Shekeb, the problem is that your Mom doesn't think anyone else is good enough for you
ОтветитьThese women arent BITCHY ENOUGH. I would have thrown hands. Emily and Brittney (?) have every right to RETALIATE but theyre the bad guys in the mothers' eyes???
Ответитьi’d be pissed if my bfs mom brought home a girl for him like what????
ОтветитьEmily and Shakib- THROW THE WHOLE MAN OUT
ОтветитьMatt is GAYYYY!!!!
ОтветитьShakeeb "what im going through with 'my girlfriend' I guess you could say..." I GUESS YOU COULD SAY????? She either is or isn't and she clearly thinks she is... so messed up of him
ОтветитьI love how fast Matt switched up on Brittany. Also I know Emily has been done wrong by the family but shes also been super disrespectful to Shekebs family and money hungry.
ОтветитьMatt is so damn ridiculous. He needs to grow up and cut the chord. Mom has serious insecurities and jealousy issues. SO DYSFUNCTIONAL!
ОтветитьEmily find a MAN
ОтветитьI've said it before userala is disgusting and so is he and his mother, Emily please run.I would have kicked her out of my house faster than a blank of an eye.He stopping Emily from talking when she's right .this makes me so upset for her but she's staying so she just as crazy and her getting in the mom face like that was very disrespectful too
ОтветитьMatt mad but his mother does worst...also matt is a jacka.. and that woman needs to get away from him really fast....matt and his mother are loser's....
ОтветитьEastra is extra y u trying to date someone who already has someone?I hope you know what u r girl at least the ex dodged a bullet.Shykey your cheating and u know it.....the mother needs to go sit down somewhere and Emily should get out of that relationship fast,run girl run.....
ОтветитьBrittany leave that man to his mama because what?!
ОтветитьMatt insulting Britney's workplace said it all, nail in the coffin. He's defending behavior that is obviously far from normative on behalf of his mom, getting defensive, and acting like a kid. This guy's never going to be independent in his life!
ОтветитьI dont know what happends in the phycho of those moms. Absolutely egomanic and will distroy every self choice of a man.
Dealing with that, the boy is overwelmed if their mom is being criticiesed or put in right place.
That is one of the biggest trauma, like a bomb layed on the most secret love, which is thoug intoxicated by egomania of the most charished person (mom).
Such will confuse and destroy a relationship.
My recommendation is for women dont get involved in critics of that moms, but build your own relationship. Man is the one to decide to protect his girlfriend.
Very sick mom's son perspective. And the boys try to shift responcibility the girlfriend.
The person in the background just eating would be me watching the drama lmao
ОтветитьMatt is gay
ОтветитьMatthew and his mom are sick Kim was right your crazy mom wants you all to her self she even said she said I don’t want anyone to have you except me 🤢 gross and Matt giving your mom a house key and a room in your and Kim’s new home what the F….k are you thinking your mom lives right next door why does she need to stay the night at your home I think Matt and his mom want to have a three sum with Kim . 🤣🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьShakeeb makes me actually sick. Emily shouldve left his ass when he still had a shred of care for her.
ОтветитьI can't's to fake
ОтветитьEmily would’ve gotten cussed tf out ontop of that did she say she put the house in his name??? Kick her tf out lmao
ОтветитьI feel so bad for Brittney.
ОтветитьThe only one who I think needs to split up is Shekeb and Emily. She is NUTS!
ОтветитьOk him and his mom playing for the same team.
ОтветитьShakeeb and Matt are DEE-GUSTING to me...the mere thought makes my nether regions DRY 😮🤣🤭🤮
ОтветитьEmily is definitely crazy and weird idk what he sees in her tbh
ОтветитьYussra is a problem how could someone be so disrespectful to another womans elationship. Karma girl karma. Shakeeb needs to grow up!! This is not ment to be rude but I really think his mom needs therapy
ОтветитьUm gay maybe 🤔
ОтветитьTf something is wrong qith Emily 😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьUuummm Brit honey he is looking for a husband not a wife 😂
ОтветитьMiss Hernandez 😂 please have ypur daughter sit down this hss nothing to do with her 😂
ОтветитьHave you guys seen that movie called mother in law lol swear that lady living the movie miss Kelly please stop trying to play the movie script out your not a good actor 😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьSounds like that his wife now because sounds like they not never gonna stop talking now huh Ursula wins 😫
ОтветитьYou need to learn to let your son go you act disgusting as a mother in my book. You need to let him live his life visit yes. But what you do is disgusting. No wonder Emily acts like she does she's not crazy she's trying to not throat punch you!!
ОтветитьMama needs to stay away for her safety and join a gym group and therapy and travel to enjoy life more and not feel lonely !!! Cuz her son is not worth to stay close to him after how badly she disrespected you and he still with her and she came back for money and stability and that yusraa is too good for him even though she looked drunk a bit during the first meeting lol they need to stay connected or friends a least
ОтветитьMatt is a douche and uses one too.
ОтветитьMatt and his mom are literally insane. I hope he never reproduces.
ОтветитьSo Robert is the only real man
ОтветитьGod bless Britney from saving so many women’s time and lives from dating Matt 😂
ОтветитьSo Matt thinks it’s okay for his mom to grill Britney but when she brings her work mom to lunch he gets outraged about it like what😂 she can 100% do so much better
ОтветитьMannn poor Emily 😂💀
ОтветитьWell, Matt acts like a big woman 👠 no decent woman would ever have him
ОтветитьPoor Emily I really hope she finds a good man her bf is such a loser
ОтветитьI'm with Emily ❤❤❤
ОтветитьMatt is gay tho
ОтветитьI think Laila would drive anyone to their breaking point, and the fact that Shekeb will never ever have her back makes it worse. I don’t buy Yussra’s innocent act either, once she went to the lunch and realized Laila was playing games she should have done her part to not be involved. If Shekeb and Emily break up fine, but don’t be a homewrecker while acting like a saint. Shekeb is pathetic, running after his mommy who started the drama to begin with. He doesn’t love Emily bc being married to her will mean he has to be a man and he’s way too happy being a wimp. None of these guys are catches except Robert for putting his mother in her place and standing by his wife and the mother of his children.
ОтветитьShakeeb is vile
ОтветитьMatt don't want a girl him and mom need to be honest