Amnesty details 'horrific abuses' in Yemen

Amnesty details 'horrific abuses' in Yemen


11 лет назад

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General Rommel
General Rommel - 01.05.2021 06:38

Lol 8 years ago! Houthis from popularity to power! Way to go

Bleustar Crash
Bleustar Crash - 05.12.2012 18:39

First I felt discouraged by the senseless violence in the video. Now I'm discouraged by the calls to senseless violence (war) in some of the comments. It's NOT the government committing these atrocities. It's an extremist group. You can't invade a country because of the actions of one group. Well, not again anyway, I hope. Invasion equals collateral damage, namely the bloodshed of innocents like children & women. Humankind has accomplished so much, yet we still fight like children.

Derek Bao
Derek Bao - 05.12.2012 05:02

You arent anonymous you are a moron.

Temucjhin Khan
Temucjhin Khan - 05.12.2012 03:13

so its ok for the US and other allies to execute criminals and traitors, but when the middle east does it, its wrong???

nolife son
nolife son - 05.12.2012 01:07

lmao like i told you no point in talking sense into someone with a mental disorder

lilbigbrow - 05.12.2012 01:02

FACTS .MEK is a terrorist group .MEK killed 6 Americans Are these 2 true or false?

nolife son
nolife son - 05.12.2012 00:44

lmao making a government based on religion always turns out great.epic fail

nolife son
nolife son - 05.12.2012 00:42

lmao the problem with people like you is you think things like that is proof but its not.ive spent time looking researching all thiose conspiracy so called facts and proof but in the end its a bunch of theories with no hard evidence.i also learned its a waste of time trying to talk some sense into people like you.

lilbigbrow - 05.12.2012 00:35

mek called for death to american and israel, killed 6 Americans killed thousands of iranian citizens yet america the ones who were suppose to fight terrorism taking them out of the terrorist list because they want them to fuck things up in iran. Those facts aint no things i took out of my ass

nolife son
nolife son - 05.12.2012 00:27

whatever just go back to rt news no one with haf a brain wants to hear your crap

lilbigbrow - 05.12.2012 00:25

lol what conspiracy? america would kill a ''traitor'' for example bradley manning. They torture any spies they capture . They like to help terrorist like mek who killed americans so they can fuck iran up. Those are facts not conspiracy

nolife son
nolife son - 05.12.2012 00:16

bs go take your conspiracy ass to rt will find your kind there

lilbigbrow - 05.12.2012 00:05

America does almost the same shit and support these terrorist
