It's time to talk about these UI trends

It's time to talk about these UI trends


11 месяцев назад

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Juxtopposed - 19.06.2023 00:17

What do you guys think about these trends? It's time to share some unpopular opinions. ✨

Jules - 17.10.2023 23:55

I hate these over the top UIs. I just want something simple that works, simple as

Azchk - 17.10.2023 08:32

Always remember, form follows function!

Rojus - 16.10.2023 22:31


Mikko Korhonen
Mikko Korhonen - 16.10.2023 02:56

I'm sorry but no website should ever need a loading screen.

Camarada Manuel
Camarada Manuel - 15.10.2023 21:56

Imo: no CSS, no JS, only HTML.

Hyde - 14.10.2023 21:42

this was a pretty cool video to watch while eating my protein chips, dried banana and peanuts

Zac Anger
Zac Anger - 14.10.2023 12:28

"Bento grids" aren't new, they're just a refresh of the old Pinterest masonry thing. And custom cursors are always bad, we went nuts with those in the 90s and it's painful to see them coming back now. Designers frequently seem to forget that we're supposed to build things to make users' lives easier, not more surprising.

Xyma Ryai
Xyma Ryai - 14.10.2023 10:46

i hate custom cursors. please, never use custom cursors. they cover the content i'm about to click on, i already have a cursor i like, i use it across my entire computer because it is accurate, readable, and small. if you want to make an experience that relies on it, disclose it before loading at least, even though i know i can't disable it.

midoo - 13.10.2023 16:25

liked and subscribed for the abundance of cat images in examples

The JAGIELSKI Channel - 12.10.2023 18:37

I can't shake the feeling that there's a cabal of vain designers who really need glasses but refuse to get/wear them because they're so vain they think wearing glasses is for nerds and they make stuff like that to actually see these sites.

CentreMetre - 12.10.2023 11:10

Another thing about custom cursors is them not being done correctly. One that springs to mind is one of the minecraft wikis where the cursor is a sword, but instead of the tip of the cursor (the pixel that clicks on stuff) it was somwhere in the middle of the sword. (This is from memory it couldve been a different wiki or site but has definitly happened to me)

PossiblyAxolotl - 11.10.2023 03:42

That thumbnail seems very targeted towards my video intros and I do not appreciate that 💀

khalifah Iskandar
khalifah Iskandar - 09.10.2023 17:29

i want web speed in those windows xp time . imagine how fast today's pc would load them . but NO! the deranged people who make website like to kill rams and cpu ONLY to display an information . which if i can , i want it fly to me in a paperplane . just a stupid bunch o people tried to "force" another people to upgrade their pc . so irritating!

Zitrussaft | GameDev Vtuber
Zitrussaft | GameDev Vtuber - 09.10.2023 17:18

The video is very cool! And I'm surprised how many people in the comments share the same feelings of wanting a simpler web! Let's do more of that!

NextLevelBros - 09.10.2023 16:27

I thought we where done with this crap when flash websites went out of fashion.

ddnava - 09.10.2023 10:57

Something that web designers SHOULD keep in mind is that laptops and touchscreens exist. Macbooks, Windows laptops with precision trackpads and touch screens can actually input HORIZONTAL scrolling, but several websites have horizontal elements that can ONLY be scrolled by clicking annoying buttons on each side of those elements, like the thumbnail rows in Netflix. The main page shows you several rows of thumbnails, one for each section, but scrolling those rows horizontally can only be achieved by clicking buttons in the far ends of each row even when I have an inout device that's perfectly capable of doing horizontal scrolling

Kian - 05.10.2023 13:38

sorry but you are offended by the javascript comunity

kiricapp - 03.10.2023 05:20

JS is good in moderation for a cool effect or two. When the whole site becomes dependent on it, I’m really not a fan…
Great vid! I really like your style 👍

Alice M
Alice M - 01.10.2023 22:24

I can't imagine any website meant to be actually used incorporating any of this. Banana Republic changed their website recently to have enormous squares with images instead of the standard display of items, and every time I go to it, I just leave immediately because of how horrible of an experience it is.

Imawizardfools - 30.09.2023 21:12

You recognize part of the problem but only make a minor correction to your ux.

You're still advocating for ui practices that add friction to the usability of the site for the sake of it looking fun at first but for repeat visits it's just a pain to use.

dombo813 - 30.09.2023 11:48

Its not even cool, i cant see anything in those except designers trying to be cool

Warsin - 30.09.2023 11:04

I love you 😍

mjc0961 - 29.09.2023 04:17

Hard disagree about custom cursors. NEVER mess with my cursor. Custom cursors usually make it hard to find and hard to know where the point that's actually doing the clicking is located. I leave any sites that mess with my cursor.

