Is Poland Europe's Next Military Superpower? A Look at the Country's Growing Defense Capabilities

Is Poland Europe's Next Military Superpower? A Look at the Country's Growing Defense Capabilities


1 год назад

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@romans883 - 05.09.2023 22:12

Russia can't beat UPAinian wheat farmers armed with pitchforks and old given up by others soviet equipment lol
Poland needs to be strong !
Poland always fight fair with dignity courage and for RIGHT reasons !
Za naszą i waszą wolność -
For our and yours freedom !!!

@singleplayerreview3238 - 07.09.2023 02:06

Russia has the gtp of italy and is now a slave to there new master china

@przemysawwiniarczyk8364 - 10.09.2023 11:08

A very neat summary.

@youcantata - 11.09.2023 10:00

For defense of Europe against potential Russian invasion, military buildup plan of Poland is thoroughly right. Poland cannot trust or rely on empty promise of Germany, France, or UK with only 700 tanks all three combined. They are only talks, not action. I strongly suspect they are capable of keeping their NATO mandate in case of real war. Poland should have the strongest army and air force in Europe, including Russia, in the long run.

@bigabzboss - 13.09.2023 19:22

Actually it's Ukraine Europe next superpower and probably in 2024

@djsonicc - 14.09.2023 07:35

Lil' European Texas just wishing a mf'er would. This time the speed bump has teeth.

@negansstuntdouble1777 - 14.09.2023 22:13

Of course they are (thanks to the United States) and Israel in the middle east (thanks to the United states again)

@_james_8753 - 15.09.2023 15:11

Poland won't be a superpower, they'll be a regional power because they lack the ability to project there power over the world like a superpower can.

@Night_Bandit - 17.09.2023 09:56

I love the dig at Hungary at the end 😂 Idk wtf those people are thinking. Good food there though

@trevdestroyer8209 - 17.09.2023 19:50

As long as they don't reintroduce conscription I'm fine with the expansion

- 17.09.2023 23:27


@Cycke86 - 20.09.2023 13:45

Short answer: no.
If you watch from the outside you might be in awe of the current wave of military purchases made (or eerm declared) by the Polish government. And if you know the inside situation it's not that inspiring anymore. Polish governments have a long standing traidion of grandiose announcements which later on lead to nothing. Especially the current Law and Justice party government, in power since 2015, has list of those. They were anouncing a Polish EV, Polish central super-airport, Polish high-speed railway etc. Previous governments were promising nuclear power plants for the last 20 years (none of them even started construction). Unlike the previous governments, which favored infrastructure as their poster babies, this one prefers military (for obvious propaganda reasons). However not much as really changed in the military. Even now the MOD ordered a deployment of a few thousand troops to Belarus border and.... forgot to provide housing, food and laundry for said troops. The recent parade used equipment which isn't in service in the military, and problems with financing the humongous purchases are starting to surface (there are tensions with Korea about crediting the K2, K9, FA50 etc.) Also increasing the numbers of troops as of know is pure wishfulthinking. The MOD ordered formation of new units without personnel or equipment to fill them. I'm Polish, I've been living living here for 30+ years plus and I've seen it before.

@IVAO04ify - 21.09.2023 03:05

No Ukraine is. Poland is spineless compared to Ukraine. Ukraine is already launching Special Operations in Africa against Wagner. They are taking the fight to the enemy, against Nuclear Super Powers with or without fucking NATO's help and with or without fucking nukes.

You better never fucking forget that. Because it works both ways.

@joeingle1745 - 27.09.2023 18:41

The last thing Europe needs is another military superpower. What we need is for the current one to piss off back over the Atlantic.

@hisredrighthand5212 - 04.10.2023 03:22

Germany, with lackluster funds (still more than double those of Poland) lacking in money for spare parts and ammunition stockpiles soon ended up with readiness rates for various systems of 50% and being forced to cannibalize units to keep the rest running.

