That first one hit me like a whiplash damn
ОтветитьWhere to get those shape-shifting mask
ОтветитьWho DOESNT need a severed hand?
ОтветитьCut above most tip videos
ОтветитьLaridda is not the one pushed into lava by Nere, it is Meerna and you can't save her.
ОтветитьOh, how easy it is to cheat/cheese this game 😅. When playing BG3, I don't personally do things I can't normally do in a regular table top session, but find some of these loopholes very amusing.
ОтветитьOk now i have to subscribe... I literally thought shapeshifter mask is only for cosmetics/roleplaying/maybe disguise for pickpocket but... using it to get dialogue options, and to enter areas?? Damn... Is this considered an exploit or similar, or intended way bcoz even without deluxe edition , there's still a spell
ОтветитьWOOW! THATS how the hiring work!😮💨🤯
ОтветитьWell, after 200hours, I finally learnt how to cancel concentration spells apparently 😅
ОтветитьAnother great video. Subbed.
ОтветитьTitle twenty tips info ten tips
ОтветитьI enjoy this game but they did a shit job of tutorials for new players. I know more people who quit this game through confusion than Dark Souls Players
ОтветитьThe amount of stuff you can do is insane.
ОтветитьI haven’t made it to the suspicious meat part lol. Eww will your character or anyone else say something when you eat it haha I probably would even attempt to eat it if I found it
ОтветитьAs much as I love this game on X Box…. I think it’s so much easier with mouse and keyboard. The radial wheels are just kinda clunky.
ОтветитьSpoiler alerts mfer
Ответитьgod the ps5 verizon is so limited. i wish i had a pc
Ответить… Have you found a use for the severed hand?
Ответитьyou can pickpocket withers ??! lmao
ОтветитьAwesome video, thank you for posting. Learned more than I did in college.
Ответитьvery much thanked by larian to add the shape shifting mask from dos2, great tribute
ОтветитьGod damnit I can't believe I've been able to get into those small holes this ENTIRE TIME!! I'm like 26 hours into the game, I can't even imagine how much loot I've missed out on!!
Also, I've been playin with a controller the whole journey. I already knew inventory had to be way easier to navigate but I had no idea how much you could benefit from keyboard and mouse... gonna have to start playing that way (gonna download the WASD mod for movement though).
Anyway great video, thanks 😢
What the hell. I have been playing since ea and have not know a good chunk of these.
ОтветитьDialogue already means multiple lines of words. Learn grammar.
ОтветитьNot sure if this might help anyone but this was my experience with the using hires at camps. They are extremely useful and cheesy.
One of my main routines in go out mode was life bond , poison proof, death ward, long stride, with clerics hires.
I had my main 4 party and a hire for each one to use the max level of aid, and things like heroes feast or whatever it is called.
My main paladin takes all buffs possible first and uses magic weapon and potion of cloud strength while dumping strength stat to have good defense on etc. after getting those Hill giant strength gauntlets and constitution necklace.
Honour mode becomes very easy with fully buffed paladin, half orc, backed up by life cleric with the gear that gives aid and bless when heal. My Half orc was able to often stay alive beyond anyone else in the party.
For my cleric, all heal gear like mentioned. Used one of the hires to give divine intervention to get mace put it with blood of lathander on cleric and healing incense will self revive entire party if they hit 0 and that’s after they lose death ward from camp blood bag cleric.
Also kept a camp pure thief to steal expensive stuff and sell back and forth to have as many speed potions, elixirs, etc. you use multiple hires to get divine intervention but my fave use is to get the goodie bag of food and etc. with super good potions to use and some to sell if not good for your build.
Plenty of ways to optimize and change builds though, but the hires (or main companions reclassed if you want a run with less commentary or approval drop) stay at home house clerics. It’s sad to come back and see the puddles of blood and have to revive your stay at home clerics. You can actually steal from withers even with no skill, crouch and spam pickpocket until you get your money back. It’s always safe BUT DO NOT LET OWL BEAR OR DOG or NPCs that are not useable companions see you pickpocket or they will turn hostile and you may lose them, dog will protect withers. But companions or hires don’t care if you rob withers and withers doesn’t care he will never get hostile to you if you steal back reclass or hire money.
Sometimes in honour mode, my thief would get caught. I would always attack but immediately dash and thief invisible skill or potion and escape before guards come (keep party far away)
You can sell and steal the same things over and over again so resources are potentially infinite (if you keep picking up any food you see, all trade is reset at rest)
Also, people say to get a level 1 character to the trading for you. Apparently donating until like is 100% can get you better discounts on buying which is crucial on higher modes.
