TrueNAS Scale Storage Server HELL - Can I save my PETABYTE Home Server?

TrueNAS Scale Storage Server HELL - Can I save my PETABYTE Home Server?

Digital Spaceport

6 месяцев назад

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@sven - 23.08.2024 13:29

Thats not a HomeLab thats a HomeDatacenter!

@justinknash - 27.12.2024 06:43

Where did you get those plastic rackmount cover panels?

@jodajackson4489 - 21.10.2024 02:39

Yeah, I’ve got a Dell PowerEdge R720XD and I can confirm that some of the plastic parts can get brittle and break.

@tonyhawkins5255 - 21.09.2024 17:52

you only placed the new part and not the 2nd one

@chrisjenkins9978 - 01.09.2024 18:34

Boy, that looked complicated. Are the drives numbered? Does it even matter what sequence the drives are placed in the bays?

@nickharvey5149 - 30.08.2024 14:22

What are those nifty jbod assemblies into which you put the SSDs?

@avreclaim6469 - 30.08.2024 03:35

Don't buy Ewaste (Anything Dell) out of warranty

@superangrybrit - 29.08.2024 21:25

Current status: Jelly. 😜

@guitaristtom - 26.08.2024 11:59

What are those disk shelves that you have? They look nice to manage.

@williamkeene6434 - 25.08.2024 14:54

how much have you dropped on that homelab thus far

@cougarmain - 25.08.2024 07:49

Why not use replication?

@k9man163 - 24.08.2024 09:32

What are you storing to need this much space? 😂 I'm having trouble finding something to do with 10tb other than torrent lots of TV shows, but that seems really hard these days.

@zeroturn7091 - 23.08.2024 16:18

Always wanted a T640, but their NICs don’t play well with a certain OS. I might have to revisit that idea with a third party NIC.

@rezenclowd3 - 23.08.2024 10:16

MFGs piss me off. Even the new EDSFF SSDs need tools to mount. Make them click in! Too much wasted low-level labor.

@jameswhitehead6758 - 23.08.2024 00:43

I didn't have my TrueNAS system on a battery backup (stupid) and a surge took out my mobo and PS (consumer hardware). Moved 2 generations newer on the chipset and mobo and everything picked up and worked perfect.

@Mike-xy4jz - 22.08.2024 03:55

29Us for only 1PB? you have they have build new server chassis since 2012.

@win7best - 21.08.2024 22:31

there are swarms of dead small insects around and even inside my server, its very wierd like one day they arent there and the next time you check it was full of them

@stevec00ps - 20.08.2024 12:02

So you can chuck all the data disks from a TrueNAS Scale into another server and TrueNAS just finds them all and carries on like nothing's happened? No need to worry about order of disks or anything?

@computersales - 20.08.2024 11:06

Buying new hardware is fun if you don't have to keep it. I want more toys but the ones that are the easiest to afford are the ones I am reselling.

@ericd000 - 20.08.2024 01:58

Wow! One of the few time the algorithm actually presented me with content actually interesting to me without me having to go hunting... Here, have a sub!

@TheSasquatchjones - 19.08.2024 23:25

I usually deal with spiders in my systems. ....and DAMN you have a lot of SSDs.😅

@BradleyLydon - 19.08.2024 20:02

are you wearing ear pro due to the noise of your racks? if so good on you. Wish I had started doing that years ago.

@joshhardin666 - 19.08.2024 18:03

What are you using for virtualization software? - might hci / ceph make sense for you?

@DcKayb - 19.08.2024 17:33

Yesss!! Buying new hardware! So good!

@camerontinker1948 - 19.08.2024 15:55

Isn't it great how simple it is to just boot Linux on nearly anything? I don't think this would have been as smooth with Windows. Glad you're up and running with a temporary solution for now! Looking forward to seeing what comes next!

@cracklingice - 19.08.2024 15:09

You took two boards out from under the mobo but only put back one?

@DanielTekmyster - 19.08.2024 14:54

Years ago I accidentally, deleted my primary raid 6 pool off my LSI controller and then did the same on my backup seconds later…. Lesson from the story, dont work when your completely exhausted and distracted by a phone call on your own data 😭

@nasasts51 - 19.08.2024 14:52

I have 3 t620's that are decommissioned with rails, Not sure where you are.

@DigitalSpaceport - 19.08.2024 14:11

Storage server Sunday nearly🪦me.