Example: 🇩🇪 and 🇵🇱 bought 35, respectively 34 F-35A. 🇩🇪 paid about €9 billion, 🇵🇱 got them for less than half the amount. The difference being that 🇩🇪 bought more than the price of the jets in ammunition, spare parts, maintenance, future upgrades, etc. A Polish General on the other hand complained that the ammunition bought for those 34 stealth miracles was expected to last a full two days in an armed conflict. The rest of the new, modern 🇵🇱 Air Force consists of basically 50 advanced trainers that sorta look like F16 in passing. That doesn't bode too well. You might also notice that you don't mention water, frigatee, submarines or the Baltic Sea even once - despite the fact that 🇵🇱 wants to be able to defend itself on it's own. Except there really isn't much of a Polish Navy to speak of, and except preliminary talks to their German "friends" about the possibility to lease one of their Type 212A submarines, a mighty Polish Navy doesn't seem to be in the cards. As for the 500 HIMARS - they might be in luck, since 🇩🇪 Rheinmetall and Lockheed Martin have teamer up to build a new EuroHIMARS with dual launcher pods on a Rheinmetall HX 8x8 military truck and parts of the rockets built in 🇩🇪 as well. Still, buying 500 HIMARS is great, but just to fill all the rocket pods once - say to use them for parades - will cost $300 million. Enough rockets for that many launchers to make sense - and their maintenance - will easily cost another €10 billion and will take years to produce.

As for the tanks - did anyone really believe South Korea had 200 bleeding edge MBTs and SPH standing around in case someone came along and bought them? They're a couple years old, both K2 and K9, had a quick refurbishment before being shipped to Poland - which has the ambitious plan to build an improved version of the K2 locally for the remaining 800 tanks. Let me just remind you that the AHS Krab howitzers, a record number of which have been already destroyed in Ukraine compared to CAESARs or PzH 2000 (no loss to date vs 19 Krab destroyed) - took over 15 years to build, despite the fact that turret, barrel and other parts were decided to be imported from Day 1. Finally, you need a bit more to operate a tank than just the tank. You need maybe 300,000 tank rounds to start for 1,800 (not 1,500) tanks to start. You need spare parts, lubricants, fuel trsnsporters, tank trucks to move them around, tank maintenance facilities, etc. Same goes for 700 howitzers plus even more still in service. In theory those 700 alone would fire well over 20 million rounds in a year long conflict, an easy €20 billion.

Add to that the fact the 🇵🇱 deficit is at 6% GDP, bond yields are significant and most EU subsidies (enough to pay for a 2% NATO army) remain frozen.

🇩🇪 has spent those €100 billion, though not sufficient, on assets to strengthen NATO - Like 🇮🇱 Arrow 3 missile defense systems that can shield the entire Eastern flank not just from short-range ballistic missiles but everything up to ICBMs. It's building a wheeled"Medium Division" with artillery and the whole nine yards that can move into the Baltic within 48 hours to stop an invasion until heavy divisions with MBTs, etc arrive. The 🇩🇪 model is to strengthen 🇪🇺 NATO forces with particular capabilities, while also building "national defense" capabilities commensurate with the size of Germany - including a half-decent Air Force and Navy. What's the point in being part of NATO if you plan like everyone will betray you - psychologically this build up way beyond Poland's means has more to do with the collective 🇵🇱 psyche than military necessity.

@bredathc - 05.10.2023 08:30

Poland: So you are telling us that 8 Himars is enough to take out the whole russians division?
USA: yes
Poland: good, give us 500 of thems.

@Blaze8304 - 12.10.2023 03:27

October 2023. PAtriot system is in Ukraine. Olaf Scholtz has stated that Germany will NOT increase it's military spending a while back. Germany as is it's custom since WW2 is free-loading on the backs of other NATO members and building up their economy. To be fair why not? Russia will not touch them, they are Russia's biggest European customer. Germany does not care about people being killed, cities and villages pillaged and raised to the ground. Geld, geld, geld. That is all that Germany cares about. That and wearing socks with flip-flops. Both utterly revolting.

@GalaxyGaming-wt7kr - 15.10.2023 18:58


@alexjohns4868 - 20.10.2023 17:42

Poland was already once screwed by CCCP AKA USSR. Not going to happen again. Putin is ex KGB agent dreaming about the great mother Russia. I won’t trust him any more then my ability to throw a piano. Sorry to say your polish could use some improvement. But it is my first language. So I’m biased.

@Dr.PeterLaFleur - 01.11.2023 02:01

No worries, not for long. There’s probability that European’s parliment will vote for one super-country that will contain all of the current members. There will be one army under the command of Brussels. Our new government want to cut our military spendings and cut the number of soldiers from 300k to 150k.

@brettmartino7117 - 05.11.2023 18:20

The left wing slant on this channel always surprises me even though it shouldnt. Poland should be a wake up call for Neo Liberal Western Countries. They have maintained a steady birth rate, their culture, their religion, and have emerged as a strong power in the West. They did all this without mass immigration and a cultural meltdown.

@jrtstrategicapital560 - 01.12.2023 15:50

This is wonderful….I hope you do a follow up 2023 💪🏻

@anothernumber9753 - 09.12.2023 07:58

“France prides itself on its military prowess”… French battle flag —> 🏳️

@israeliteinpanama3263 - 14.12.2023 06:43

Beware Poland, you are on the wrong side against Russia!

