Joyal k Biju is a member of the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Association (MFPA) which is an international registered society of disabled artists, who due to a disability to their hands, create art with their mouth or foot.
Currently, Joyal is unable to use both his hands and legs.
A wheelchair-bound mouth artist proves anything is possible.
Joyal has painted more than 2000 pictures using his mouth.
Joyal painted live in a show organised by an NGO Art Mantram at Bangalore International Centre, Domlur, in Bengaluru on December 3, 2021.
Birthplace - Wayanad, Kerala
Father - Biju k M (Farmer)
Mother-Deena (Homemaker)
Sister - Anciya
Joyal K Biju, 17, was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy when he was nine.
Currently, Joyal is unable to use both his hands and legs.
He is bound to a wheelchair.
He has overcome his disability to become a professional painter.
Due to the seriousness of his condition, Joyal was not able to go to school after primary education.
He is getting homeschooled by Teacher Chandirka Vijayan.
His Teacher Chandrika introduced him to an artist Ramachandran Thayannur in 2017.
Joyal started painting with the brush held in his mouth under the guidance of his art teacher K Ramachandran Thayannur.
Joyal painted live during a show organised by ART MANTRAM at Bangalore International Centre, Domlur, on December 3, 2021.
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