AncestryDNA Test Review: Pros and Cons

AncestryDNA Test Review: Pros and Cons

Family History Fanatics

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@neelroy2918 - 03.09.2021 21:15

What does it mean they have largest DNA? That's stupid. There should be just one database. Give addons\value add if you want to have edge. One more thing ruined by commercialism.

@andrewfrazier547 - 07.09.2021 10:31

In 3 of the commercials they use the same photo of a Italian guy. I wouldn’t give much stock in there results.

@marianneodell7637 - 16.09.2021 07:59

So 4 years on-have your feelings changed?

@davidturner4610 - 17.09.2021 11:14

I believe ancestry are better at detecting ethnicity. I like the other companies but they didn’t really detect my Scandinavian DNA. I’m on My Heritage too I thought they were a little better at somethings like connecting with distant family. But if you want the best for finding ethnicity I recommend ancestry.

@robertcornell8005 - 30.09.2021 19:51

did this several years ago showed I had 3 different fathers not the one who raised me, did another dna with someone else, totally different dna structure and different ancestory history and one father! wondering if my first test got compromised somehow!

@LeoHolanda_CANBR - 05.10.2021 09:11

My son is really trying to convince me to do DNA test for us to see something about our family tree. I wonder how effective these tests are for first generation immigrants. We immigrated to Canada from Brazil in 2010 and I doubt this DNA database have a reasonable amount of data from these countries where DNA tests as less available.

@watergrey4010 - 15.10.2021 21:22

I have a feeling i have russian in my dna

@marekzalewski31 - 05.11.2021 19:06

Is there possibility to upload dna from myheritage to ancestry for free?

@CrimsonTheFoxGod - 09.12.2021 13:48

I got info my family wasn't willing to deal with.

@wowed1659 - 09.12.2021 21:01

My last name is Bang, so I always wanted to know my history cause like it’s pretty damn unique, like I’ve never met another Bang besides my family in my whole life. So I’d love to see where it comes from

@wowed1659 - 09.12.2021 21:06

My dad is afraid to take a dna test because like he was a drug addict and alcoholic for most of his life(he got clean when I was 12) So he had a lot of one night stands type stuff. And is worried that a kid will find him and stuff(because like that’s life changing shit). So like I’m already sent in my test and should get results in like 2-4 weeks. If he did have a kid, would they find me through my dna? that’d be pretty cool.

@YVMedia - 12.12.2021 01:39

Idk how the 1st one is a Pro to why I should do it.

@Xbusk - 29.12.2021 05:53

I have talked to many of my family and friends who have and have not done this. Most are satisfied and pleased with the results. I honestly think the pricing point is not overly priced too much but I do think this should be free or very cheap and given to everyone to really figure out human history and lineage. But business is business and I get it. I ordered mine and just received my test in the mail. I will be doing mine this week

@MelliaBoomBot - 31.12.2021 14:39

4 years too late but Ive done a 123&me and now ive done an Ancestry one so hoping to compare and contrast.

@Jon5150XL - 28.01.2022 16:49

I did ancestry and got my results. Being adopted helps me locate more of my family members

@joedoe-sedoe7977 - 14.02.2022 18:29

He never shows any example of what is on the web.. walk us through the whole process ..the google d goop talk has little value

@fern3125 - 16.02.2022 18:15

Can I keep dna private and still see any possible family I haven't met without them being notified? Or do I have to make the dna public?

@niamdesudat2040 - 28.02.2022 06:49

CRI GENETICS DNA TEST is simply a scam!!! They took $ 100 from me and did not provide any useful information. The information they provide is general information. You'll find it all on the internet.

@sgunes10 - 28.02.2022 18:38

Many millions more right now and my family still has only 400 to 1000 total matches on Ancestrydna. We teated almost everywhere and it goes even down to 290 total matches.I think we are from another planet

@21sungalute.42 - 01.03.2022 19:08

There are no pro’s, If anyone who uses this service thinks their DNA is held in privacy they are wholly mistaken these companies sell on data to others to make more money, don’t be taken in unless you want to be on a nation wide commercial and police database.

@NewLife-qj9mx - 03.04.2022 15:25

Just got my results today - no help tracking down who my dad is/was.

@Vector_Ze - 03.05.2022 04:09

I've run into the multiple kits situation already, although I'm weeks away from getting results from the first one sent it. It was for my 93-year old mother, who doesn't do email.
Weeks later, I bought one for myself and had to use a different email account from the first kit. Sounds like things might get complicated once the results are in.
I hope customer support has a live person to talk with to straighten this out for me.

Questions: Is one company better than the others depending on the subject's gender? AncestryDNA goes by mitochondrial DNA, which I understand is the mother's side. What about the father's side?
And, if already into AncestryDNA, but willing to give one of the others a try as well, which one?

@dangagne3347 - 07.06.2022 11:07

My problem with these DNA tests is that any police force or court can obtain your DNA results from Ancestry, My Heritage and so on because they have your results on file, hence in their possession or control. I’m not a criminal, but privacy laws aren’t keeping up with technology.