E.U.-NATO secretly ruled by Satan, thru Papal Rome (Treaty of Rome)!

@elohimdagod - 15.12.2023 20:46

5% gdp is a joke smfh

@Shiroya_Rumika - 18.12.2023 10:04

Now Berlin and Moscow will gonna second thought about messing with Warsaw

@franciscoelliott7121 - 23.12.2023 23:27

I believe the EU is the review Roman Empire that came in 478AD and the country who started it was Italy yes it went past 10nations but its still a revival if us brought 13 colonies back then went to 20 its still a revival

@franciscoelliott7121 - 23.12.2023 23:32

Don't repeat WW2 relying on your allies who never came

@WM78 - 24.12.2023 02:12

There is no country on this planet who can become successful without respect to the rule of law. Neobolshevic party - the Law and Justice (PiS), destroyed long-term development perspectives for Poland😢😢😢

@heromail2903 - 27.12.2023 19:38

One thing is certain that Poland must be prepared against future Russia Putin's aggression as Putin would not stop with Ukraine

@lazybear236 - 30.12.2023 04:48

God bless Poland.

@Nightravenspeaks - 31.12.2023 13:04

Im convinced this chanel is funded by the government or some intelligence service agency because this guy has a certain narrative he sticks to and certain talking points.

@John2r1 - 13.01.2024 00:45

Um when it comes to Poland at this point a shorter list would be what Poland hasn't bought .

@TimesFM4532 - 22.01.2024 18:04

Poland know what it means to be invaded and occupied

@moschbear - 20.02.2024 14:39

I'm honest , i dont feel comfortable with poland "bulking" up by that degrece .. its a bit overkill and scarry , no one on this planet can garantie that this absolut shit load of hardware isnt turnend against other countrys in the future for what reason ever .. and yeah alot of people will now say : How could you even say something like that ? ... well wouldn't be the first time that such things happend, wouldn't it ? .. and as a german , whos boarder is poland .. i dont like that

@BewareTheCarpenter - 25.02.2024 08:22

Procurement goals almost always get delayed/ cancelled through one reason or another, so maybe they're asking for 50% more than they want, under the expectation that a third of the contracts will fall through. (Ratios are example numbers.)

They have allies but TBF, Britain and France were sworn to attack Germany's west if Germany ever invaded Poland and that didn't materialize to much. I'm not sure if the British did anything. The French launched a brief 'invasion', saw a bunch of civilians with signs saying 'we're not your enemies, please don't shoot us' and the French basically decided not to start a war by massacring civilians and weren't really equipped to take any hardened forts so with no good targets they just went home.

@brenthood2337 - 28.02.2024 02:32

Sorry about all those Pollock jokes in the '70s and '80s.

@mike6.10 - 29.02.2024 20:10

It seems to me , there the only ones taking their NATO membership seriously.

@robertfarr9186 - 09.03.2024 14:54

Actually you need to go back to how Poland got screwed over by its “allies” in WW2

@gianlucavisca3419 - 16.03.2024 16:38

Up to me, most probably Yes.. But not only Poland...
In fact let's not forget Ukraine which in the next years will be the most important bulwark of Western Europe against russia.

@multiyapples - 29.03.2024 17:30

I wonder if they will become one.

@robertblack9369 - 17.04.2024 21:25

Whole EU can be a superpower because those countries got everything to be a superpower but the problem is...those countries speek different political language

@josephtorres3229 - 20.04.2024 04:31

Not in the least

@KingKong11730 - 22.04.2024 02:34

As a South Korean and American, we have an eternal bond with Poland after suffering from WWII and so many other wars. I'm proud that South Korea and Poland have become such close allies in recent years. I hope that the equipment and technology you have now will serve you well so that Poland will become the next leader in Europe in military and economy. We know what it's like living next to psychopaths and the importance of a strong military. You'll always have a friend and brother in me <3. PL-SK-US

@sebbvell3426 - 20.05.2024 07:08

Poland in history has always been let down by western powers so they're making sure that they don't keep making the same mistakes

All my respect to the polish people from somewhere in south america

@psuarezfalken - 06.06.2024 23:24

South Korea's FA-50 aircraft is a piece of shit. look at thrust to weight ratio, Climb Rate, Maximum speed. Don't know why poland has acquired them

@Minotaur-ey2lg - 20.06.2024 17:41

Little European Texas. I love it.

@garretthansen5073 - 09.07.2024 20:24

I did in-fact say “god damn” when the M1A2 order came up