But personally, I don’t see a large increase. So I picked up everything, every barrel, every piece of trash, every rag. Anything that could be sent to camp, anything I could steal without being caught even if it was worth 1 gold or was a barrel.
When I got to a trader I would grab everything from my box and first donate trash items and nothing weapons till I had 100% approvals, then bargain with them and trade all my trash or throw aways and trade it for what I wanted, scrolls, arrows, throwable, health. I used them a lot and still had 60 mediums in reserve at any time.
As is commonly known, you can throw a health potion on the ground but not at the party (cause bottle can injure) to revive them and this is better then using “help”
When the cleric with auto bless and etc throws it adds that aid buff of 5 extra hit points on top, which is a strong revive and at times would max health a character for me even on honour mode (by throwing 2 medium or high you can even get an entire party back up to almost new. (If stable and needing help not actual dead revival)
I also did every side thing and looked for everything I could.
Spoiler. Astarion can be sacrificed to Boooaall Easter egg in underdark and it won’t break vow, taking hag hair breaks vow, if you are caught stealing from oath breaker knight he turns hostile and is more useful alive, so hostile is bad… I personally didn’t bother stealing from him or volo as they risk the camp fight. A thief dying in the city is fine, and if it’s a hire you should be able to dismiss them from withers and remake them, or kill them from outside the cell, or have them suicide with the ring of immolation or any self attacks and use revive at camp or scroll to get them out. Camp is more likely to remove that “wanted status” and beware that jail escapes are buggy and can break your game, running away or death is easier than going to prison!
If you want to deny necromancers corpses to raise, but don't want the inventory encumbrance, keep a container in your inventory and put them in there, then drop it. They can't raise a corpse in a chest, backpack or bag. You can make the underdark beach battle easier for yourself by collecting all the bodies before the fight and putting them into whatever baskets and crates are lying around.
ОтветитьFor the Shield Spell, I find, you should have it ask you for higher Spell levels aswell.
Imagine you your're on low HP, and the hit might kill you, but you have no level one, or even level two, spellslots.
Maybe you would rather spend a level 3 spellslot, or even higher, to not Die.
Oh, finally some really useful tips for experienced players
ОтветитьAsterion is a BEAST with the crit blade fr
Ответитьcan I watch this video series if I haven't played Baldur's Gate 3 yet but plan to buy it soon (so i don't want spoilers)?
ОтветитьThe goblin camp also has edible dwarf pieces that heal you skewered over the fire.
ОтветитьAll these guides and nobody mentions the fact you can save/reload at any time to re-roll literally every action in or out of combat... you just have to wait 15-20 seconds
ОтветитьOMG I am not usingthe mask of shape shifting to it's fullest potential~
ОтветитьAnother cool tip. If you plan to kill a merchant and take his wares, he won´t drop all of it, but couple random items. So, first, sell him your own backpack or any container. Then, simply drag all his wares to that container. Then, kill him. Tad-dah, you loot that backpack with ALL the items he had.
ОтветитьRobbing Whithers ty for that one :).
ОтветитьA tip to put sword and torch on hot keys 1 & 2 --- How the hell do you set hot keys? I didn't even know this was a thing. Some great tips, but far too many exploits for me to use, hate that sort of thing. :)
ОтветитьIs it possible that they "patched" laridda being saved if you attack nere during cutscene? we did tried to save her in a multiplayer run a few months ago and laridda was insta dead the moment the we attacked Nere and the fight started, regardless of how early we started the fight.
Ответитьtrying to find shift button on ps5 controller while listening the video
ОтветитьStat-stick weapons are still a thing, it seems - and a little silly, IMO. My current Sorcerer has no Longbow proficiency, but the Hellrider Longbow will totally work to give him +3 initiative, advantage on perception checks and even the Faerie Fire effect will trigger when he hits someone with a spell. The only thing that won't work in these scenarios are the special attacks/maneuvers of these weapons. IMO a character who isn't proficient with a certain class of weapon shouldn't even be able to equip it.
ОтветитьGood tip for wares, i always sell items by one, it's HUGE waste of time
ОтветитьI use character select when in a dialogue with skill check options. Ill switch to another character, pop open character panel, and see what the best scores are for the skill options of the character who's talking.
I also use that button to steal by trapping in dialogue npcs who would otherwise be grumpy with me stealing stuff and switching to another character to loot or to keep an npc from entering a room so I can go in and loot EVERYTHING without being troubled.
Its amazing.
I will make sure to remember this of im playing after being lobotimozed or smth. Bg3 is ez af. Ok the drop items into aoe is very good
ОтветитьOMG literally no one has mentioned the dialogue history button 8O
+points lol
Best tip I learned was pick-pocketing Withers. Brilliant!