@Pepzy - 14.07.2022 09:43

Only reason I'm doing this is to see if I'm related to monkeys 👀

@samuelschick8813 - 10.08.2022 04:05

My con about Ancestry. You pay to use the service a subscription, no problem there. So you research and find things and put them in your shoe box to add to the ancestor at a later date. You already paid for that info. But if your subscription expires Ancestry will not let you post what's in the shoe box to your ancestor.

@invadertifxiii - 14.08.2022 03:36

I took 23andme first in 2016 or something and didn't get any good matches. Ancestry gave me 2 sisters

@ebogar42 - 05.09.2022 04:57

I found an Uncle on there that was adopted as a baby. I connected with his daughter and we are pretty close now and stay in touch. He got to meet some of his brothers and sisters, and is close to one of his brothers now, and both live in the same county about 70 miles from where they grew up. They go out to eat a lot and hang out.

@Sport_Haley - 06.09.2022 08:57

How can I get my DNA resulted without connecting me to other bloodlines????

@billyballs6677 - 07.09.2022 18:00

Save yourself some time and money, here’s a tip: we all originated from Africa and evolved from apes. Now focus on the future and stop living in the past. You’re welcome.

@kheprineteru4990 - 11.09.2022 19:00

I did mine years ago! Mine was somewhat accurate on dad’s side, pops ppl from east africa

@DanielRodriguez-cv3xb - 06.10.2022 23:17

The ancestry DNA test are not accurate they are not perfect

@davidneyra4418 - 17.11.2022 05:13

so...Ancestry is better than MyHeritage? my family history is really a mess where most of the elders in my family have already passed away and the few left are too senile to tell me anything about my ancestry, plus their kids don't want to tell me anything for a reason, all I know is that my great grandfather migrated from France to Peru, and then I connect little pieces here and there, but there are still so many empty holes, will Ancestry cover those holes in my family history lineage? or will MyHeritage do that better?

@Roryleebrown - 18.11.2022 00:08

I’m wondering does it tell you about genetic conditions that may be inherited?

@YeahmynameKiara - 10.01.2023 04:27

Omg the cons weren’t as bad as I thought…

@calbob750 - 20.01.2023 19:55

Family discovered that my now deceased grandfather left home 100 years ago and changed his surname. Did the Ancestry DNA and was contacted by someone whose DNA matched, but surname didn’t. Until we compared family stories.

@scoppio07 - 31.01.2023 23:55

Try getting through on their helpline and you will feel like you have lived as long as all your ancestors combined. (After you pay them money)

@leoyconversatoriosparaarge1201 - 18.02.2023 07:58

Just got results from Ancestry, although not many surprises, I notice that the database search is mostly for Anglo-Saxon migration. No mention to South of the America largest migration from a diverse European countries or Asian areas. Inaccurate and biased description of calabrian history of migration, superficial to say the least. Miss to match my kids from another account. I wonder what went wrong?

@BUckENbooz - 07.03.2023 01:57

Gooood you are the first person to make a video that bored me within 2 seconds. Look, I know I would like a complete dick. You may have even said it half way through this message.

Liven it up. Make your introduction intreating. I feel like I’m in a library having someone advertise something

@charlesportervoice5262 - 09.03.2023 11:25

beware they charged me $23.00 a month for there service. I used one time for about an hour over 12 months period. Then they charged me $25.00 to cancel about the monthly charge

@ChanelSmith23 - 23.03.2023 05:48

So I did my kids test on 23andme and it was weird because one of my kids and my brother had common relatives that my other son didn't then both of my sons were related to someone that my brother wasn't so I don't think me and my brothers are full siblings anymore so I did 23andme and ancestry also waiting on results

@IPrayForWorldPeace - 15.11.2024 02:34

I have a question, I get the DNA updates on the app, although my question is how and why exactly does it need updating?
I don't think DNA changes.

@KaterinaKaterina-i8h - 16.11.2024 15:31

So which DNA test is better to make? Which one gives more information, dna tree and more traits?

@pszczoa3437 - 08.01.2025 22:03

Warning! I bought a package from Ancestry and it didn't arrive. No information from them, they don't respond to emails. Be careful.

@Reincarnation111 - 28.01.2025 08:37

I just registered my kit. I said 'NO' to all consent questions, just to be safe. I am told that they sell the info to tother parties. That is wrong; do you people agree?

@RosswinsDK - 30.01.2025 21:24

I took a 23 and me test , mom found her dad. Yeay my nana BALD FACE LIED to us for 50 years and saod another man was my grandpa and the fucked up thing is he knew it too.

Only saw the man twice in my life

@RosswinsDK - 30.01.2025 21:29

Dope video! Are you law enforcement?

@Marie-xx2ug - 08.03.2025 09:51

My mom doesnt know her father, and i dont know who my father is either. Im so nervous actually and a little scared. I know she will be so mad to know i ordered a test. Oh well. I need to know.

@Bobby-sc3bq - 16.03.2025 16:49

im adopted and im half thai half black (dont know my black side) so im taking ancestry to find my relatives and where im from on my black side
