Paul Washer   The Importance of Discipleship

Paul Washer The Importance of Discipleship

Dial In Ministries

1 год назад

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@JBNetBreaker - 13.01.2024 04:14

A big part is the transferring of the conviction, the disciple may be able to to figure out a lot of things, but the solidifying of them in his being may take too long, the transferring of conviction greatly shortens that time.

@suew3164 - 24.09.2023 06:21

Discipleship for the most part is not understood by any Christian I've ever known. If discipleship had been 'a thing' amongst any of the adult and mature Christians I knew when I was a young married woman in her early 20s it is far more likely that my husband and I, and our marriage, could have survived his long standing affair with a friend of ours. As it was, all the Christians around us basically just stood by and watched us sink. Even when I specifically went to one of them and asked for help they didn't do anything, though they promised they would. I've come to accept that it overall wasn't lack of care for us personally, it was more likely a lack of understanding on how to help us. And.... that many of these people who at the time were in their 50s....weren't that mature in Christ after all. The Church is incredibly weak and shallow because discipleship is not understood nor is it taught.

@caminandoensuverdad - 14.09.2023 13:29

Remember that Paul discipled and worked to cover his needs. He discipled in his free time.

“After this, Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. There he met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all Jews to leave Rome. Paul went to see them, and because he was a tentmaker as they were, he stayed and worked with them. Every Sabbath he reasoned in the synagogue, trying to persuade Jews and Greeks.” (Acts‬ ‭18‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

@reins981 - 14.09.2023 02:39

Paul Washer is an arrogant protestant hipocrit

@matthewmp111 - 02.09.2023 00:59

Jonny, I have a quick question for you if you don't mind. As a very young pastor, how do you approach discipling belivers who are much older and perhaps more mature in the faith than you?

@WORDversesWORLD - 01.09.2023 20:36

Jesus said to be a disciple of Christ one must forsake everything to be His! So, worldly people have no chance of being from God! Be careful, knowing what god men speak of is very important!

@ravenmouth - 01.09.2023 01:14

Scrub almost everything he said in this video. While it was not untrue it was definitely boring. Take the story at the end about teaching the boy archery. Make an entire video about how teaching a boy archery is like discipling a Christian man.

@kristenspencer9751 - 30.08.2023 06:42

When I was a new believer, the Lord brought a wonderful older woman into my life who eagerly taught the Bible and how to walk by the Spirit. I sought out those in the church who seemed to know the Lord and wanted to hang out with them...rather than the younger crowd, b/c I was reading the Bible all the time (as well as other books by Christian authors) and had lots of questions. Just going to church on Sunday wasn't enough. And I found that you have to seek these people out. They probably won't even be the "spiritual" ones at church, but the quiet ones off to the side that kind of hide in the crowd. You really have to begin a spiritual conversation. More likely, they will start one with you b/c all they wanna do is talk about the Lord! And they are HAPPY to teach and instruct and disciple anyone who also just wants to talk about the Lord!

@kristenspencer9751 - 30.08.2023 06:36

Sadly, churches kind of push the elderly off to the side, b/c it's all about the younger generation. The focus is on family life or marriage and youth activities, leaving the older saints with no role. The leadership thinks the older folks either don't want to participate, or think they are doing them a favor by relieving them of duty. Afterall, we've had our chance and now it's time to pass the baton. Not necessarily! Sadly, such has happened at my church. But the older folks still have much to offer the church. No one wants to hear their advice and wisdom.

@Bodypiercingsavedmylife - 22.07.2023 07:43

This is good stuff, an important convo to have and great point about praying and asking God to send someone older to walk with us.

@carlpatrickragas2159 - 15.06.2023 04:36

Great to have my church planter (70 yrs old) and resident pastor (53 years old) to lead by example to be a disciple of Christ! I once lost my life, denied it and chose the way of Christ.

Blessed my life as my wife, who was a member of contemporary christian church (who ordains woman as pastor), denied these teachings and we are both walking under the path of Christ.

Prayers to every Christian that we will shine the light of Christ to everyone! The Lord reigns supreme!

@jtung9718 - 01.06.2023 09:29

His experience is right. Because I prayed that prayer , God brought me two person lead me

@juniorjamreonvit9271 - 25.05.2023 19:22

If you're not in discipleship, "You're going to commit error unnecessarily." That's so true. I've made many mistakes but simply not being shown the way.

@amosioanchiriac7513 - 25.05.2023 14:49

Beautifully said.
The hard part is that I've never met someone who I could trust to be mentored by. At least at the 3 churches where I've been to.

@andrewbartosik - 25.05.2023 11:10

If you don't have the time because you're working too much, maybe you're working too much.

@alharris1508 - 25.05.2023 10:23

Who disciples a middle aged new believer man?
Who walks with an older man who is a new believer?
Surely no young man can as they don't have the life experience the older man has...
Really need some advice here...