Also, somebody else already said it, but it bears repeating: stop hijacking my scroll bar. I especially hate these sites that hijack the scrollbar and instead of letting me scroll down, it scrolls through some animation and it has to complete before I can go down again. I hate this and am very likely to leave instead. Let me scroll down past the animation as is the intended function of the scroll bar.

SoupyMittens - 29.09.2023 03:58

I'm gonna be honest, I'm just so sick of websites all being the same copy pasted, trendy, smooth corporate hellscapes. I just want old website design back, at least those websites had charm and I didn't get depressed just looking at them.

CrittingOut - 29.09.2023 00:20

i hate these websites

Kucing Oyen
Kucing Oyen - 27.09.2023 07:13

Most of the time they just like to show off, without considering the UX

Sobanya - 25.09.2023 18:33

At least we finally moved on from 12pt fonts that instantly bloody your eyes.

Ethan Davis
Ethan Davis - 25.09.2023 17:46

Recently I've encountered a lot of sites that just don't work as intended. I'll use a site with the worst design in the world as long as I can do what I expect to be able to do with it. As a developer myself, it fills me with a rage like no other when simple things are broken

Gwen L.
Gwen L. - 24.09.2023 23:13

as a marketer + website designer, I hate it

NordGeit - 24.09.2023 03:33

Meanwhile, I made a way to make a moving gif palette button that even works on Internet Explorer using good old legacy-style css.
Now to actually make the bloody thing.
Well, actually, it was just a normal palette css trick but gif is gif and loads as animated if it is animated.

MrSam - 24.09.2023 03:32

i just want normal websites for gods sake

CreeDo Lala
CreeDo Lala - 23.09.2023 16:46

As someone who likes design and the coating that goes into this, I should like this stuff. But to be honest some of these sites look pretty exhausting. Any page where you continuously spin the scroll wheel to get through a series of fancy animations, it feels like you're watching a video presentation and the scrolling is just a way of giving the users some kind of token interaction. Like those games where you're given a quick time event to hammer X or whatever, but really you're just watching a cut scene. Also, I don't think I've ever seen a hijacked mouse cursor that I liked.

CreeDo Lala
CreeDo Lala - 23.09.2023 16:27

I know that this is a total shitpost but 'JawaScript' sounds adorable

Several Fighters
Several Fighters - 22.09.2023 18:09

A lot of games companies have websites like this. They're absolutely innavigable which is really frustrating when you're jobsearching.

Several Fighters
Several Fighters - 22.09.2023 18:06

The purpose of a website is to present content to a user, so ultimately the most important UI/UX thing a website can do is make it easy for people to get to what they want to.
The design of Amazon has remained unchanged in over 20 years and yet people keep on using it, and that is because the design is very well fit for purpose. Making it harder for people to use it would probably drive people away from using it.
Google remained functionally identical for most of its lifespan. Recently the changes to the categories has made it way harder for me to get to things I want to get to so I've moved away from using. it.

il nostro della segreto
il nostro della segreto - 22.09.2023 12:40

This made me think that the Internet is really becoming stratified by wealth. Bloated sites full of effects are virtually unavailable for people with low-end or older machines.

Jux [GD]
Jux [GD] - 20.09.2023 02:59

is that a Geometry Dash reference

I HATE YOU - 19.09.2023 16:13

you know web is garbage when websites require actual loading screens to display a bunch of text....

Ikannuna Plays
Ikannuna Plays - 19.09.2023 10:29

When web design comes full circle and here we are reinventing the wheel.
Loading screen were only needed when broadband didn't exist, now web desingers are trying to load too much stuff making broadband worthless. I can tell you if your website takes more than two seconds to load I will not use it and move on to one that takes my time into consideration when designing vs their need to add excessive visual garbage to your site. It's a website not a canvas to show off your ability to make every bell and wistle work on CSS, Javascript, and HTML.

Keep it simple, keep it simple, keep it simple. Give me what I need and don't show me too much stuff and don't waste my time with useless stuff.

There was something great about Craiglist and that was it's so simple it loads instantly, it's so basic it's easy to use. It's minalistic approach is the reason it's still popular amongst those who care about doing vs drooling over flashy pixels.

Snep - 19.09.2023 01:33

90s websites somehow look better.

Asdion - 17.09.2023 21:37

Javascript was a mistake
HTML5 was a mistake
CSS was a mistake
Plain HTML is the only good way to present information, this is an undeniable fact.

Seo Insights
Seo Insights - 17.09.2023 17:40

Subbed for great info!

Guy Elsmore-Paddock
Guy Elsmore-Paddock - 17.09.2023 08:33

Custom cursors are a deal breaker for me on most sites.

M - 17.09.2023 06:28

That’s the sound of Javascript 😂

iercan - 16.09.2023 23:38

just give me a random tailwind landing page and im happy
