Ice Power Pill - Project Power 4K | Movie Clip #4

Ice Power Pill - Project Power 4K | Movie Clip #4

Golden Movie Clips

3 года назад

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@gguibehling - 23.08.2020 05:59

Imagine how unlucky u are, The science creates a pill that let u have a super power for 5 minutes, and the power that u get is make your body so cold that u die... :)

@believeanddo4967 - 28.08.2020 19:28

That's not a power ....😂😂😂😂but a painful way to die😂😂😂

@theshadow8986 - 03.09.2020 10:36

I was waiting for her to be saved!😥💔😥💔😥

@davidkim9898 - 14.09.2020 07:43

This scene was so good. Loved the camera angle through the whole tense situation.

@pale_gray7475 - 22.09.2020 19:53

Imagine though when the ice is too cold and is freezing all of your blood and organs inside of you its so hard and you get heavy until your breathing gets solidified so it hurts so badly then your lungs crumble in ice shards because it is too cold then you breathe one final time freezing all of yourself suffocating and dying a painful death...

@hunter1356 - 29.09.2020 01:16

How anna would have died in real life

@NileForce2214 - 21.01.2021 19:12

I'd rather freeze to death than look at Casey Neistat's forehead one more time

@jayk1023 - 25.05.2024 05:14

She should have just held her hands on the glass so that it would shatter and got out.

@AcousticJamDad - 31.05.2024 13:19

Kind of a lame power to have. What do you expect to do with that, hold someone until they freeze to death?
