Properly route Kontakt Drums to get a great drum sound in Studio One

Properly route Kontakt Drums to get a great drum sound in Studio One

Keyz2thesoul Productions

4 года назад

5,151 Просмотров

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@quentinmorgan3937 - 01.02.2024 18:02

Hi there, do you know where I can get this explained for a begginer in English please?

@georgearriolamusic1782 - 09.03.2022 03:41

Hello! I was doing well following your steps but when it cane time to assign or expand the tracks on Studio One 5 I did not get any options to click on "Unassigned" no tracks say unassigned I just see numbers. Any ideas why? Thank you much appreciated.

@fobesstreeten2222 - 26.06.2021 14:59

The number of times I've wanted to flip over my studio desk while trying to figure this out.... man.. Thank you! Great job.

@smittytrill613 - 20.05.2021 09:22

Thanks, bro best example on the internet! Got me going in no time!
