellness and men need to focus on purpose because men have no one take them in when they fail so we must focus on purpose and women have all types of resources that they did not earn so they can focus on wellness because uncle Sams programs have focused on thei purpose

Thato G
Thato G - 27.02.2023 12:41

📝"..cultivate wellness for yourself, because once you are filled yourself with that kind of peace, it has no choice but to flow out into all spaces around you... and you will enjoy your life so much more..."

Vi - 26.02.2023 09:35

Almost 80, and wellness is my priority … 👍🏻

Jessica Moon
Jessica Moon - 26.02.2023 03:33

Chloe Hakim-Moore is absolutely brilliant. She encapsulates the existential crisis of every 20-something year old so perfectly. Most of us spend a lot of time minimizing our trauma and stressors which leads us to be our own worst critic, and is detrimental to our wellbeing. I find myself coming back to this video every so often; it's the big sister talk that I need to remind myself to treat myself with grace, patience, and love.

Audace In
Audace In - 22.02.2023 19:15


Devonta Younge
Devonta Younge - 20.02.2023 18:50

Yeah this works for women. Would they choose a MAN who is Not on his Purpose?🤨... Stop chasing your Purpose, find a man who's already doing so 😆

Marissa Morris
Marissa Morris - 08.02.2023 16:52


Sis K
Sis K - 08.02.2023 07:28

Great job!

㊗️Fine China♥️
㊗️Fine China♥️ - 07.02.2023 02:03

So intelligent, so young…so much to deal with so young… I’m grateful to be at the midlife crisis section…I have no clue or concerns for the next moment and that is an interesting place to be. I’m at peace…I’m getting rest I’ve never had. I only allowing positive thoughts and feelings.

Analise Fernandez
Analise Fernandez - 03.02.2023 08:42

I'm 27 and currently have been in this exact crisis and this spoke to me on so many levels. I feel like I'm not alone thank you Chloe!

tulipthorn - 28.01.2023 10:02

This was so wonderful to hear. Thanks for sharing.

Nikyah Paskell
Nikyah Paskell - 27.01.2023 15:27

Amazing ❤ I identify with all of this! Thank you for sharing. The quarter life crisis will make or break you, but wellness is the center of it.

Abigail Parague
Abigail Parague - 24.01.2023 02:25

Amazing message!

Shari B
Shari B - 17.01.2023 20:23

Beautiful speech!

Carrie Prince
Carrie Prince - 17.01.2023 05:11

...sooo good...

TR3GGA - 08.01.2023 22:10

super relatable! loved this call 222 self-attention.

Rucci Raw
Rucci Raw - 03.01.2023 21:09

I could really relate to her grandmothers story, I had the same thought around the age of 11
Now I’m 23 and I’m missing my granny ❤
